Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

Nice, i hope no more nerfs... Maybe more buffs incoming?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on Feb 21, 2018, 3:39:46 AM
Thank you for highlighting the nodes in turn, throughout each video. The static picture with words over it from the previous reveal didn't look as comfortable to understand as this. Also the explanations of what was done and the reasoning behind it, much better than just a reveal, IMO.

The changes are welcome, and I am glad to see that there are plans to address nerfs at some point, to close the gaps that some "ascendancy identities" have from the mainstay.

I'm excited to try out some different ascendancies from my personal favourites (even if they weren't all the most powerful): Necromancer, Raider, Guardian, Juggernaut.
Guardian got buff more.
I think the regenerateed 30% HP so much. 20% will good.

Curious to see Occultist.
HoangBoss wrote:
Hierophant is so hype

This is me right now, I cannot believe the strength of the Hiero buffs. Crit totems are back baby.
spell totem support have 50% less damage (at all level)

other totem, deal now 50% less damage
other classes nothing changed?
This is the first of several Ascendancy Classes we are showing that now has seven notable passives in its tree.

Hype. Seven Notables means MOAR POWAH. Or actually more diversity maybe? Who knows?

Maybe some Ascendancies will have some of their op shit split up (*cough Slayer *cough) while gaining other benefits but making it mandatory to decide. I am looking forward to how all the others are being changed. I, for one, am almost as hyped as when the classes came out *.*

I love the new assassin and also this new hierophant. Just love it. Might not be the strongest option still, but it IS now an option.
Here's what would be cool for Occultist to bring CI back to life: make HP 3 points instead of 1, and immune to stuns while on full life.

Then you can have either low life or stun immunity options for her. No more obligatory shavs or chayula.

ALso I`m really hoping for Deadye buff, but just not the raider-idiot-proof kind of buff.
Last edited by LaurelWreaths on Feb 21, 2018, 4:15:57 AM
mysterymeat3 wrote:
__Z__ wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:

Ongoing Rebalance and Potential Nerfs
You'll probably have noticed that there aren't really any direct nerfs in the above changes. This is intentional for now, but will likely be addressed at later releases as we keep iterating on the balance.

I don't understand : You make the change in the ascendencies to make us happy, but you also say that you'll nerf them afterward ????! What ?

So you say that all that is completely unbalanced nethertheless you let it like it is in order to have the leasure to destroy our character/builds at a later time ?

These are "fake" and temporary changes and super buffs, that's it ?


What they mean is that they tried their best to buff all the ascendancies by different amounts depending on how bad/good they were, but with all that comes some obvious imbalance. However, if they addressed that now they'd get tons of Reddit crybabies that only want new shit dangled in front of their face a la D3 whining about how their favorite build that was able to kill everything up to T16 bosses in a single hit now requires two or three hits to massacre everything. So they're going to wait and see before nerfing things.

Which is fine, I guess. Every league has new OP shit for us to screw around with. That poison node on Assassin LMAO.

But this is always like this, and there's no sense of character permanency if they always implement OP/broken things just to nerf them afterward (yeah I speak for standard here, league only players don't give a f.. to that).
I don't said that I disliked the changes but it seem like they throw a bone to retrieve it after having tasting it.
anyway it's a good move and I hpe that someday the characters class/ascendencies will be "fixed" for good...
... nothing

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