[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

asklan123 wrote:

Could you adapt this build to lightning strike?

Like.. I'm sure you could, but I think if you want to make a lightning strike build, you might be better of just making one from the scratch. You'd lose a lot of damage if you tried to "convert" this one. You'd need to get rid of the pandemonius, since it would be more or less useless. It would only give you a bonus to 40% of your damage.
That is assuming you go for a sort of hybrid light/cold with winter spirit. Alternative would be a band of the brotherhood, but then you'd lose out on the insane damage you get from MotE+Shaped ring.
Whichever you chose, both of them would need to get a conversion watcher's eye to reach 100% conversion.
It would be harder to freeze stuff, and you probably won't be shocking any important targets.

By all means, try, but I think it's easier to start from scratch.

Don't panic.
I will start stream in about 20 min.

Feel free to join me if you have questions or just want to hang out! :)


Btw is it annoying that I post these updates? Should I stop doing it? For me it is so much easier to answer people with questions on the stream instead of writing long messages here. That's mainly why I do it.
But I totally get if people think it's annoying.

Don't panic.
Guide Updated!

- Added links to my social media platforms.

Don't panic.
Hi I'm a new player with roughly only about 5 exalted currency. Would I fair ok in this build? What are the important things you would recommend me to buy first? With only 5 exalted. And which order of the ascendancy is the best? Thanks. Hope you can reply soon.
Last edited by aquasnow93 on Aug 16, 2019, 8:35:25 AM
aquasnow93 wrote:
Hi I'm a new player with roughly only about 5 exalted currency. Would I fair ok in this build? What are the important things you would recommend me to buy first? With only 5 exalted. And which order of the ascendancy is the best? Thanks. Hope you can reply soon.

You can definitely fair well with it, but to get the most out of it you are going to have to spend more than that. Reaching a point where you can clear high level content and do shaper is not very expensive though.

The first priorities would be:

Make sure you have the right gem setups. Preferably level 20 gems with as high quality as you can. This can get expensive, so you may need to compromise a bit. That's fine.
The exception to level 20 gems are:
Immortal Call (lvl 1-3)
Summon Ice Golem (level 3)
Cast when damage taken (level 1)
Frost bomb (as high as your intelligence allows. (I'm using level 12)

Don't forget the burst gems and don't forget to replace Ancestral Call with Ruthless when you are fighting bosses!

Get 2x fight for survival jewels.

Get a bloodseeker claw. Use it until you have the currency to upgrade.
If you familiarize yourself with Poe.trade or Pathofexile.com/trade, you can find decent claws fairly cheap. But that is not priority 1.

Buy all the base required items.
Darkray vectors
Shaper's Touch (preferably with the corruption "+1 to maximum frenzy charges")
Hyrri's Truth (until you can replace it with pandemonius).
Starkonja's Head

Get a Mark of the Elder ring, and a decent rare shaped ring. To begin with, focus on getting life and resists on the ring. I recommend taking the nodes Survivalist and Cloth and Chain if you have problem reaching your resist cap. Having 75% resist is very important.
Later on you want to upgrade the rare ring with the mod "curse enemies with level 12 assassin's mark on hit". That comes later though.

Get the right flask setup. The flasks provide a huge amount of damage.

All of the above can be acquired for less than an exalt, and are all the main priority of the build. They are also very easy to buy.
The hardest and most expensive part is probably going to be the skillgems.

Get a rare Stygian Vise with life and resist on it. If you can, try to find one with "increased elemental damage with attacks" on it.

Find a decent shield, belt, and body armour.

Body armour:
Preferably six linked, high life (pref +100 max life and some % increased max life), and as high evasion you can find.
Later on you want to try to find one with Maim or Crit on it, but that is expensive.

It doesn't have to be shaped and have "15% reduced mana reserved", but try to find one that has high life and evasion on it.
Shields are an important source of life for the build, since the life-pool is the biggest problem we have. You should aim for 5000+ life. It may take time to get there, but at higher levels that should be your goal.
Evasion is also an important part, so try to get high evasion on the shield as well.

A Lethal Pride jewel. Finding a good one can be hard, but just buy one and divine it every now and then and try it around in different jewel sockets.

When you have all these base items I would put the priority like this:

- Claw with 350+ pdps, crit, and elemental penetration (See my weapon. Those are the mods you want).
- Frenzy charge on your shaper's touch. They aren't the biggest upgrade, but they aren't terribly expensive, so they are an easy upgrade.
- Body armour. Try to get a six-link with as high life as possible. Any other mods are bonuses.
- Belt, ring, jewels and shield. Find as much damage you can whilst still making sure you have decent life and resists. This can be very hard and frustrating, but with patience and the right search parameters, you will be able to find some.
- Pandemonius
- Assassin's Mark ring. It's not really required but a very convenient item to have. This way you won't have to use any curse setup with your skillgems.
- Watcher's Eye with "# to # added cold damage"

After that, it's just about trying to optimize the rolls on your unique items, and upgrading the rares when you can.


I usually get the avatar of the slaughter first.
The frenzy charges are a very important part of the build.

If you have more questions or need help with anything, please feel free to contact me in game, or preferably on my twitch-stream: http://www.twitch.tv/holyfivr
Schedule can be found in the panels at the bottom of the page.
It is so much easier to answer questions on the stream, since I can do it in real time, clarify anything that was unclear, and show you what I'm doing on my screen.

Don't panic.
Last edited by Fiver on Aug 16, 2019, 10:30:44 AM
I am still levelling at level 26 now. What are some uniques you recommend? You can look at my character from the page i think. Okay so its gonna be a while before i reach level 60+ for those items you mentioned. How about passive tree? Is the video in the opening post still relevant? Finesse > Winter's touch > master of arena > jewel for the projectiles thingy > golem's blood > ...

edit: oh how do you cope with mana problems? i have hatred + herald of ice right now and using one praxis ring to keep it civil but i have trouble when i boss because it doesn't regenerate fast enough to keep up. I don't have enough INT for a level 3 enlighten yet.
Last edited by aquasnow93 on Aug 16, 2019, 11:44:26 AM
aquasnow93 wrote:
I am still levelling at level 26 now. What are some uniques you recommend? You can look at my character from the page i think. Okay so its gonna be a while before i reach level 60+ for those items you mentioned. How about passive tree? Is the video in the opening post still relevant? Finesse > Winter's touch > master of arena > jewel for the projectiles thingy > golem's blood > ...

edit: oh how do you cope with mana problems? i have hatred + herald of ice right now and using one praxis ring to keep it civil but i have trouble when i boss because it doesn't regenerate fast enough to keep up. I don't have enough INT for a level 3 enlighten yet.

The video in the opening post is still relevant for the most part. The difference is that I don't take heart of oak and forces of nature anymore, and instead go for Disciple of Slaughter.

The mana can be an issue early on. Just have a mana flask ready, and try to bear with it until you can get Soul Raker. A temporary mana leech node from the passive tree can also help. There are some just above primeval force, and some just below Vaal Pact.

I would recommend using 2x Ewar's Mirage, until you can get Ornament of the East at level 46. Use that until you hit level 62, at which point you can use Bloodseeker.
Ewar's mirage are incredibly good, even though the base damage is fairly low. I have sometimes used them all the way up to mapping, because they scale incredibly well with any typ of added elemental damage.
Get Prismweave belt, Wake of Destruction, and rings/amulets with elemental damage on them (if your mana allows it).
Don't build for any damage in the passive tree to begin with. Focus on health.

At higher level mana isn't an issue. Soul Raker is more than enough to keep your mana full as long as you're hitting targets. On my lvl 100 character, I have about 90 free mana, and multistrike costs 37 or smth like that. I still don't have any problems.

I want to give you a fair warning. This build is incredibly strong when you start getting some good gear, and in my opinion it's very fun to play. But it is not a build where you should expect to be able to withstand too much damage. You have to move around a lot on some bosses in order to not get killed.
As your gear gets better, that is less of a problem, but you should not expect to be able to facetank everything.

I'm startng my stream in 5 minutes. If you have more questions the coming hours, you'll reach me faster there. :)

Don't panic.
Thank you for your detailed response to a nobody like me. I tried to watch your stream but it wouldn't load. Anyway I had a terrible time bossing with this build. First time ever i encounter such a struggle with izaro on the first lab. Will this continue to be a trend even till late game? The constant switching of ancestral call and ruthless is tedious and honestly breaking the smoothness of the build.

edit: noted on the removal of heart of oak. when do i spec into the discipline of slaughter? im level 34 now.
Last edited by aquasnow93 on Aug 16, 2019, 1:09:25 PM
aquasnow93 wrote:
Thank you for your detailed response to a nobody like me. I tried to watch your stream but it wouldn't load. Anyway I had a terrible time bossing with this build. First time ever i encounter such a struggle with izaro on the first lab. Will this continue to be a trend even till late game? The constant switching of ancestral call and ruthless is tedious and honestly breaking the smoothness of the build.

edit: noted on the removal of heart of oak. when do i spec into the discipline of slaughter? im level 34 now.

The build doesn't really start to shine until you reach higher level. At around level 70, when you can equip most of the needed gear (aside from mark of the elder), it gets a lot more fun. I know the leveling is tedious. Sometimes you feel like you're banging your head into a wall. It's the same for me sometimes.

I don't usually do Izaro until I'm a few levels above the lab. Lab isn't really that important when you are leveling.

The boss experience you're having now will go away as you do more damage. I have several videos of bossfights, so you can see the potential damage. (those fights are with very good gear, but even with "bad" gear, you'll melt through bosses when you use your bursts and have ruthless equipped.
At a certain point you stop caring about swapping between AC/Ruthless, aside from harder content like shaper/uber/guardians.

Spec into that much later. Focus on the life nodes to begin with.

If you need help with stuff in game. Like killing bosses, doing lab, or whatever. Feel free to whisper me in game (@fiver). At the moment I'm in a state where I've done everything there is to do this league, and I have all the free time in the world.

Don't panic.
Last edited by Fiver on Aug 16, 2019, 7:56:00 PM
I've tried to pm you but I think we're on different time zone so its quite difficult to get in touch. I tried getting the claws but I think the sword has more damage so I'm holding out until bloodseeker. I would appreciate any help I can get from you in game if I catch you online. Also I feel that rage is very underwhelming because it takes a while to rack up 50 stacks and even by then I enter the next zone and end up with zero again. Regarding the timeless jewel, I can't seem to find one with the exact seed number as you. I dont really understand how it works too. Should I just get a number as close as possible to yours and just hope for the best?

Edit: why raider instead of berserker? Sorry if it's been asked before. Most people on poeninja are on berserker.

Edit 2: should I spend 4 exalted on a 6 linked chest with maim and minus 15 cost of skill?
Last edited by aquasnow93 on Aug 17, 2019, 2:28:18 AM

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