[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

just checked on pob, since corruption has been changed it doesnt provide much more dps (or as i can see), how do u think bout 'skittering runes' node?
MrShika13 wrote:
just checked on pob, since corruption has been changed it doesnt provide much more dps (or as i can see), how do u think bout 'skittering runes' node?

New Corruption gives more damage than old one did. 20% increased Effect of Wither is a massive damage increase, it just might not be very visible right now since Wither Totem targetting is not working properly.

Skittering Runes would be good if Despair was self casted, but it's not the case right now.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
MrShika13 wrote:
just checked on pob, since corruption has been changed it doesnt provide much more dps (or as i can see), how do u think bout 'skittering runes' node?
I checked on pob too since they implemented a nice option "power report".

1. On trash (not a boss, no wither) Dirty Techniques for chaos multi alone is still better than skittering runes. And Skittering runes is very close to Toxic Strikes / Deadly Draw (30% inc damage).

2. On boss (Shaper / Sirus with reduced curse effectiveness) but no wither dirty techniques and the various 30% dps nodes are still top choices, and skittering runes falls behind 24% inc dps nodes (Farsight, Avatar of the Hunt) and also behind corruption (25% inc damage).

3. On boss with full wither stacks (only case where you'd actually try to keep the wither totems up) corruption pulls ahead by a massive margin (more than twice the value of dirty techniques that is second best).

DankawSL wrote:
Skittering Runes would be good if Despair was self casted, but it's not the case right now.
Or if bosses didn't have 1/3rd of the normal curse value effectiveness due to boss penalties.
Last edited by Viktranka on Sep 29, 2020, 10:33:40 AM
Have to say I'm having a blast with the build. I'm up to T14 and I literally feel untouchable so far.

I absolutely love exploding multiple packs of porcupines with no fear whatsoever. Also, the clear with Awakened Arrow Nova is so satisfying. I haven't played Raider (or a bow build for that matter) in such a long time, I forgot just how nice it is to play. I still have a lot of upgrades to make and look forward to taking down all content with the build.

Welp, i just died moments ago. What happened here is incredibly simple and very interesting at the same time. Certainly not how i imagined i would go down, ever. As usual rip clip with commentary in description:


Side note, i might've avoided death if i had 3 arrows instead of 2. This could potentially hit one of the mobs that were right on me. Maybe, not sure.

I hope that by the time i get back on track GGG will finally tweak Heist so i can finally engage in it. Right now i don't feel like it accomplishes anything and contracts definitely don't give enough markers right now. I'm just hoarding everything at this point.

Viktranka wrote:
Or if bosses didn't have 1/3rd of the normal curse value effectiveness due to boss penalties.

It used to be significantly worse than it is now. At least now normal curses are actually effective against normal bosses, where previously it barely gave any boost at all.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL on Sep 29, 2020, 3:16:26 PM
3. On boss with full wither stacks (only case where you'd actually try to keep the wither totems up) corruption pulls ahead by a massive margin (more than twice the value of dirty techniques that is second best).

Well gonna stick to Corruption then, since if ur playing in normal not SSF, min-maxing gear for clearing is pretty easy (or as i feel) and trash mob wont be a thing, (except conqueror rare mob, sometimes they're the pain in my ass). BTW faceted fossil been changed, how do u think bout crafting +4/+5 bow now?
MrShika13 wrote:
BTW faceted fossil been changed, how do u think bout crafting +4/+5 bow now?

This made these bows easier to craft, not better. My stance is the same as before and it's a waste of money. Use them to craft +2 amulets instead.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
I ended up with this after after 150 alts. Is it basically finished or is there something else I could do with it? I know the rolls aren't sick but it's a marked upgrade from what I had.

Hello, having a goodtime with this build. Currently I am level 83 and doing yellow maps. Is there any reason I should hold off replacing my 'Carcass Jack' with a 'Kintsugi' or is it more of an endgame upgrade?
Moridin79 wrote:
I ended up with this after after 150 alts. Is it basically finished or is there something else I could do with it? I know the rolls aren't sick but it's a marked upgrade from what I had.

That's already ridiculous for current crafting methods, not to mention only 150 alts. You hit a jackpot pretty much.

Best you can do is slam exalts, but i wouldn't do that. Chance to get something good is very slim. Maybe Leo slam it if you have leftover one.

Skua99 wrote:
Hello, having a goodtime with this build. Currently I am level 83 and doing yellow maps. Is there any reason I should hold off replacing my 'Carcass Jack' with a 'Kintsugi' or is it more of an endgame upgrade?

Extra AoE from Carcass Jack is just awesome QoL for mapping without extra arrows. Little extra damage too. Besides that, there's not much reason.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
Last edited by DankawSL on Oct 2, 2020, 5:51:42 PM

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