[3.6] Acid Molten Strike Assassin - Uber Elder-viable Poison Build

I smell burning and its not those fiery balls shooting all over the map, I think my gpu is on fire.
Fenit wrote:

PS: Looks like there's been a PoB update so Wasp Nest, Fenumus and the Helmet Enchantment now work properly.
I've added a new link with the working items.

I've been comparing my PoB and yours and i'm not even close to your poison damage. I have not full level gems or helmet enchant but i think my gear is quite decent, any advice?

Probably because it's not configured properly.

A Coralito's Flask would help you aswell.

derptruckz wrote:
I smell burning and its not those fiery balls shooting all over the map, I think my gpu is on fire.
Builds and Guides:
Passed The Beachhead xd. I do not really like it, but it was =)
5 fps and 5 minutes stood and pressed one button =)
Picked up shards and moved on. Easy build =)

Hello! Nice build, thanks. Was playing almost with the same tree but with reave, respec and multiple my damage. Was about to quit my beloved assassin the day your guide was highlighted.
Have some questions, how do you deal with FPS? On my main rig with 1080gtx it drops from 144 to 30 (in breaches). Changing settings doesnt really affect anything. I assume that Belly is the source of problem as well as magma balls.
And what do you think about Dirty Techniques and upper left STR jewel slot (6 steps away from tree)? If we trade a little HP nods for them (or maybe even both)? +3 projectiles and + loads of poison damage.
Sorry if I miss here in thread, but what did you changed in PoB about your items so your molten strike hit dps was 2+mil dps?
necpwnz wrote:

Hello! Nice build, thanks. Was playing almost with the same tree but with reave, respec and multiple my damage. Was about to quit my beloved assassin the day your guide was highlighted.
Have some questions, how do you deal with FPS? On my main rig with 1080gtx it drops from 144 to 30 (in breaches). Changing settings doesnt really affect anything. I assume that Belly is the source of problem as well as magma balls.
And what do you think about Dirty Techniques and upper left STR jewel slot (6 steps away from tree)? If we trade a little HP nods for them (or maybe even both)? +3 projectiles and + loads of poison damage.
Sorry if I miss here in thread, but what did you changed in PoB about your items so your molten strike hit dps was 2+mil dps?
I have an R9 280X and a pretty old i7.
FPS fas never really an issue for me, rather the server side lags. The only thing you can do there is use Frost Blades, play on Predictive Mode or use an alternative setup for Molten Strike that spawns less projectiles.
I'm not sure if dropping Belly helps with server lags, but it 100% increases your FPS.

I have an FAQ about the skill tree, Dirty Techniques is a decent node if you want to take it. There's no point in taking an extra jewel because Wildfire is limited to two.

PoB just had an update to make some items (Fenumus' Weave mainly) work that previously didn't (I simulated these with pseudo-stats before).
You can now use the actual items to see what they do, but the numbers didn't change.

Although PoB is very inaccurate anyway, I mostly haven't even used it when I made the build.
The main purpose of it is to compare your character or check what alternatives you can use in terms of skill tree and items.
Builds and Guides:
Last edited by SHEPUUURD on Apr 1, 2018, 7:30:08 PM
Congratulations for the build, after doing the build I did not die, currently doing tier 13 easy, you can check my build if this everything I should improve something ....
I think i will try it, this league im testing build for the future and hmm i'm love a poison/bleed mechanic and MS so this build look so cool for me. My question it's death's? I see you can overheal well, have nice dodge but if you take a high phy hit you sometimes die from one hit? And why you don't go for Phase Acrobatics? And last question its a clear setup, you make some other experiment can work on clear? maybe in 4 link to swap item only? Bladefall/Ethereal Knives (you have alot of phy dmg).

Thx for the build i will start make it soon :D

EDIT: Ahh another question it's why Thief Torment ring? For min-maxing elder ring have a Life on hit and you can have other bonuses (life/atributes/more resists/etc). It's expensive i know but it can be better option for late game? :)
Last edited by loczek123 on Apr 2, 2018, 7:19:34 AM
To the OP, awesome, awesome build, one of the best builds i've played to date, i have always died to Kitava in act 5 but with this build it just melts Kitava and i idnt even die, but typical me i go and die to a stupid strongbox how the irony. but pressing forward, my gear aint the best, literally using what i can find and buying what i can as very very little currency this league.

gear below

IGN: The_Nutcase
Last edited by ToxicXfi on Apr 2, 2018, 6:14:34 AM
necpwnz wrote:

Hello! Nice build, thanks. Was playing almost with the same tree but with reave, respec and multiple my damage. Was about to quit my beloved assassin the day your guide was highlighted.
Have some questions, how do you deal with FPS? On my main rig with 1080gtx it drops from 144 to 30 (in breaches). Changing settings doesnt really affect anything. I assume that Belly is the source of problem as well as magma balls.

Changed settings to medium + turned off post processing, and spikes (with lagspikes) are all gone. Last time I changed video settings nothing helps...
Why Wildfire limited to 2? In PoB with 3 wildfires projectiles grows as they should.
Mmmm,,, where did you use the 2 wildfires?... I can see where you use 1, but the other in the tree?...

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