[3.3] The Grave Digger - Volatile Dead Auto-Miner / All Bosses, All Map Mods

I did some testing with Carcass Jack and yes, Lightning Coil does mitigate a lot of the hit. So it can be excluded from possible armors for this build. I am not currently using fevered mind because the cost is to heavy to bear, both health wise and mana wise, at this point. It will be better once Bestiary ends.

Would appreciate some help. When I switch to my Shimmerons I usually die to Bloodrage, really quick. Any tips on what I could improve (apart from faster weapon swap)?

I don't use Zerpis or Fevered Mind. Char name is "ilbeast"

Doesn't seem as though your profile is public. If blood rage is actually killing you, I'd venture a guess and say that either you need to set your Pantheons correctly and/or you need a much larger health pool.

I'll take a look once your characters are public.
Woops sorry, should be ok now. My problem seems to be that I die from Bloodrage to quick
Last edited by ilstefano on May 7, 2018, 2:29:03 PM
ilstefano wrote:
Woops sorry, should be ok now. My problem seems to be that I die from Bloodrage to quick

Gear looks good, tree looks good. Make sure Arakaali is upgraded with Arachnoxia.

Other than that, I wonder if the issue might be momentum. Two sets of mine detonations are more than enough to counter Blood Rage, so perhaps you just need to handle the character a bit more aggressively during maps. Check the "gameplay tips" section for more info if you haven't already.
Character in topic below: DonutJelly

Right so been running the tremor rod oddball version for now.

Havent hit a 6link just yet, still not utilizing links in my QOTF properly, im just using it with 3 blue for OoS + Arcane Surge and Righteous fire.

Still need enchant on scolds, but i have had no problems farming up to t14 and setting up my elder circle on was otherwise just a 5l tremor rod investment and a tabula/unlinked qotf.
getting zerphis and watchers eye helped alot but i wouldnt say it was make it or break it for me. Those just grant a more aggressive playstyle.
Sidenote, uberlab is a breeze.

Goal is to move righteous fire into glove slot instead of blade vortex and utilize easier color sockets in the armor for a better utility setup.

Arcane surge is annoying to maintain every 4 seconds, and i also find, atleast when i still have a 5l, that once i use Orb of storms, my mana will cap out and remove my zerphis buff.
Im debating wether or not to drop it entirely even though the damage buff is welcomed.

For boss fights, swop Kaoms Heart instead of Qotf perhaps

Additionally i've been toying with the Cwdt+Cremation idea, but it just feels meh, so im open for other ideas.

Any other utility cwdt setups i could use in an otherwise easy to get armor?

Cwdt + Blade vortex + CoH + Curse(Maybe2?) for more effective curses instead of a level 5 one?
Cwdt + Vortex + whatever? to slow enemies even further when facetanking.
Cwdt + Molten Shell(lelwut)

OR a 6socket 4/2 link setup.
- 4: Cwdt BV, CoH Ele Weak and move Righteous fire into helm instead of lvl 5 ele weak This might be the better of the version hmhm
- 2: Flame Dash + Arcane Surge

Or move desecrate into glove socket with Cwdt + Blood rage + Desecrate + Detonate Mines, free up Desecrate from helm, thus removing CWDT, opening up for a Clarity, Blasphemy Flammability Righteous Fire setup in scolds bridle, granted that is if i use Impresence amulet which i perfectly would be able to and still maintain 64% unreserved mana, this would in turn, also give the armor slot an option for a BV utility for mapping purposes.

Then id still albe able to swap to Kaoms Heart on hard boss fights.
I would lose arcane surge from flame dash but gain 30% fire dmg and alot more life. Hmm might be onto something
Question is, how reliable would 3 spells in sequence be from one single CWDT source?

If you find that others would love a section of alternate versions of your build, lmk ill be happy to arrange something for you to use.

On a different subject, the new Vaal Purity of Fire looks insane for this build or is it just me lol?

Additional question on CWDT triggering:

Reading up on CWDT on the wiki states:
- "Trigger order: Trigger gems and their linked skills are cast in a certain order that depends both on which item it is equipped on and which socket the skills are in. If there are trigger gems in each equipped item, the order of operation will be:
Main hand ⇒ Amulet ⇒ Helm ⇒ Off hand ⇒ Body armour ⇒ Gloves ⇒ Boots"

Wouldn't this mean that the ideal situation where to put cwdt detonate mines in the Boots slot, to ensure that every second right click, would then detonate a set of unearth + desecrate corpses?

Or would it mean that it would require 3 right clicks before detonating mines?

EDIT: Cleaned up the post to hurt your eyes less.
EDIT#2: Added question regarding CWDT Triggering
Last edited by Yunojelly on May 12, 2018, 4:21:18 PM
No idea on a 6l alternative; if Cremation isn't working out I'd stick to utility stuff. Arcane Surge duration can be extended with inc duration and efficacy, so that's an option. If your mana is routinely capping out with Zerphi's, definitely don't run a lvl 20 clarity.

Moving the Unearth CWDT around doesn't seem to produce any appreciable difference.

God damn this build has been fun to play! Thanks Kechari! Killed myself couple times but doesnt matter, so different play style compared to most of other builds ive played. So satisfying when you get the right momentum on and just roll on with shield charge and drop mines, tho looting takes time, and i like to loot :p

No 6 link yeat but other gear is pretty good, t15's have been no problem at all. Uberlab was very easy at around 78lv, just keep zerphi regen up in bad trap locations and no probs at all.

And damn divination distillate is nice with this, up all the time you just remember to keep it up. Easy all around pot setup for me has been mana, life, diamond, zerphi and distillate, tho i have not been at guardians yet.
DeGyrst wrote:
God damn this build has been fun to play!

Awesome, hope it keeps working for you!

And yeah, Distillate is great. It was mostly the juiced-up version of distillate that I missed upon switching from the pure Pathfinder version.
Guide updated for 3.3. Let me know if anything seems out of sorts.

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