[3.6] Death's Oath Trickster - ALL CONTENT | Tanky | Budget | Fast Clear | Lag-Free

Hello, first thing : Big THANKS I just have too much fun running on the packs head on and just stop to loot!

2nd point: What do you think about efficacy and generosity support gem for the death aura?

Would something like Linked BBBRGG for "concentrated effect - increased area of effect - Efficacy - Generosity - Void Manipulation - Enhance" be worth it?

or (by luck indeed) BBBGGG concentrated effect - increased area of effect - arcane surge - void manipulation - swift affliction - enhance

I do get that it requiered quite the luck but would that be worth?
Last edited by RegulusAurum on Jul 3, 2018, 9:05:56 PM
Good build for mapping but too squishy at red elder when there are no monsters to kill and regenerate/replenish flasks. Also damage there is low with his curse mitigation. That or im doing something wrong.
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Mrkef wrote:
Good build for mapping but too squishy at red elder when there are no monsters to kill and regenerate/replenish flasks. Also damage there is low with his curse mitigation. That or im doing something wrong.

Admittedly, reduced curse effectiveness gimps most curse-focused builds on bosses. Red Elder, however, is entirely based on dodging. Unlike Shaper, he has no patterns designed to 100-0 you; it's all little hits that we can regen. Don't stand in big scary circles, move around when the ground tentacles spawn, and recognize the animation for the one warp-behind-you-and-deal-10k-damage attack. Anyone can do red elder on 4k life - just practice.

RegulusAurum wrote:
Hello, first thing : Big THANKS I just have too much fun running on the packs head on and just stop to loot!

2nd point: What do you think about efficacy and generosity support gem for the death aura?

Would something like Linked BBBRGG for "concentrated effect - increased area of effect - Efficacy - Generosity - Void Manipulation - Enhance" be worth it?

or (by luck indeed) BBBGGG concentrated effect - increased area of effect - arcane surge - void manipulation - swift affliction - enhance

I do get that it requiered quite the luck but would that be worth?

I very briefly considered using enhance in the chest link, considering how effective it was with our curse setup. This would mean, however, that we're 6-linking a chest piece for this one gem. 1500 fusings is a lot of money that can go towards jewels and survivability.

Ikzme wrote:
But right now i like the Bleed-immunity granted Apep Supremacy + CI. Dots really kill ES based builds, im happy with poison, bleed and ignite immunity + fast ES recharge. Since ES only recharges if dont take dmg for ~1-2seconds, Dots are most danger for ES. Makes lab-traps pretty stupid, if they not bleed or poison, i can stand in it cause my ES recharges faster...

Mana problems i dont have much. With my 100 Mana left i can move about 5-10 times before its empty. I just added the unique Hybrid flask that gives Itemrarity on use. Its enough for this situation.
I just droped clarity and purity of elements for vaal haste aura xD haha. But gonna swap for 2. curse as soon i level the passivs for it.

I was going to give you my speech on why Life-based trickster is more consistent, but then I saw your Doryanis Fist and Conductivity blasphemy link. Follow your dreams, son.

That said, DoTs don't kill energy shield builds as much as freeze and stun do (which are based off life total, not energy shield). Impresence means no Eye of Chayula, and 4 unique flasks means no flask of heat.

Cimmerian_ wrote:
2 huge QoL improvements:

The Unshattered Will shield - Harbinger of focus is sexy for this build, especially against bosses

Watcher's Eye jewel with damage taken gained as mana while affected by Clarity - speaks for itself

Those two things really bumped up my survives.

With Conc Effect in my death aura is doing 17k+ per second. Is this good or bad compared to the rest of ya?

Unshattered Will seemed nice at first, but ultimately fell slightly behind Magna Eclipsis and a good rare shield. The bonus damage was the only stat we really benefit from that wasn't consistent across our other options (life, resists), and gives us a pathetic amount of stats compared to others (190 armor vs 1000+). Anything stunning us through Mind over Matter with our lifepool is the kind of attack we need to dodge anyways. The extra life, stats, and potential elemental barrier from Magna Eclipsis won over in the end.

17k DPS on Death's Oath is above-par from what I've seen, if this is calculated before curses.
Hello guys, need some advice

(sorry for my bad english)

Currently playing on HC Incursion Arc traps,running just T11 shaped underground sea for pushing lvl.

last league i did try Death's oath ES based ocultist and single target dmg was really bad, finnaly get one shoted (8k es) on T10 belfry boss xD(increased as,dmg, extra fire dmg, i should skip this but i hate skiping boss fights :D)

Now i wanna change my lvl 95 character to DO trickster for pushing 100(lol), but feels like it's gonna be same thing like my previous build (trash die fast, but when entering in boss room, start dancing around boss and run away when take hard hits on half hp )

does this build have enough dmg for fast clearing boss rooms? (wanna run t11-14)
how about survivability ? cuz no video recorded.

20% damage reduction + stun and ailment immunity is pathetic?

I think it wins over any other shield option by far. What else can provide a straight up 20% damage reduction?

My tooltip shows 17k DPS with Death Aura, PoB is showing 40k DoT DPS with conc.

I don't do videos, but boss sustain is pretty decent. I haven't done shaper yet, still fuckin around with this build, but I'm pretty happy with it so far. Very easy and lax game play. Sustain is good, and it clears well for what it is.
Hi , I Lovely this build , i thougth why faster caster in wither , and not Inc A Effect ? What do you think about ?
Ty for great Build =)
Eh nvm :)
Last edited by Moridin79 on Jul 5, 2018, 6:18:36 PM
Ty for advise to add Watcher's Eye jewel. Great survivability boost, highly recomended to all
Your build looks cool and I'm gonna to try it.

2 questions :

- I think to use Atziri's Mirror for the shield. Is it a good idea ?
- Which Essence can I use on weapon ? Delirium, who deals 500 Chaos damage per second during 8 seconds ?
Last edited by Thezibaim on Jul 9, 2018, 11:53:55 AM
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Thezibaim wrote:
Your build looks cool and I'm gonna to try it.

2 questions :

- I think to use Atziri's Mirror for the shield. Is it a good idea ?
- Which Essence can I use on weapon ? Delirium, who deals 500 Chaos damage per second during 8 seconds ?

Atziri's mirror has no life roll, and your Flask of Warding (anti-curse) will be up 100% of the time. It's not a BAD shield, but you'd prefer a rare or the uniques discussed in the thread. As for essence-crafting, I think your weapon slot is pretty much last on the list. Breath of the Council is undeniably best-in-slot for its increased Chaos damage and Area of Effect. Any on-hit effect (such as Essence of Delirium) requires us to hit an enemy, and Shield Charge gets maybe a 60% chance to hit at best. Even if you were to Vaal on Resolute Technique (attacks always hit), this isn't doing much for clear, and we'd still need to see some damage modifiers on said weapon. There are no Shaper or Elder mods for 1H weapons that make this a worthwhile alternative (and at this point if you're using Delirium's to essence-craft Shaper/Elder rares, you're better off buying a perfect Breath of the Council).

GuiMadruga wrote:
Hi , I Lovely this build , i thougth why faster caster in wither , and not Inc A Effect ? What do you think about ?
Ty for great Build =)

Increased Area of Effect Support doesn't give us more damage like Faster Casting does. We kill trash monsters just by standing near them; Blight is for bosses (where more damage matters). You could consider Concentrated Effect, instead?

FTNQ wrote:
Currently playing on HC Incursion Arc traps,running just T11 shaped underground sea for pushing lvl.

last league i did try Death's oath ES based ocultist and single target dmg was really bad, finnaly get one shoted (8k es) on T10 belfry boss xD(increased as,dmg, extra fire dmg, i should skip this but i hate skiping boss fights :D)

Now i wanna change my lvl 95 character to DO trickster for pushing 100(lol), but feels like it's gonna be same thing like my previous build (trash die fast, but when entering in boss room, start dancing around boss and run away when take hard hits on half hp )

does this build have enough dmg for fast clearing boss rooms? (wanna run t11-14)
how about survivability ? cuz no video recorded.

I've never had a problem with survivability, but half the people who talk about their CI Oath experiences claim it dies too quickly. Either life-based was lowkey the way to go the whole time and I'm very lucky, or I just enjoy dodging big hits. This build will ABSOLUTELY 100-0 bosses before they get to touch you, but this doesn't come from cheesy Barrage/Kinetic Blast Knockbacks, Totems, insta-kill trappers/miners, or Vaal Pact immunities. You enter a boss room, cast Blight until it hits 75% life, and then walk away and watch it die.

Cimmerian_ wrote:
20% damage reduction + stun and ailment immunity is pathetic?

I think it wins over any other shield option by far. What else can provide a straight up 20% damage reduction?

My tooltip shows 17k DPS with Death Aura, PoB is showing 40k DoT DPS with conc.

I don't do videos, but boss sustain is pretty decent. I haven't done shaper yet, still fuckin around with this build, but I'm pretty happy with it so far. Very easy and lax game play. Sustain is good, and it clears well for what it is.

The fact that the Harbinger is only active half the time (is it affected by skill duration? That'd be nutty tbh) makes me uncomfortable in ways I cannot accurately describe beyond "I died to frost bearers at 97".

I will keep arguing with you on this because every time you post you praise the build more and I love you <3 <3 <3

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