[3.3] Crit Seismic / Bladefall Trapper / Life / MoM / League Starter

moumout wrote:
what do you think about going a bit more under the Shadow start to take Master Sapper, Acrobatics and maybe Revenge of the hunted for life and Eva and goind with Eldritch Battery (who's going well with Tinkerskin) ?

other question, you didn't take "expeditious munitions" near Coldhearted calculation, its an omission or its intentionnal ?

I tried to make tree with Master Sapper and Acro, but always came to conclusion that current tree have better life/damage balance cos u need to refund 7 points, but what points we can refund? Its always will be life or damage loss.

Also i dont see any reason for Acro, with all 4 labs and perma blind defence is really strong. I tested it on standard in 3.2 with pure Bladefall trap while it has cooldown and was wondering how tanky my character is and now with no cooldown we have more life regen from Pyromaniac.

Im thinking about Eldritch Battery too. Its not bad idea, but its 2 points. I dont think we really need it for 2 points xD I want to test Watcher's Eye with "% chance to recover 10% maximum mana when use a skill", maybe it will good, but i have no currency for it now, not so much time to play, stil 79 lvl.

About Expeditious Munitions. When i built this tree, i didnt know Trap supp now have no cooldown. Throwing speed have reason to take it now. Im thinking what can i drop to take this node. Most likely it will be High Explosives and 2 nodes with trap dmg near.
Last edited by An4LPunishment on Jun 9, 2018, 12:37:47 AM
thanks for the answer ^^ i always wanted to try a bladefall trapper but im bad at building stuff :/

i will give a try to your build and post a feedback later (im only lvl 20 with my trapper right now):p

moumout wrote:
thanks for the answer ^^ i always wanted to try a bladefall trapper but im bad at building stuff :/

i will give a try to your build and post a feedback later (im only lvl 20 with my trapper right now):p

Good luck!
First of all, I'd like to thank you for the build sharing. I really like the idea behind it. That beind said, I have some questions to ask you.

About the Skill Tree, in the very begining, to me makes more sense to go throught the upper path. You lose 14 flat HP, but you get better modifiers, that affect not only the physical dmg. So, when you get those conversion, such as from scepter or added elemental dmg, you'd also get those increased. I'm I missing something that makes the lower path better?

Since I didn't played this build yet, I'd like to know if MoM works well with this build. Isn't your mana cost too high? I never had that 25% cost reduction from saboteur, so I wonder if it feels smooth or not.
Vento7 wrote:
First of all, I'd like to thank you for the build sharing. I really like the idea behind it. That beind said, I have some questions to ask you.

About the Skill Tree, in the very begining, to me makes more sense to go throught the upper path. You lose 14 flat HP, but you get better modifiers, that affect not only the physical dmg. So, when you get those conversion, such as from scepter or added elemental dmg, you'd also get those increased. I'm I missing something that makes the lower path better?

Since I didn't played this build yet, I'd like to know if MoM works well with this build. Isn't your mana cost too high? I never had that 25% cost reduction from saboteur, so I wonder if it feels smooth or not.


Physical nodes work well for all our damage cos all our damage sources (statsicks and flasks) gain extra damage. And we have no conversion. So lower path is the best choice, PoB said yes too xD

MoM is good. Mana cost of 5L Bladefall is 57, 5L Seismic - 47. I think its not so much when we have 100+ mana regen.
Last edited by An4LPunishment on Jun 10, 2018, 12:33:27 PM
For defensive purposes i highly recommend to invest in phase acrobatics, as u got oneshot way to often in incursions.
Wilmots wrote:
For defensive purposes i highly recommend to invest in phase acrobatics, as u got oneshot way to often in incursions.

I dont think so.
Wilmots wrote:
For defensive purposes i highly recommend to invest in phase acrobatics, as u got oneshot way to often in incursions.

I dont think so.

Explain, please.
Does not end up all on your playstyle? You build a much bigger life/mana pool. He choose to have a smaller life/mana pool but a 40%chance to dodge hits and 30%chance to dodge spells hits.

Also, can you explain what you gain to have "increased skill effect duration" ?

Last edited by ThoryX on Jun 11, 2018, 3:19:02 AM
ThoryX wrote:
Wilmots wrote:
For defensive purposes i highly recommend to invest in phase acrobatics, as u got oneshot way to often in incursions.

I dont think so.

Explain, please.
Does not end up all on your playstyle? You build a much bigger life/mana pool. He choose to have a smaller life/mana pool but a 40%chance to dodge hits and 30%chance to dodge spells hits.

Also, can you explain what you gain to have "increased skill effect duration" ?

I played without acro and phase acro on standard in 3.2, didnt feel something bad.

I think DPS or Life/Mana loss for dodge chance isnt worth cos we have perma blind and dmg reduction from blinded enemies. It is enough to feel urself well. Phase acro is good but u need to invest fcking 8 points to reach this node. If it were in 3-4 points range, then it wouldnt be so not worth (hope u understood what i meant).

For skill effect duration i got Potency of Will in tree and linked Advanced Traps with Seismic Trap.

Any big changes to this for 3.4?

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