Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

Xelloskaczor wrote:
Pathfinder nerfed for no reason. The broken shit stays, quality of life goes away. No reason to play the game then i guess, uninstalling.

You can stop playing 0 supporter packs

Are you seriously assessing someone's opinion based on how many supporter packs they bought? Come on, man. This community's better than that.

I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed that Raider wasn't nerfed harder. Buffing everything else will just result in power creep, which is bad for the long-term health of the game. If only a few things are overpowered, those should be nerfed to preserve the game's intended power curve.

Anyway, am I the only one highly anticipating Ascendant changes? It'll probably get revealed last due to its nature. Though I will admit, I've always hoped the Scion would get a second ascendancy; maybe something that focuses on builds that trigger/alternate between spells, attacks, and projectiles. Tri-defense, tri-stat, maybe enhancements to triggered skills, synergy for mixing damage types, maybe even weapon swap-related bonuses. Things that bring out the fighter/mage/thief feel of the class.

Also Deadeye. Can't wait to see what kind of buffs that'll get. Maybe chaining and forking, or something.
Last edited by Chairkicker on Feb 25, 2018, 12:34:06 AM
moaaarrrr please! :D
GGG when can we expect revelating rest of ascendencies?
Even if it's saturday or sunday, it does not mean that you can skip posting ascendancies.
giveeeeee meeeeeee moooooooooooooooooahhrrrrr
Dragoon_Diver wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:
Deprecating builds and classes. The major sign of lack of new ideas.

Every kid with good graphic skills and knowledge in frameworks programming could extend PoE from 2.4 to 3.0, but it tooks really skills to make a game which PoE was back in 1.x to 2.x, and this skills is called Logic. Logic which is making everyone happy.

Unfortunately the nerfing is major sign of lacking this skill, and 3.x is something different from PoE for me.

To deprecate a whole part of the tree, and dump a millions of build is utterly cruel and it can not be easily forgiven.

And also many other possibilities can emerge with changes and nerfs, creating another millions of new builds
People cried when GGG dumped CoC discharger and double dipping, but many other builds emerged to fill the gap with new ideas and uniques.

in the end people get overly attached and don't like to leave their comfort zone, but i prefer a constant change than cheesing cookie-cutter builds.

"Comfort zone" is a kind of insult in this case. I prefer changes. But changes which is made not to force peoples to do something else than the things which is making them happy.
So - if I prefer to eat a sliced bread forever, and you come and tell me.
"The sliced bread is not anymore available. You must eat a rotten bananas now!"
But.. what if rotten bananas is making me sick, and I am puking constantly ?!

I believe that changes is good, but if they are optional, not forceful. Especially on "Standard" and "Hardcore" ! Especially if they are BUILDCHANGER !
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2 on Feb 25, 2018, 6:15:07 AM
SonicPLD2 wrote:
Dragoon_Diver wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:
Deprecating builds and classes. The major sign of lack of new ideas.

Every kid with good graphic skills and knowledge in frameworks programming could extend PoE from 2.4 to 3.0, but it tooks really skills to make a game which PoE was back in 1.x to 2.x, and this skills is called Logic. Logic which is making everyone happy.

Unfortunately the nerfing is major sign of lacking this skill, and 3.x is something different from PoE for me.

To deprecate a whole part of the tree, and dump a millions of build is utterly cruel and it can not be easily forgiven.

And also many other possibilities can emerge with changes and nerfs, creating another millions of new builds
People cried when GGG dumped CoC discharger and double dipping, but many other builds emerged to fill the gap with new ideas and uniques.

in the end people get overly attached and don't like to leave their comfort zone, but i prefer a constant change than cheesing cookie-cutter builds.

"Comfort zone" is a kind of insult in this case. I prefer changes. But changes which is made not to force peoples to do something else than the things which is making them happy.
So - if I prefer to eat a sliced bread forever, and you come and tell me.
"The sliced bread is not anymore available. You must eat a rotten bananas now!"
But.. what if rotten bananas is making me sick, and I am puking constantly ?!

I believe that changes is good, but if they are optional, not forceful. Especially on "Standard" and "Hardcore" ! Especially if they are BUILDCHANGER !

The game is balanced around temp leagues, you just have to learn to live with that or play something else. There's really nothing else to it.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Xerise wrote:

Not sure where you got that Idea. Immune to crits during boss fights? that isnt my idea of glass cannon, with a high EVA dodge build, that's basically ensuring you cant eat a crit and get one-shot.

How many bossfights there where u are alone with boss? just think about it
Wan'na kill me? Do it faster!
what u think will be the best for starter? for me looks like chieftan will wreck with totems
my builds:
untilspot wrote:
Xerise wrote:

Not sure where you got that Idea. Immune to crits during boss fights? that isnt my idea of glass cannon, with a high EVA dodge build, that's basically ensuring you cant eat a crit and get one-shot.

How many bossfights there where u are alone with boss? just think about it

Good question, this is something that needs consideration. In general most bosses are not alone but... Shaper for once. When you fight other enemies you don't fight him and when you can fight him - there are no one else around. Then some of the guardians (both shaper's and elder's) work like that as well (Elder himself doesn't, neither do the trio in the temple obviously). Those are fights that really matter imho, up to t15 with a strong build it doesn't matter much. So in the end you have a point but there are a few fights among the most important and most difficult ones where you do fight the boss alone (most of the time), making the ascendancy useful. Want to make a fast shaper-farmer, assassin might be a good pick now for example.
Last edited by Wasylus on Feb 25, 2018, 9:52:56 AM
Pathfinder nerf was unnecessary.

So when we will see all class? And where revamp?
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