Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

imLuCaSsS wrote:
Looks awesome.

Hierophant tri/quad totem FINALLY looks good. Was about time!

New assassin looks beautiful, 0% defensive options tho, but it's fine i guess because assassin is meant to have lots of damage and crit, ok!

Guardian I couldn't see any big changes, but I'm happy he still almost the same. In my opinion is a solid class both for HC or SC. Doesn't hurt keep him the same.

Again, very good job here. :)

PS: Slayer isn't broken, the problem is leech is dead after vaal pact nerf. Maybe you should fix vaal pact ( triple life leech rate instead of double ) instead of nerfing slayer once again.

You nerfed vaal pact so hard and placed it on duelist tree side, no wonder why there is only 1 single class in the game using vaal pact and he's slayer.

No one said anything about nerfing slayer. they said buff normal leech to keep it more in line (buffing normal leech would only make vaal pact more powerful as well). But anyways. the reason why other classes don't go vaal pact is because there is a lot of life regen on life nodes they already plan on taking. your life regen almost equals that extra leech you'd get except you don't have to hit enemies to benefit which makes it a better option. it's just not worth it to go forgo life regen for vaal pact now.
Xelloskaczor wrote:
Wait you guys actually buffed the guardian... i guess you dont want HC to struggle with uber elder, just LL RF it while AFK. Thats fine too

not really, red elder 1 shot my guardian this league with 10k es and sent me back to hillock.

Elder damage not so fine I guess. Uber must be a nasty.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS on Feb 21, 2018, 4:12:09 PM
Very excited for these changes. Definitely trying an assassin in the next league. Ive never done a totem build, but if is definitely possible now! Great work!
Mezion wrote:
Love that Assassin.

Also, is the Arcane Surge buff lv1? I assume it is.

yes it is level 1. Arcane Reverence node tells you details of Arcane Surge (10% more spell damage / 10% increased cast speed / .5% mana regen)
assasin lokes awesome
Can't you please change the guardians sharing effect to be "allies" and not just party members? For people like me who hate necromancer and go other funny summoner-builds like guardian, champion etc. it really ruins it when it's only "party members" :(
imLuCaSsS wrote:
Looks awesome.

New assassin looks beautiful, 0% defensive options tho

It has a lot of defensive aspects...

protection against himself with the reflect node


no Extra damage from "Boss" crit
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Buffing weak classes instead of nerfing strong ones? That actually sounds like a great idea! Here's hoping that they follow this idea for all of the ascendancies.
Sexcalibure wrote:
imLuCaSsS wrote:
Looks awesome.

New assassin looks beautiful, 0% defensive options tho

It has a lot of defensive aspects...

protection against himself with the reflect node


no Extra damage from "Boss" crit

yeah my bad, Someone have said it before I actually didnt paid attention on this two status.

Looks good! New assassin is totally HYPE, Hiero too. Man, if all new classes are like this I guess I'm going to build at least 19 characters next league, testing one by one :P

I'm still in doubt about "nearby enemy" status, I guess i'll e-mail GGG.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS on Feb 21, 2018, 4:42:24 PM
Pff, what's this Assthing joke about? Chieftain master race!

On a more serious note, can't wait to see Champion. (wish you were doing an ascendancy every day or something, this waiting is a killer :D )

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