Abyss Content Integration

I love Abyss and thanks for keeping it in the core game <3
Only Babyrage from me, is to remove elder/shaper stygian vise completely. I agree its fucking extremely strong, but make it rare as a good post in this forum. No chance to get something in a game is always sad. So its legacy and the default leagues have more to greed about it. something like a shaper only possibility or uber elder when he comes and rly rly rly rly rly low drop chance. It still will be not worth to go for it or "want to have it" in your build. but it the possibility exists.

Everything else I agree. Jewels are strong but lower drop chance and it will work out in my books. I still use "normal" jewels for a lot of stuff, ofc not for flat dmg. But flat dmg is not everything.

Thanks for this league, it was FUCKING AWESOME! and thanks for keeping abyss. Same level as breach for me <3.
nice to hear
Will the in league version of lightpoacher become legacy?
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Thor_Inica wrote:
Will the in league version of lightpoacher become legacy?

Highly doubt it. They nerf the skill, not the item.
Another confirmation that GGG doesn’t play or test their own game. Badass.
Abyss shouldn’t exist in the core game for the long-term health of the game.
Last edited by NeverLuckyInThisGame on Feb 7, 2018, 5:36:14 AM
Another confirmation that GGG doesn’t play or test their own game.[...]

probably. it took them two months to admit there was a problem with lich spawn rate and that it was related to a bug - which they still had no fix for.
Last edited by dachoppa on Feb 7, 2018, 5:51:18 AM
Another confirmation that GGG doesn’t play or test their own game. Badass.
Abyss shouldn’t exist in the core game for the long-term health of the game.

i dont think they care about the long term health of the game anymore :( this is like when you watch a tv show, and theres a moment usually around season 5~6, when the authors are like "you know what, lets pump everything to a whole new level because the ratings are starting to drop"

so they add new things that shit on the lore and every rational thought, and this is the single most effective sign that the show is plummeting. poe is losing its core audience, and seeing how they are treating the game i used to love, you can bet im not gonna give a shit about poe 2 when it comes out
>We decided we didn't want to do that


>We decided a mid-league nerf wasn't justified for an item with limited availability.

Sorry guys but the limited availability is just not true. The 1s-version was available for a handful of c for everyone shortly after league start.
In terms of being a core League mechanic, I preferred Harbinger over Abyss. Don't get me wrong, I support the idea of being rewarded more monsters/drops based on your performance - what Abyss offered - but the execution wasn't really there.

Past the first few weeks or so, the constant stream of Abyss jewels and belts became a chore to go through each time you triggered an Abyss or had an Abyssal Depths without a Lich. To me, they became distractions just like Harbingers used to be. Though at least, during Harbinger, the Harbingers commonly dropped loads of "blue", league-specific drops for the average player to enjoy. Ancient, Harbinger and Exalted Shards were exciting to get; people got to experiment with each orb. If you wanted to, you could run Beachhead maps till you had the pieces of the Harbinger unique you desired.

How many people actually saw Bubonic Trail/Shroud of the Lightless this league? How many saw a 2 socket Abyss unique? I saw 1 of each of the former and 0 of the latter with 33 days and 19 hours playtime on my "main". I feel like that's not ideal.

In other words, I felt like I didn't get the most out Abyss while playing the league, while I 100% got my fill of Harbinger.
Last edited by Hanarae on Feb 7, 2018, 6:11:56 AM

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