[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Hey, I plan on trying the Molten Strike variant in SSF, do you still recommend the same leveling trees?

I will use MS as soon as available
Doing great now, I appreciate your patience.

My error was trying to jump to the end too soon, I will follow the guide closer next time. I took the "you can customize" too far I think, and I am going to do the same build for Betrayal for sure. It is loads of fun and thank you for all the work you put into this.
Well it looks great and I would surely use it as league starter next league if they wouldn‘t nerf stat sticks...
But they surely will so i am afraid....

How much worse/less dmg is that build with moonbenders?
Would maybe the molten strike version be supirior because it doesn’t need a stat stick? And HOW much worse is the (clear and overall) dmg with it?

Thx in advance
Hello, there!

The feeling of this build and the whole "BF/Reave genre" is awesome.

Was looking for some type of build that had the "melee" feeling, all along with speed and power, all that stacked into the shmexy scion.

All that said, I've been trying to follow the guide closely to learn and improve as much as I can, so I can do a good start at Betrayal!

I've only recently started playing (10 days or so) and thus I didn't have any currency or items previous to that and basically started this char from 0 ground.

Right now, while I like the build so far I'm feeling really squishy AND doing little DPS.

I don't really know if it's just due to bad items or if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just ok to the level of items I'm currently using.

IF possible, any input on that front would be really awesome!

Here's the pastebin for easiness: https://pastebin.com/cccZKR9M

Thanks a lot for the build and the time!
wackygoose wrote:
Hey, I plan on trying the Molten Strike variant in SSF, do you still recommend the same leveling trees?

I will use MS as soon as available

The Tree shouldnt change too much.
But going into SSF with this as your first Char can be rough. A while ago an SSF player shared his experiences with the Build here.
He had really decent gear and said the Build was performing great, but starting in SSF with it would be rough. He went for another Character first to accumulate some levelling Gear and maybe required Uniques etc., before playing this Build as his 2nd.

Regardless, gl and hf mate :) If you pull through, I'd be happy to hear about yet another SSF adventure :D

cosper123 wrote:
Doing great now, I appreciate your patience.

My error was trying to jump to the end too soon, I will follow the guide closer next time. I took the "you can customize" too far I think, and I am going to do the same build for Betrayal for sure. It is loads of fun and thank you for all the work you put into this.

Thank you very much for the kind words and the trust :)

There is still a lot of things that need to change, mainly the Skilltree, but that is something that's easily done next League:
just follow the levelling and recommended Skill Trees as theyre shown :D

Gl and hf, see you around next time :)

Rossko wrote:
Well it looks great and I would surely use it as league starter next league if they wouldn‘t nerf stat sticks...
But they surely will so i am afraid....

How much worse/less dmg is that build with moonbenders?
Would maybe the molten strike version be supirior because it doesn’t need a stat stick? And HOW much worse is the (clear and overall) dmg with it?

Thx in advance

Ty for considering my Build mate :)

I go from 8.6m Shaper DPS with a shaped statstick to 7m Shaper DPS with a Moonbenders (+ a Ccriot Watchers Eye instead of a Conversion one). So it's still nuts.
If they decide to gut Statsticks in GENERAL:
go read the second Post.

The Molten Strike and the Spectral Throw Version don't get nerfed at all (as far as we can tell) since they don't use Statsticks.
MS has even more DPS than BF for me right now. With a slightly less comfortable Playstyle tho (to me).

So you'd be fine either way.

Twink wrote:
Hello, there!

The feeling of this build and the whole "BF/Reave genre" is awesome.

Was looking for some type of build that had the "melee" feeling, all along with speed and power, all that stacked into the shmexy scion.

All that said, I've been trying to follow the guide closely to learn and improve as much as I can, so I can do a good start at Betrayal!

I've only recently started playing (10 days or so) and thus I didn't have any currency or items previous to that and basically started this char from 0 ground.

Right now, while I like the build so far I'm feeling really squishy AND doing little DPS.

I don't really know if it's just due to bad items or if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just ok to the level of items I'm currently using.

IF possible, any input on that front would be really awesome!

Here's the pastebin for easiness: https://pastebin.com/cccZKR9M

Thanks a lot for the build and the time!

Hey mate, cool that the general concept of the Build is to your liking, and that you trusted the Guide so much :D

As for what to improve:
I can't tell whether or not you do something wrong in terms of Gameplay from over here :P

But in terms of Gear and Skilltree quite a bit can be easily improved:

Get your Uberlab done! I'd recommend getting a carry for 3c/one Offering, there really is no shame in that. That will give you a loooot (3 from the lab and 8 from respeccing the connection Nodes) of Skillpoints which can be used on Life and Damage alike.

Change your Skilltree to something like this:

This will add a lot more Damage and a bit more Life (and stun safety). Blue means remove, red means add.

As for your Gear:
Drop the Carnage Heart and grab a rare Amulet.
Your Life is terribly low at 4k, and Gear without Life Rolls is the important factor there.
Carnage Heart is something of a Noob Trap, the res is nice but the rest is shit. We don't need the Leech, we have enough already, and the Life Leech per second is next to worthless as well. It doesnt mean that our Leech is 50% faster all of a sudden.
Replace it with a rare Amulet from the Trade Links (League Start Gear). This will be both a Damage and Life improvement.

Get Boots with decent Life (80+).
Simply follow the Trade Links in the League Start Gear Segment, maybe lower the Res amount in the Search from as that's a bit high currently.

Replace the Murderous Eye Jewel in your Tombfists with one with 30+ Life and 2 good offensive Stats. Again, check the Trade Links in the League Start gear Section.

Your left Ring is pretty subpar, but I guess you can leave it be for now.

Low Life totals means less tankyness inherently, but also weaker Leech! The amount you can Leech/"strength" of our Leech scales with the amount of max Life we have. We really wanna shoot for some decent Life Levels.
If you feel your Overleech is too weak/you degen a lot: Speccing into Vitality Void (below Vaal Pact) is a possibility.

Some things for your Gems:
Melee Phys instead of Faster Attacks is significantly better for your Reave.
And there are very good shaped Helmets with more Life to be had as well btw, but these cost 10c and up which might be a bit hard.

Link Faster Attacks to your Whirling Blades. No need to go so slow, and faster Whirls means easier time dodging and also faster mapping, which results in faster progress.

And don't forget to level 6 Gems in your Weaponswap! Once some gems reach level 20, you can vendor them together with a GCP to get a level 1 and 20% gem, which you then again can level to 20 again for a decent Damage Boost.
To not feel too much of a Power Loss while those gems are low level after the "flip", many people level some replacements to wear in their offhand.

Well, that's all that comes to mind right now. Was kinda in a hurry as I have to leave in a bit and still gotta clean the dishes :D

I hope this doesn't come off as harsh criticism or anything. I can see you read the Guide, and most of your Gear and Tree is on point for now! Pretty damn great for such a new Player :)

Hope to see you again in Betrayal and that I could give you some helpful Ideas. Feel free to report back how it went.
Yeah... Statsticks nerf confirmed, we just have to wait to see how

im glad ive choose to go MS route this time, ty for replying :)
Hey there,

first of all, I am very new to the game. Got my first character into mapping and now trying out some different stuff to figure out what I want to play in betrayal.
I came around this guide and started leveling a scion, cause I had some of the leveling-items in my stash and i really like it so far, tho i am still playing with sunder and didnt really see the actual build..

But there is one thing I cant get my head around: when I look at the skill trees while leveling, everything looks fine to me until the point, where I open the last tree (this one)

How is it possible, that there are kind of two trees in one? the big one on the right not being connected to the one that starts in the middle? Is that because of the one point in "Evasion and Life" where it connects to that "wheel"?
And does that mean, every tree just has to be connected to one of those wheels, but not to the "class-wheel" itself? Sorry if thats a stupid thing to ask and that I cant describe it better :)
bambule96 wrote:
Hey there,

first of all, I am very new to the game. Got my first character into mapping and now trying out some different stuff to figure out what I want to play in betrayal.
I came around this guide and started leveling a scion, cause I had some of the leveling-items in my stash and i really like it so far, tho i am still playing with sunder and didnt really see the actual build..

But there is one thing I cant get my head around: when I look at the skill trees while leveling, everything looks fine to me until the point, where I open the last tree (this one)

How is it possible, that there are kind of two trees in one? the big one on the right not being connected to the one that starts in the middle? Is that because of the one point in "Evasion and Life" where it connects to that "wheel"?
And does that mean, every tree just has to be connected to one of those wheels, but not to the "class-wheel" itself? Sorry if thats a stupid thing to ask and that I cant describe it better :)

ist ein ascendancy punkt

"can allocate passives from the rangers starting point"
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
moonmidnight wrote:

ist ein ascendancy punkt

"can allocate passives from the rangers starting point"

Besten Dank :)
I started to play this build from a week and the feeling was awesome, always want a char with BF/reave and i find it, a lot of fun nice clear and speed, clearly like Guffin say he don't have the clear speed of a QOTF Kb, but is really fast, leech is insane and on some boss you can nearly face tank it. For my gear i'm doing mid tier red map without any pain, when i get some currency i'll upgrade my equip for endgame content.
Last conclusion TRY THIS BUILD IS AWESOME, big congratulation, on next league if i decide to play it i'll go for the molten strike version :D

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