BuildOfTheWeek [3.5] Righteous Fire Scorching Ray Totems - Uber Elder ✓ HC ✓ Budget ✓ Starter ✓

DestroyWolfk wrote:
JackStig wrote:
Hi I'm starting league with this build. I have a few question about the build.
About the shield and fragility. Is it really worth sacrificing two jewel slots for onslaught? Are there some options for rare shield since crafting is going to be crazy this league?
I'm using lightning golem, its cast speed buff works on totems or is it just me?
Also hiero ascendancy now only gives 1 totem and some small more multiplier, rest of the points are kind of meh increased spell dmg, if I'm not missing something. It was no doubt best option with + 2 totems, but now... Are there any alternatives like chiftain maybe?
Also finally as you are HC player, I see you are investing in % phys dmg taken as some element, Is it doable to use rf + mom + divination destilate for extra max res, since we have high mana regen I guess we will be able to cast totems or even turn of rf with remove burn flask to cast totems and cast rf again?

im reposting these questions as mine are similar, particularly for the ascendency

Divination Distillate doesnt give max res, its nerfed.

You wont be able to use MOM because we are reserving for 2 auras + herald of ash

Fragility is definitaly worth it, especially when used with kaoms roots.

With chieftan its not posssible to run this build, because we need an extra totem and need to proc EE.

2 extra totems with multi totems is fine, better clear and gives us more damage by 110k. Also more life regen due to have 4 totems
Some_Day wrote:
DestroyWolfk wrote:
JackStig wrote:
Hi I'm starting league with this build. I have a few question about the build.
About the shield and fragility. Is it really worth sacrificing two jewel slots for onslaught? Are there some options for rare shield since crafting is going to be crazy this league?
I'm using lightning golem, its cast speed buff works on totems or is it just me?
Also hiero ascendancy now only gives 1 totem and some small more multiplier, rest of the points are kind of meh increased spell dmg, if I'm not missing something. It was no doubt best option with + 2 totems, but now... Are there any alternatives like chiftain maybe?
Also finally as you are HC player, I see you are investing in % phys dmg taken as some element, Is it doable to use rf + mom + divination destilate for extra max res, since we have high mana regen I guess we will be able to cast totems or even turn of rf with remove burn flask to cast totems and cast rf again?

im reposting these questions as mine are similar, particularly for the ascendency

Divination Distillate doesnt give max res, its nerfed.

You wont be able to use MOM because we are reserving for 2 auras + herald of ash

Fragility is definitaly worth it, especially when used with kaoms roots.

With chieftan its not posssible to run this build, because we need an extra totem and need to proc EE.

2 extra totems with multi totems is fine, better clear and gives us more damage by 110k. Also more life regen due to have 4 totems

thanks a lot
Some_Day wrote:
DestroyWolfk wrote:
JackStig wrote:
Hi I'm starting league with this build. I have a few question about the build.
About the shield and fragility. Is it really worth sacrificing two jewel slots for onslaught? Are there some options for rare shield since crafting is going to be crazy this league?
I'm using lightning golem, its cast speed buff works on totems or is it just me?
Also hiero ascendancy now only gives 1 totem and some small more multiplier, rest of the points are kind of meh increased spell dmg, if I'm not missing something. It was no doubt best option with + 2 totems, but now... Are there any alternatives like chiftain maybe?
Also finally as you are HC player, I see you are investing in % phys dmg taken as some element, Is it doable to use rf + mom + divination destilate for extra max res, since we have high mana regen I guess we will be able to cast totems or even turn of rf with remove burn flask to cast totems and cast rf again?

im reposting these questions as mine are similar, particularly for the ascendency

Divination Distillate doesnt give max res, its nerfed.

You wont be able to use MOM because we are reserving for 2 auras + herald of ash

Fragility is definitaly worth it, especially when used with kaoms roots.

With chieftan its not posssible to run this build, because we need an extra totem and need to proc EE.

2 extra totems with multi totems is fine, better clear and gives us more damage by 110k. Also more life regen due to have 4 totems

Cool, thanks.
Gear at lvl 70 SOLO Kitava and Izaro mercilesss HC

what is the purpose of using fragility? we do not generating end charges from any sources...
what is the purpose of using fragility? we do not generating end charges from any sources...

So you activate both permanently on Ahn's shield: "+3% max res" with 0 charges + "onslaught" (20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed) on max charges (0/0 = max)
Last edited by Cyberkef on Dec 10, 2018, 3:03:59 AM
Hi. I have some questions. When me needed to respec from Arc to Scorch? After first ascendancy? So, whats skills me needed to use after respec: scorch totems, orb of storms and righteos fire? I have 37 lvl now.
abc_hs wrote:
Hi. I have some questions. When me needed to respec from Arc to Scorch? After first ascendancy? So, whats skills me needed to use after respec: scorch totems, orb of storms and righteos fire? I have 37 lvl now.

I cant see your character becasue you've set it to private.

After the first ascendancy, get a 4 link. Link the following:

1 Scorching ray
2 spell totem
3 multiple totems
4 Burning damage

use storm brand or orb of storms to proc elemental equilbrium (get the key stone) and make sure your orb of storms does only lightning or cold damage (no added elemental damage from other sources)
I can't decide which chest piece to use :(
Currently I'm running with tabula.
Usually I waste all my jewelers and fusings from 6socket items in my chest.
Hey there, with Herald of Ash you always have Fire Damage with your Shield Charge, doesnt it matter when mapping or am I thinking wrong?

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