Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

Darkblitz9 wrote:
typecast wrote:
Brightbeak? Bloodseeker?

Why is Bisco's still in the game? That's an item that shouldn't have gone out in its state after the IIQ nerfs of 2013/2014.

Brightbeak? What about it?

It's become an endgame caster weapon for shield charge.

Darkblitz9 wrote:

Bloodseeker? Claw that only gets instant leech when you hit with the weapon itself.

Bloodseeker's the last form of instant leech that needs to be complained about and it's whole identity is the instant leech. It's fine.

Trivializes boss fights like Shaper still. Get any decent rare main hand for damage, prioritize crit and flat phys (abyss league helps with this). Play an ascendent (slayer/assassin) and enjoy both instant leech and overleech.
Last edited by typecast on Dec 5, 2017, 10:01:17 PM
I like the Patch notes :) But Chris pls consider to NERf Zerphi as well....its too over powered(25000 life regen per second!), here is a video:
The Holy Bible
I like what you did this time. Jamming everything into a novel sized patch notes is overwhelming.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
From what I overhear in the office, the new Abyss Jewels are "outrageously powerful for summoners" and can roll "so much crazy shit".

I breathed through my nose slightly louder than usual.

As for

Chris wrote:
Do you feel this approach was worse than holding back information to bolster the patch notes with crazy reveals?

While I understand wanting to be hyped for patch notes, and thus wanting all the crazy reveals in one post, I think it's important to note:

a) Posting the nerfs in a manifesto the day before the notes allows us to be excited (almost) PURELY about the buffs for patch note day, and makes the buffs more noticeable by comparison. (I think the time constraints resulting in other changes and buffs you had planned being postponed is a MAJOR contributor in the "underwhelmed" response you're receiving).
b) Giving us an extra day to react to the nerfs and theorycraft other builds in light of the nerfs is important. It lessens the panic of having to muster up backup build(s).

As always, thanks for your transparency. Your team's attitude, your blatant CARE for us as a community, is one of the many things that keeps me coming back league after league.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Dec 5, 2017, 9:46:27 PM
From what I overhear in the office, the new Abyss Jewels are "outrageously powerful for summoners" and can roll "so much crazy shit".

Have the devs looked into their effect on facebreaker totems?

Because flat phys is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane.
Chris wrote:
We posted the 3.1.0 patch notes today, and wanted to quickly address some specific feedback.

There are too few buffs
This was honestly a time issue. We have buffs planned that have been pushed to later 3.1.x patches or 3.2.0 due to being incomplete as of this week. The 3.1.0 expansion was developed under an aggressive schedule, fitting what would normally take 26 weeks into 17. While we try to budget sufficient time to include everything we want to into a release, we felt that this was an acceptable compromise over not having a big December release for you to enjoy during the holidays. Buffing stuff isn't just a matter of typing a bigger number into a box, but often involves re-creating content from the ground up, like with Lightning Tendrils.

COUGH... COUGH.. Bull... COUGH... COUGH.. S***

Seriously, what a line of BS.

Do you have the same "considerations" when making draconian, build killing nerfs? Do you rework the entire mechanic from the ground up? NO! You just axe things into the dirt, but then talk about having to rework the base of the game for buffs and no time. LMFAO!

Game diversity? Seriously?

And this is why I'm not putting another dime into supporting this game. The Corporate back peddling and lies are putrid.

Buffing stuff isn't just a matter of typing a bigger number into a box, but often involves re-creating content from the ground up, like with Lightning Tendrils.

You may have reasons for not wanting all skills to be viable, but you could use something like the Dota2 approach towards balancing to make more skills viable.

Run some analysis on which skills are outliers in how little they are used, and buff their damage effectiveness/crit chance/attack speed/attribute requirements, or whatever else you want by 3-5% more (or whatever small amount you find suitable). This should not make any skills ridiculously overpowered in just one balance iteration, and it should not be too much more difficult than typing a bigger number into a box because you aren't reworking the skills. You already have the statistics on skill usage so there wouldn't be too much extra work on this front.

It's a boring approach to balancing skills, but over several iterations it will certainly increase build diversity (though this may not necessarily be a goal you have).

Even elemental hit would be often used if the added damage values were high enough.
Honestly the content in 3.1 looks good. I'm excited for Abyss and I'm actually someone who would like the grind to 100 to take longer (so long as there are still items to chase while doing so). The problem I have with GGG as of late is the flat out lying or misleading or deflecting of criticism.

- We have a decent list of buffs coming tomorrow.
- We have a million DPS build that we will share before next week.
- ES builds at 25k

These are all essentially lies, mostly stated seemingly for the purpose to mislead the majority to explain a reason for a nerf or change.

Just fucking tell the truth. Seriously. Say this instead:

- We don't have many buffs tomorrow, however, patch 3.2 will feature a complete re-work of ascendancies. A future patch will deal with reworking skill gems.
- We don't like how powerful this build was, we are reducing its power to compensate.
- We are sick of the ES meta and would like the current meta to change.

I fucking hate feeling like I'm being lied to. If you make changes with the honest intent to make the game better, just state why you're doing it. It's mindbogglingly frustrating that we have to consider whether or not you as a company know what the fuck you're talking about (consider the whole GGG doesn't actually play their game fiasco) when you try and justify changes through lies. This whole controversy started because as a company you've started to say factually incorrect things and straight up ignore people that demanded an answer for it.

For god's sake just tell the fucking truth.
Last edited by jdance25 on Dec 5, 2017, 9:53:27 PM
I don't care about The Baron and I won't care about Breach until you nerf master XP and stop forcing people to do soul-crushing rotations for masters every league. Master XP, especially for Zana, needs literally a 75% or more nerf. But you're actually adding XP penalties and nerfs for high level players... So clearly you don't care about this. Huge missteps, as usual.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0

Sardekar wrote:
Thanks for addressing the salt, but you definitely did handle this in a way initially that you should have known would produce a mine's worth.

Don't hype something up only to let people down, it just makes you look worse than if you'd never bothered with the hype. Stop being so nerf-happy, this is a PVE game, not an esport, balance is pretty much irrelevant, fun however, is not. You can tell us about cool new unique interactions all you want, but taking things away that players had easy access to and replacing them with combinations of items/gems only pigeon-holes players into having to take that "one thing" to make something work. You did away with VP being needed for x amount of builds by now introducing more content that will require x item or node just to work. It's build limiting and it's boring. Allow us more flexibility in how we build, more rare-based, less uniques.

Sometimes it really does feel like you guys see players are enjoying something, they want to spend money as a result, and your reaction is "uh oh, we better nerf that!"....this makes absolutely zero sense. This is why leagues depopulate so quickly after launches. We get bored too quickly, because the mechanics of POE are quite simple, too many builds feel too similar, and 10 acts or no, we're still just repeating the same content over and over. Remove our fun and/or gimmicky stuff and what are we left with?

Performance fixes, new skills that aren't all basically the same theme all at once(all channelling one patch, all corpse related another), fixes to broken or underused content such as shitty ascendancy classes, melee skills, etc, should have been a priority over 90% of what you actually did roll out in this patch. Perhaps the new maps will add some variety and be mind-blowingly good, but they'll still get boring playing the same old skills over and over again, except now with fun new nerfs!

With the way things have been going in your nerfing pattern, it seems that if something is popular, it has to go. By that logic, I'm surprised you haven't reduced Tabula to a lower drop rate. I'm not at all suggesting you do this, it would likely kill your game, but you have to admit it fits the pattern, which should illustrate why it's a really bad metric for nerfing.

Also, one of the biggest things that pissed people off- stop listening to racers and reddit. Racers don't play the way that 99.9% of us do, and they have no idea how we play, why we play, or what we like. Balancing anything around people like Ziz is going to make for a terrible game, and that should honestly be blatantly obvious.

Thanks again for the transparency and continual communication, just please learn to better sort through your feedback and learn what to ignore and heed. Use common sense when it comes to getting people's hopes up, it shouldn't be surprising what will piss off the average player, especially not this many years in. People are now going to spend the next couple days either wondering if their builds still work, or bitching on forums about how their favorite thing was nerfed- this is bad PR and not good for POE's overall health, which none of us want to see.

You guys seem to be falling into the "We listen to the top 0.01%, and nobody in the office actually plays this game" trope.


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