Orange Cheetoh is promoting slavery
Everyone remember that Mueller was going to testify today? What happened?
chipoodle wrote:
Orange Cheetoh is promoting slavery
Your post is fake news, but your link is real as fuck.

August last year, I had a rather nasty breakup with my girlfriend at the time, and since I had been staying at her place, I was homeless (but not carless) briefly as I arranged a new place. Like any homeless veteran with sense, I went to the VA. They referred me to a "homeless shelter" that was essentially a permanently unlocked wing/block of what was otherwise a minimum security prison, located in Horizon, TX (just outside El Paso). The company operating the facility was CoreCivic.

The food while I was staying there was shitty even by prison food standards, and it was served by detainees. During my brief time there (two weeks IIRC), being the talkative type I am, I tried to converse with the servers. Many didn't speak English, and I don't speak Spanish. One who did told me he was there because he entered the country illegally. He told me other detainees cook the (shitty) food. I remember that I asked him if they were paying him for the work he was doing, and he didn't answer — he just walked away, without another word. I wondered if I'd pissed him off somehow, but I was confident he understood me. I never saw him again, which wasn't weird as I wasn't there long (and perhaps neither was he).

The CoreCivic people barely did anything. They were supposed to provide shuttle service to veterans, but I could tell they didn't do a great job because I was very popular with the other veterans for giving rides. Other than that, uniformed staff did a night time attendance thing and otherwise left us alone, door to the outside unlocked and usually wide open. Part of me reasoned that the food servers couldn't be too desperate to escape, because they could have made a run for it after they were buzzed into our wing from the greater prison.

So I have to give the video a rating of Genuinely Real News. I've seen most of it with my own eyes, and the $1/day detail meshes well with what I've seen. I don't think this is necessarily Trump's fault, but CoreCivic is a shitty private company running shitty private detention centers. They should be shut the fuck down and replaced by a company that hires Americans instead of exploiting illegal alien labor.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 15, 2019, 7:31:26 PM
pneuma wrote:
Everyone remember that Mueller was going to testify today? What happened?

Still negotiating the terms of his appearance apparently.

Tbh I still dont even understand the ultimate point. I would imagine he would stick by his own report. Nothing is going to change.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
pneuma wrote:
Everyone remember that Mueller was going to testify today? What happened?

It got delayed. No clear reason why its been delayed, as far as I can tell.

Could be anything from him not liking the format for the testimony or him simply not having time for it, atm.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
chipoodle wrote:
Orange Cheetoh is promoting slavery
Your post is fake news, but your link is real as fuck.

August last year, I had a rather nasty breakup with my girlfriend at the time, and since I had been staying at her place, I was homeless (but not carless) briefly as I arranged a new place. Like any homeless veteran with sense, I went to the VA. They referred me to a "homeless shelter" that was essentially a permanently unlocked wing/block of what was otherwise a minimum security prison, located in Horizon, TX (just outside El Paso). The company operating the facility was CoreCivic.

The food while I was staying there was shitty even by prison food standards, and it was served by detainees. During my brief time there (two weeks IIRC), being the talkative type I am, I tried to converse with the servers. Many didn't speak English, and I don't speak Spanish. One who did told me he was there because he entered the country illegally. He told me other detainees cook the (shitty) food. I remember that I asked him if they were paying him for the work he was doing, and he didn't answer — he just walked away, without another word. I wondered if I'd pissed him off somehow, but I was confident he understood me. I never saw him again, which wasn't weird as I wasn't there long (and perhaps neither was he).

The CoreCivic people barely did anything. They were supposed to provide shuttle service to veterans, but I could tell they didn't do a great job because I was very popular with the other veterans for giving rides. Other than that, uniformed staff did a night time attendance thing and otherwise left us alone, door to the outside unlocked and usually wide open. Part of me reasoned that the food servers couldn't be too desperate to escape, because they could have made a run for it after they were buzzed into our wing from the greater prison.

So I have to give the video a rating of Genuinely Real News. I've seen most of it with my own eyes, and the $1/day detail meshes well with what I've seen. I don't think this is necessarily Trump's fault, but CoreCivic I a shitty private company running shitty private detention centers. They should be shut the fuck down and replaced by a company that hires Americans instead of exploiting illegal alien labor.

That link is absolutely disgusting. While I certainly wouldn't hold Trump as responsible for it, he certainly doesn't help the situation by his politics.

Unless, of course, he knew of the situation (not possible to prove at this point)...
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
Also, for profits prisons shouldn't exist.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
faerwin wrote:
Also, for profits prisons shouldn't exist.

Playing devils advocate here, because I dont know a ton about private investments in the prison system, but how should they function? If it's not private I assume on the backs of tax payers?

Seems like a rough sell to the public if so.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on May 15, 2019, 7:47:47 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
faerwin wrote:
Also, for profits prisons shouldn't exist.

Playing devils advocate here, because I dont know a ton about private investments in the prison system, but how should they function? If it's not private I assume on the backs of tax payers?

Seems like a rough sell to the public if so.

...who do you think is paying the private prison?
MrCoo1 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
faerwin wrote:
Also, for profits prisons shouldn't exist.

Playing devils advocate here, because I dont know a ton about private investments in the prison system, but how should they function? If it's not private I assume on the backs of tax payers?

Seems like a rough sell to the public if so.

...who do you think is paying the private prison?

I assume they get funding awards and contracts and have investors?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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