[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Last edited by barickus on Jan 3, 2019, 1:10:25 PM
maciek2g wrote:
Well, I bought Unnatural Instinct, it is very powerfull :)
Now Im left with around 10 ex and really have no idea what to upgrade first, I got few options I think

1. Rares upgrade, belt, boots, jewelery and jewels, thats probably main reason why I'm having so low life pool

2. Claw upgrade, I can grab some 380+ pdps with "Hits cannot be evaded" which will let me drop lyco for some more defensive option. That would also help with chosing jewelery, because I wont have to care about resist there. Id probably lose some APS tho, multicrafted claws with this mod are around 1.85 APS

3. Claw upgrade, but Id just take some 420 pdps claw and leave Lyco as a shield.

Or maybe there are some crucial things Im missing and I cant see them? Any help appriciated

at first fix the tree a bit

like this

you dont need frenzy charges nodes, less charges = faster onslaugh activation
+ life leech nodes at bottom is a must
also we add 10% freeze/shock chance in bottom right section as we dont use elemental focus for frost blades
shock + icreased crit chance dps > elemental focus without shock dps
also frozen, chilled and shocked mobs cant hurt us much

in some levels or you can respec some life/dmg nodes to sockets and fill them with abyss jewel for more damage, and if you need int here
Last edited by Sonidox on Jan 3, 2019, 3:10:01 PM
Thanks for ur response, did what u suggested with the tree, it really feels better. Also running extra leech pantheon again. On top of that, I crafted this cute claw

So I have free shield slot, for now Im running this one bought for 3c

Got almost 6800 life and I'm way over res cap, that means I can drop res on jewelery and go for pure DPS / life. Which ring base is the best? Diamond? Steel? Opal?

Also, anything else usefull I could get on a shield now?
Last edited by maciek2g on Jan 3, 2019, 6:30:36 PM
steel and opal are the best but most expensive

i'm using lioneye's remorse shield for top hp boost )

so i'm still using rings with resists, also got one shaped with assasin mark on hit

and can get rid of curse on hit, now i will try to make dual veil mods to rings with aisling

as for shield if possible to get shaped shield with reduced mana reservation up to 15% it is possible to run hatred + herald of purity + herald of ice/ash, it gives 10% more dps

but such shield are expensive too with good hp rolls
Last edited by Sonidox on Jan 4, 2019, 4:43:07 AM
Thanks again ;) I actually bought Lioneye's, life pool increased to over 7k. From what I see, significant upgrade on jewelery needs lots of investment for me. Till I gather that currency, I thought about one more thing, buying molten strike helmet and Kaoms Heart for bosses, because some of bigger hits still 1 shots me. IIRC it was Immolate + Conc effect on helmet? We should use the same here? Or there is another setup for this particular build?

I rerolled in your build 2 weeks ago, and I have a lot of fun with it! Thanks a lot for the amount of time and effort you put in it.
I am not an advanced player, still discovering a lot about the game, and your guide helps a lot.

Right now, I feel like I am struggling a bit. I try to do higher tier map (reds). It is doable but I keep dying a lot, which slow my level progressing.
As I don't play a lot, I have not huge amount of currency to invest in the build.

Would you accept to take a look at my character to help me on improving the build? Nodes and stuff especially.
I have 120c approx for now to invest.

Thanks a lot!
And keep on the great work dude :)
Hi! amazing guide!

How does this build compare to Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike / Molten Strike build in terms of bossing/map speed?

Hey just wanted to thank you for this build, I played your last variant in incursion (BF) and absolutely demolished the game, and this one is no different.

Once again I skipped the clearing skill (reave last time, fb now), and just use molten, it clears fast enough for me and absolutely shreds bosses.

Am yet to have any issues with any content, and just got level 97 my highest level ever, might even push for 100 with your build.

Have 7.3k HP and I think around 3.1m shaper DPS if the calc I used was correct,(subbing my AC for Ele focus) doesn't really matter anyway as everything melts.

Also I would highly recommend a claw with 'hits cannot be evaded' so you can get a shield with atk speed/hp/gained as chaos, it adds quite a bit of damage and health.

Gear for those interested:


My char is open if anyone wants to look, my jewels are pretty budget but it feels like I don't really need multiple ex ones.

Thanks for making quality builds :)
Last edited by bitbite11 on Jan 5, 2019, 12:36:26 AM
How would 6L Frost Blade setup look like? I find it much more efficient in delve, so why not make it 6link?
Frost Blade + Multistrike + Damage on full life + EDWA + Ancestral Call + Elemental Focus?
On top of that Id grab pierce nodes on the tree?
i'm running frost blades + multistrike + damage on full life + weapon elemental damage + crit chance + crit damage

elemental focus blocks shock/freeze/chill, making maping harder

more crits = more frozen/shocked mobs

if i hade one more white slot i could use hypothermia or pierce instead of crit damage

for free pierce you can use crafted mod on gloves or helmet, or jewel

but its not really needed when you reach good dps

ps. i was think about

for mapping as free chain and damage boost, but cant handle attributes yet without agate amulet
Last edited by Sonidox on Jan 5, 2019, 6:38:58 AM

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