[3.3] The Grave Digger - Volatile Dead Auto-Miner / All Bosses, All Map Mods

Yunojelly wrote:
Exactly how does the blood rage interact with soul of arakaali, is it the reapplication of the buff itself that cancels the last buff, thus in doing so, arakaali is able to interpret that we actually stopped taking damage over time from the previous instance of blood rage, despite the new buff overwriting it, or are you just abusing weapon swop to cancel the effect for arakaali to proc?

The former, so near as I can tell. Weapon swap is handy for disabling blood rage, but it's not at all core to the regen mechanic as we're using it here.

As for the rest, I'll preface with the usual disclaimer: haven't played it, so this is speculative. That said...

- Someone posted early on in the build thread with respect to the Scold's + Tremor Rod combo, reporting a bug which produced massive health chunks. The issue seems particular to Tremor Rod, so you may want to experiment now before committing during the league.
- Elemental Equilibrium would be a pure DPS loss, as mines still trigger EE.
- Volatile Mines is entirely superfluous while using a Scold's setup. The damage is nice, but even for that purpose these points are more efficiently spent elsewhere.
- Without Fevered Mind you shouldn't need a granite. Pop in a Stibnite or Blood of the Karui instead.
- Two 6Ls could be fun, and QOTF should cover the loss of shield charge.

Here's a quick and dirty pass on how I would rework the tree:


On the whole I think it'll be a pretty zippy mapper, but I expect you'll hit a wall around the same time that crit / dual Shimmeron begins to shine. You'll definitely need to push damage out of that second 6L (a level 20 CWDT cremation setup could be interesting).
Last edited by kechari on May 2, 2018, 5:58:25 PM
The former, so near as I can tell. Weapon swap is handy for disabling blood rage, but it's not at all core to the regen mechanic as we're using it here.

I see, that is awesome so i can run with it permanently as im barely taken any damage from it, even without mines detonated or warcry/golem.

In response to your words:

- I believe he did say that it was a bug due to the keystone "Volatile Mines", i've visited his guide aswell and i seem to recall that the interaction is fixed, so could just untick Volatile Mines, and still grab the dmg modifiers in the cluster, will have this in mind for sure.
- Damn, i was under the assumption that mines infact didn't trigger EE, should've done my homework first :D hah
- Referring to first point, ill just spec out of Volatile Mines, and ill be sure to have the cluster be the last couple of nodes i would chase after.
- I see, thats reassuring, also, STIBNITE, how could i forget, im even using it on my gc miner, that's what you get for thinking whilst tired :D, MEEPMEEP 260% MS
- Indeed two 6links could be fun :D, i like shield charge, dont get me wrong, but i get stuck in everything enough to appreciate movement speed much more. I also love to run ulab, so paired with a weapon swop BB+PE for leap slamming over crevices which for me, makes a smoother experience than with shield charge.

Even after the EE brainfart, VD still sits at ~25k dps per orb and concidering my gc miner who had around 27k shaper dps on a 6l, i can safely say i'm still quite enthusiastic.

Especially if i find a fun way to incorporate that second 6l.
Ideally i wanted the full identity of a trap/miner, so the thought where to place all my cremation traps before an encounter and see the glory of volcano sprouts, which would also trigger an even heftier life regen, but CWDT Cremation seems very interesting too actually hmm :D

Thanks alot for the words, it's highly appreciated.
I'll definately post my thoughts on my endeavour if i get that far in flashback and if not, then in 3.3

Coming to think of it, a CWDT Cremation would combat the volatile dead for corpses spawned by unearth/desecrate and in turn actually hurt the damage output severely ye?
Last edited by Yunojelly on May 3, 2018, 6:04:37 AM
This is the most beautiful build I have ever seen!

How long did it take you to perfect it with that gear and that respected tree?
Yunojelly wrote:
Coming to think of it, a CWDT Cremation would combat the volatile dead for corpses spawned by unearth/desecrate and in turn actually hurt the damage output severely ye?

Missed this edit. I wouldn't say severely, no. With a Dying Sun, Unearth alone can feed VD. I expect you'd be fine given a level 20 CWDT and Desecrate.

Tremor Rod definitely complicates things, however, at least when it comes to strictly self-generated corpses.

ThunderBiome wrote:
This is the most beautiful build I have ever seen!

How long did it take you to perfect it with that gear and that respected tree?

That's high praise, thank you. I first tried the concept out on a Saboteur (which failed), then on a Pathfinder (which failed less), and then finally on the Ascendant you see here.

"Perfect" is a bit of a moving target, but I owe much of the guide's polish to contributions from those who took the time to check the build out. So, hurray us!
I just finished the Build sort of, just missing Zerphi's and fevered mind jewel. i took a bit of what predator0220 said in the first couple post using Winterweave ring + corrupted Auxium belt + Taste of Hate and also added my own twist.


It turned out to be a bit Unique heavy but using Purity of Ice helps the resist and frozen immunity. I Choose to use Perfect Form for my chest. I think it combos really nice with arctic Armour stationary effect and laying mines. Coloring it wasn't fun tho. When chilled, i seem to cast mines so fast i barely keep up with mana supply. The watchers Eye for clarity and immune to frozen was only 3 ex too.

Only have 5k hp, But still in all, i have killed Uber elder so i think it turned out pretty good.

Thanks for the great Build Guide!

That's awesome, surprised your health pool ended up as high as it did. Shame to lose Anger, but honestly I don't use it on Uber Elder, either. Much better to be able to tank a stray Shaper ball or two. I'd say you can file that experiment under success.

If there's interest, I could make a little section for folks to showcase their own build variations / videos / etc.
Zerphi's are ultra-cheap in the new flashback league, so now's a great time to try the build out.
I tried this build on a lvl 68 scion - pathfinder and saboteur ascendencies done.

The issue I had with this is it takes me a couple of sweeps to get the shots fired off. Sometimes the damage dealth to myself isn´t enough to trigger cwdt, especially while wielding shimmerons. I don't use Farrul's yet, need to wait for Beastiary to end in order to put that on, so I go for a lightning coil.

Anything you know of that can fix that?

Other than that, the build is crazy strong. The damage output is almost as high as my 91 lvl zerphis vd pathfinder. Thank you for it. I will enjoy it more when Bestiary ends and I can equip watcher's eye with clarity and vitality + farruls.
You think the damage from Scold's is mitigated by Lightning Coil? Could that be the reason that I struggle with triggering VD.
Viwaldi wrote:
You think the damage from Scold's is mitigated by Lightning Coil? Could that be the reason that I struggle with triggering VD.

Yes, AFAIK Lightning Coil will mitigate Scold's, though if you're using Fevered Mind (not sure if that's the case) I'd be surprised if that were the issue. You could always try with a Tabula to compare.

Keep in mind that you're detonating the previous set of mines, meaning you'll need to lay mines twice if no corpses are in range in order to start producing orbs.

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