Abyss Content Integration

there are 6 such belts in the total game and are owned by 3 people. thanks for supporting RMT, GGG :)

The hell are you talking about? I know more than 6 people who have one or more EACH....
Atleast Shaper ones anyway.. Not too sure about Elder though.. cant roll Red CD on it hahahaha

But seriously theres a ton of Shaper Stygians out there hell theres more than 6 in Std league already.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Sounds pretty good. Nice job on this integration.
About stygian vises, i've both an elder and shaper one. Too bad their ilvl is a little low afair.
Last edited by Harest on Feb 7, 2018, 6:24:40 AM
Harbinger was far more broken - everyone and their mother ended up with a hoard of T15 maps, which is why, I believe, they rerolled atlas completely.
So whats the point in keeping the other belt bases in the game then?
Besides for leveling that is.
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It's really not ok to be a certain something anymore it seems.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Joderdin wrote:
I didnt even had knowlegement of people not seeing lich once :O thats surprises me...

I have meet him at least 100+ times for sure, and when i make a calc with "/played" command on my chars i only played ~14days and 18hours this league.

On topic, i like the opinion in general, was a nice league, second best after breach imo

You met him 100+ times and killed him just 12 times? kk, nice joke :D
My only question is will the Hungry Loop be apart of the base game?
I am glad this content is going into the game. Thanks!
HaHaHa - YES!
your game is great but the rewards of abyss were quite bad tbh.

it takes one second to insert 20 euros and buy cool mtx
it takes about 20 days of hard gaming to hit above 36 challenges and get a hole on the ground that NERFS your gameplay . you heard that , your 36challenge portal IS rippy , it kills people(worst portal hitbox -period) and at the same moment its ugly and it's obvious that it was worked for a minute or two (hey compare it with the portal mtx's you introduced with supporter packs this league)....

dont be cheap , everybody here donates his/her spare income to you anyhow , so dont be cheap with the rewards cause thats what a cashgrab loot-oriented box-buying game would do
not really looking forward to those annoying monster-spitting barnacle things being in the base game tbh

glad we'll see that unique belt and the explosion boots though, that shit was fun

also i'd 10,000% prefer legacy added to the base game than abyss but that ship sailed long ago :(
Last edited by The_Wuggly_Ump on Feb 7, 2018, 9:02:50 AM
Why don't you just combine breach and abyss mechanics and monsters?

I don't really like the way a breach opens, the circle expanding in all directions and monsters come in from all sides at the same time. If you stand on an open space, you must choose what sector of the circle you are going to fight (if you're not extremely strong and fast) and thus miss the rest of the breach, especially as a melee character. If the breach spawns in a corner of the map or a tiny boss room (experienced several times) you only get a massively reduced number of monsters. In an indoor location (like torture chamber), the majority of monsters or the clasped hands might spawn behind a wall and you won't be able to run around the corner fast enough until they disappear. You might get hit from monsters you don't see yet when the breach opens or don't see any more when the breach closes, making it impossible to avoid damage and stun. I like the monsters and the splinter system of breach though.

I basically like the spawning mechanics of abysses, putting out one number of monsters after the other in a linear fashion so that you get a fair chance at killing everything and won't miss out on the treasure reward (like clasped hands in breach). Only monsters clearly in the game can damage you. What I don't like is the long duration of abysses and the annoying backtracking, resulting from step a) you clear the area from normal monsters to make sure you can kill the abyss monsters fast enough without distractions - step b) you backtrack to the abyss starting point - step c) you open and run the abyss to the end - step d) you backtrack again the whole abyss to kill those super annoying pitworms and leftover monsters - step e) you backtrack another time to collect the loot and get to the trove / abyssal depth.
Most abyss monsters are perfectly fine, pitworms definitely are not and I also don't like the idea of giving abyss monsters nemesis mods, especially volatile or reflect. In the hectic and chaotic combat during opening an abyss, you have no time to read the tiny description of fast moving, tightly crowded monsters, and especially as a melee character, you won't find out until you get hit, especially if you're surrounded and can't run away easily. I also don't like the massive life regeneration of some abyss monsters. I'm also very fed up with wasting time in abyssal depths without a lich.

My improvement suggestion was to get rid of breach mechanics and spawn the breach monsters from the abyss mechanics, just limited in length to let's say 3 or 4 extensions, at best running in a somewhat triangular or circular fashion, so the loot is distributed in a rather limited area and you end up at your starting point again to avoid backtracking. The rare monsters drop splinters like in breach, but instead of the hands you get an abyssal trove in the end dropping loot and splinters. In rare cases you get an abyssal depth instead with a guaranteed lich. In that abyssal depth you find the old abyss monsters, so GGG's design effort is not wasted, and the lich is the only monster dropping special abyss items.
Enjoy the damned labyrinth? Go play Tomb Raider...

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