[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

gameivendaval wrote:
Hi! Thanks for the guide. I'm enjoying the playstyle so far. It's a lot more engaging than the Cyclone Slayer I started with.

I'm curious about your thought process behind including Rage in the supports for Frost Blades. At 50 stacks, it is somewhat more dps than something like Ice Bite. But it takes time to get there, and Ice Bite does not. With phasing bosses plus other times when you can't attack, I feel like it's not a given that I'm sitting at 50 Rage the whole time. Even being at 49 Rage lets Ice Bite catch up quite a bit.

On top of that, it turns your evasion body armour into a 3G/3R setup - which is much easier to accomplish than 2G/4R. (Yes, I'm aware of and using the crafting bench recipes.)

You do also lose the move and attack speed from Rage, but I think the build plays smoothly enough without those. You also lose the usage of Berserk, which may be important for something like UE/Shaper/Guardians. I'm not quite there on this char yet!

Thanks again!

In the previous version, before Rage existed, I actually did use Ice Bite. It's a really good gem for this build, and like you say it makes it a lot easier to get the right colors on our body armour. Until you manage to get a GGRRRR chest, Ice Bite is definitely the gem to use to fill that 3rd green slot.

And I agree, the flow of the gameplay isn't really affected much if you drop Rage.
But you are right on the money about Berserk. It is incredibly strong, and it helps a LOT on tougher bosses.
When you activate your flasks and pop Vaal Haste + Berserk, it's disgusting.

Don't panic.
Great points re: Rage Support.

Side question: any insights on a good way to use this claw? It seemed to be a solid upgrade to Bloodseeker's even without really making use of the inherent gems.

Would You consider Shroud of the Lightless as a viable option?
zima2010 wrote:
Uber elder dead <
it's pretty simple, as it turned out

Nice! Good job!

Don't panic.
gameivendaval wrote:
Great points re: Rage Support.

Side question: any insights on a good way to use this claw? It seemed to be a solid upgrade to Bloodseeker's even without really making use of the inherent gems.

I mean yeah, it's a good claw. You could get a 6L with that, but you'd have to skip Rage or Hypothermia for it.
Personally I wouldn't use it, but as a temporary 6L? Idk maybe.

quicksa wrote:
Would You consider Shroud of the Lightless as a viable option?

You could use shroud, but just like with the claw, you'd have to swap out one of the gems. You won't get the same damage that you can get from a Loreweave or +1 curse rare.

Metzu wrote:
how do you feel about switching to Atziri's acuity for the life leech, if you want to go from bloodseeker to a decent 400+ dps claw? it could make up for instant leech loss. while losing intimidate, we gain a good bit of crit chance

It's not a bad option, but losing the intimidate is a big deal. I currently use a pair of rare gloves actually.

So it's definitely an option to replace Tombfist, but I don't think the leech is a problem to be honest.
I wouldn't go with atziri's acuity personally.

zulxo wrote:
hello! i have a question... how do you sustain power charges? im having a time getting it using AM/CoH
i saw that you use AM with CWDT and got confused it
care to elaborate?
thank you!

I am currently not bothered with power charges, and sustaining them isn't that important, aside from having them up against bosses.
I'm considering unchecking power charges in the config, because it can be a hassle to keep them up vs bosses. Against guardians, it's impossible. Against shaper, you only get them every now and then. (After minibosses and after portal phase)

It's easier vs map bosses, but it's not needed against them.

I would say, don't bother focusing on them. They are not important to the build, but just a little bonus from assassin's mark. If you want to have power charges up during mapping, put a lowlvl assassin's mark in a CWDT.

Don't panic.
Hey Fiver,

what do you think my next update(s) should be?

And thanks for answering that much questions.
Flos68 wrote:
Hey, great job for this build :)
Can i've some advices on what should i need to upgrade first in my gear ? Have a 4 exa budget
With my lvl 22 Hatred ring, can i change my Hatred gemme for something else ?
I think i've all the mandatory point in my tree, am i right or i miss something ?

Yes, with that ring you don't need to have a Herald of Ice gem equipped (I assume that's what you meant, and not hatred). It's a really good ring.

I would look for a better claw, and focus on getting a 6L body armour.

The claw doesn't have that much dps, and it doesn't have any crit.

The body armour you are using has a low amount of HP. Try to get one with 100+ max life and 10% increased maximum life. They aren't very expensive if you buy them unlinked, and try to link them yourself.

Also, if you have a 5L, you should be using WED instead of multistrike, and just swap Ancestral Call out for Multistrike on bosses.

Get quality on your gems.

The skilltree is looking good.

Don't panic.
FinestBlue wrote:
Hey, I feel like my damage is lacking a bit. I'm only in tier 7 maps but idk why my damage feels low. Did I do something wrong with my build?

I would get rid of Master of Force in the skill tree. Get Acuity and Assassination.
Then start moving towards Claws of the Falcon.

Get a pair of Tombfist gloves, and put a murderous eye jewel in them. This will make you intimidate your target, which makes them take 10% increased damage.

Get a Stygian Vise belt.

Your claw has really low dps. Try to find a better one.

Your body armor needs a LOT more evasion and life. I realize that you are using it because it's a 6L, but you should replace it when you can.

Try to get a mark of the elder, and a shaper ring.

Try to get a Pandemonius.

You should replace your Lightning Golem with an Ice Golem.

Get a Berserk gem.

Get a CWDT setup with immortal call. Steelskin isnt that good for us.

Don't panic.
ooFunky wrote:
Schwunges wrote:
Hey, really nice build! I think I got most of the parts now.
The only thing that I dont understand is why you use Frostbomb as your curse on hit spell. It needs so long to trigger the curse that most of the enemys are dead when it triggers...

It's meant for bosses/tougher enemys and Frost Bomb itself also causes minus cold resistance.

Any tips on what my next update(s) could be? Except Taste of Hate :)

I would consider the next step to be:
- Pandemonius
- Better body armour
- Better claw

- Replace Ice bite with Multistrike


Don't panic.
Last edited by Fiver on Jun 23, 2019, 6:42:51 AM
ooFunky wrote:
Hey Fiver,

what do you think my next update(s) should be?

And thanks for answering that much questions.

Sorry for taking so much time. Was away for a few days. See my previous post. :)

Don't panic.

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