[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Thanks for the fast answers :) at 4.5 ex atm its too expensive for what it gives (at least for me at the moment) so i'll go with 3 meeks for now
That was a fast answer :D
Thanks man, yeah makes sense. Uber Elder i come.

I try :D
Gl on the road, if you encounter any Problems feel free to drop a reply here.

srslyFaileR wrote:
Shaper down - decently quick considering map sustain is trash this league as we have no temples/harbringers etc.

I even got a decent atlas setup for uberelder so that guy should be down in a day or 2 (:

Ah - got a dying sun on top of it lol. With selling that Ill have roughly 10ex to spend on gear upgrades. (not counting my Assmark ring that wont sell for 7ex -.-)

Thanks for the great guy @OP, Really chill build/playstyle (:

Gz on the kill and the profits :D
Now to get some juicy Upgrades I guess :P
Idk, maybe lower the Ring to 6 or so?

Celdro wrote:
Thanks for the fast answers :) at 4.5 ex atm its too expensive for what it gives (at least for me at the moment) so i'll go with 3 meeks for now

Yep, seems insanely expensive. Many more Upgrades to make before that Investment is worth it.

Lmk how the Build goes for you :)
I was wondering about the shaped gain x damage as extra phys on amulets - shouldnt that give us the highest possible dps out of all stats? Just curious cuz you didn't mention the stat in the guide as far as I can see.
srslyFaileR wrote:
I was wondering about the shaped gain x damage as extra phys on amulets - shouldnt that give us the highest possible dps out of all stats? Just curious cuz you didn't mention the stat in the guide as far as I can see.

Ye, but $$$.
Anyone who has that kind of Cash should be able to compare options in PoB by themselves.
The price difference is obscenely huge, and even a perfect 20% added as Cold Roll only beats 42 WED on my Current Amulet very slightly. It is also only slightly better than the Phys Roll.

So for the huge price these fetch, I feel it will trap many newer people into buying something that is an upgrade, yeah, but a way too expensive one.

This here for example:

Would be a 4.6% DPS loss compared to my current amulet, while costing significantly more.

"Gained as extra" is not the be all end all, but it is the hot shit. It requires expensive bases and is rare to hit from what I've heard, so these Amulets get super costly.
That results in a price, where you could get a "normal" Amulet for way cheaper that probably provides the same Damage.
If I would include "gain as extra" in the Stat Priority, many people just that "know"/heard it's the hot shit would probably waste their money on it.

Also, it is very hard to quantify the Value of these mods, as it depends heavily on the Amount of flat Phys and WED you have.

But yes, on a really juiced up Character you'd ideally have an Amulet with gained as extra :P
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 5, 2018, 1:14:50 PM
Trying your build now and came up with problem. I got nearly 80-82% chance to hit, upgrading gears really worthy right now and some times even no needed item on market. Can you give me any tips?
Hello really enjoying your build and I wanted to ask you if you could take a look at my profile and give me advice on what to upgrade next and any other suggestions since I cant really decide now thank you :)
Kasablank wrote:
Trying your build now and came up with problem. I got nearly 80-82% chance to hit, upgrading gears really worthy right now and some times even no needed item on market. Can you give me any tips?

Hey mate, cool to see yet another play this Build at League Start :)

You're indeed sitting at 83% chance to hit with an Ice Golem up, that's very low.
But, there are TONS of Rares that you can upgrade to out there :P
I implore you to go back to the "league Start/Progression of Gear" Segment, and check the Trade Links for Rings and Amulets. You need to replace that Sibylls Lament, just get a Ring with Accuracy there.
Same goes for your Amulet, but that one is kinda ok.
Other than that, you can grab a rare Murderous Eye with Accuracy for the Tombfist. Again there are Trade Links. Please just dont use a Magic one :D

After all of that, look into upgrading to a Belt with WED (%inc Elemental Damage with Attacks). Again, Trade Links are all in the Guide.

Also, you can unspec that Jewel Socket on the top right for now, and grab 2 Point Jewel Socket in the middle Right.
The Top one gives a Jewel + 20 Int for 3 Points, but if you go with the lower Socket you can choose a +30 INT Node for the one Point you saved, giving you 10 more INT.

Other than that, cool progress so far!
That Helmet is great, Links are all in order, that's a juicy Claw for so early on, etc. etc.

KnotenBoB wrote:
Hello really enjoying your build and I wanted to ask you if you could take a look at my profile and give me advice on what to upgrade next and any other suggestions since I cant really decide now thank you :)

Great to heat that you enjoy it!

As for your Gear, there should be really cheap Upgrades possible in the Ring Slots. Same as for the previous Guy: follow the Trade Links and look for something with WED.
Other than that, Upgrade to a 5link Belly if you feel Life is an Issue. You can counter the loss of ST DPS by exchanging the Basalt for a Wise Oak Flask (if your Cold Res is the highest).
Rest is just upgrading your Rares constantly, getting a ToH, upgrading to a 6l Belly, getting a Conversion Watchers Eye and a Shaped Stat Stick, getting a good rare Claw etc etc.
The big part many people miss tho, is to upgrade their Rares. I try to emphasize this a lot: Rares are hella Important (mostly Rings and Amulets).

Other than that, you can unspec that one Mana Leech Node on the lower right Side of the Tree now that you have Soul Raker (which gives you Mana Leech).

I know this was very generic, but I don't really know what you struggle with/feel like you need to improve on.
Hope I could help a little.
Last edited by Guffinn on Sep 5, 2018, 5:39:16 PM
Hey dude - essentially using this build for my league starter in Delve and grabbed one of the first kills on a new delve boss. Thought I'd share the pretty insane drop. Thanks for the effort!

Groggypants wrote:
Hey dude - essentially using this build for my league starter in Delve and grabbed one of the first kills on a new delve boss. Thought I'd share the pretty insane drop. Thanks for the effort!

Ayyy, great to see my Build helped you get so far :D

Gz on the nice kill and drop, even got the sexy Hatred one.
Was the fight cool? And tough?

For anyone wondering: A Hatred (or Wrath) Auls is not worth it for us. Rare Amulets beat it.
Yeah you could run Hatred + Wrath with a Hatred Conversion AND Wrath Crit Jewel, but it's worse than a good rare Amulet.
Uber elder down (2 deaths.. went in unptimized af) in delve. I still haven't changed gear much, deciding what to spend my currency on rn.

Gear used on kill (no roots, no herald of ice and no frostbomb cuz I was lazy):

E: Stuff to upgrade:

Chest: Belly 6l
Weapon: High pdps imperial claw
Left ring: new one with more phys dps and accuracy
Flasks: Wise oak lol

Already got 2 abyss bubonic with decent abyss jewels in stash waiting for my 6l belly to fix res.
Last edited by srslyFaileR on Sep 6, 2018, 3:39:07 PM

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