ScrotieMcB wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
He's a criminal.
The Mueller report stated that they did not find evidence sufficient to conclude the President committed a crime. So you're in tinfoil land.

Not true, he concluded he did not conspire with Russia. Mueller explicitly stated that he would say the same for Obstruction if he could but that he could not.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
He's a criminal.
The Mueller report stated that they did not find evidence sufficient to conclude the President committed a crime. So you're in tinfoil land.
Not true, he concluded he did not conspire with Russia. Mueller explicitly stated that he would say the same for Obstruction if he could but that he could not.
Mueller said both what I said (so it's not false), and what you said. I really like how Maher put it during his Real Time show: something like "we wait for this investigation and we're told it's done and Mueller goes 'uh.'"

But let's get real here: you've had 2 years and tens of millions of dollars to investigate this and what you've got is no Russia conspiracy and evidence to support some "uh"-bstruction charges that Mueller didn't think were sufficient to conclude the President committed a crime. You don't have another two years, and I think it's past last call for taxpayer money. You're not going to get more evidence, and the evidence you have isn't enough to prove a crime. It's pretty much over; the American people are out of patience for this witch hunt. It's not going to happen.

If we lived in some alternate reality where "innocent until proven guilty" wasn't deeply woven into the fabric of the American justice tradition, where "beyond a reasonable doubt" wasn't the golden standard, I think you really might have made it. But we don't live in that universe.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Apr 30, 2019, 2:15:30 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:

If Trump weren't illegitimately president and protected by a broken DOJ policy, he'd spend the balance of his life in prison for the 10 incidents of obstruction alone.

Imagine locking up someone because he's your political opponent. The civil war memes would be lit.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
A new false/misleading statement by a Democrat on Charlottesville. Castro (paraphrasing) said, "Trump failed to condemn racism in Charlottesville." (I actually am not positive that Trump condemned racism. He may have only condemned hate and white nationalists/nazis.)
While he didn't explicitly condemn racism, he condemned both neo-nazis and white nationalists, which kinda implies condemning racism; furthermore, the noteworthy victim was a white woman.
Turtledove wrote:
Which is worse, this statement by Castro or the statement by Trump that Democrats want to give birth to a baby, wrap the baby in a blanket, then mother and doctor discuss whether or not the baby should be murdered? Tough call, I'd say that it's reasonably possible that Castro is making an honest mistake but almost impossible to think Trump is making an honest mistake. Trump's lie is an attack on millions of people.
Both were media hoaxes, and very similar. I saw a video of Northram's abortion comments maliciously edited to drop important context, and I was hoaxed for a little less than a week. I think it's unfair to assume Trump knew it was a lie, but also perhaps over sympathetic to assume he didn't know; the best position is to remain uncommitted on whether he knew or not, until evidence presents itself (might never happen). I think the Charlottesville hoax had far broader reach, and had a more sinister effect: poisoning American attitudes towards a sitting President regarding fascism is a little worse than poisoning American attitudes towards a sitting Governor regarding abortion. That said, both were similarly constructed hoaxes. I guess it comes down to whether you judge "worst" by construction (equal), impact (Charlottesville was worse), or a mix (still Charlottesville).

You can trust neither side.

We'll see if President Trump repeats the lie which would be strong evidence that he knows it is incorrect.

If Trump didn't explicitly condemn racism then Castro was probably being knowingly misleading or taking advantage of an imperfect response from Trump. Although Trump did come out with backing from Kelly Anne Conway that Trump spoke about it perfectly.

Another possible nuance is that Trump may differentiate between racism with hate being bad but thinking that there are significant racial differences. Which seems like a reasonable possibility to me. He has on many occasions indicated things like Jews are better negotiators, Blacks tend to be lazy, Hispanics are rapists, etc.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
The Mueller report stated that they did not find evidence sufficient to conclude the President committed a crime. So you're in tinfoil land.
Not true, he concluded he did not conspire with Russia. Mueller explicitly stated that he would say the same for Obstruction if he could but that he could not.
Mueller said both what I said (so it's not false), and what you said. I really like how Maher put it during his Real Time show: something like "we wait for this investigation and we're told it's done and Mueller goes 'uh.'"

But let's get real here: you've had 2 years and tens of millions of dollars to investigate this and what you've got is no Russia conspiracy and evidence to support some "uh"-bstruction charges that Mueller didn't think were sufficient to conclude the President committed a crime. You don't have another two years, and I think it's past last call for taxpayer money. You're not going to get more evidence, and the evidence you have isn't enough to prove a crime. It's pretty much over; the American people are out of patience for this witch hunt. It's not going to happen.

If we lived in some alternate reality where "innocent until proven guilty" wasn't deeply woven into the fabric of the American justice tradition, where "beyond a reasonable doubt" wasn't the golden standard, I think you really might have made it. But we don't live in that universe.

Mueller categorically did NOT explicitly state that no crime was committed. He stated that no crime of conspiracy was committed. Regarding Obstruction he stated that if there was insufficient evidence to bring charges for Obstruction he would say so, just like he did for conspiracy. But, he could not state that for obstruction. He further stated that it would be unfair to state there was enough evidence to bring charges without bringing charges because one could not then be cleared in court. He implied it would be up to Congress and/or wait until after Trump was no longer President to resolve the matter further.

The bottom line being, more evidence of Obstruction of Justice is not needed. It is up to congress to act (or not) and/or the justice system wait until Trump is no longer President to bring charges (or not).
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
And now we have confirmation that Barr is a criminal and his 4 page letter was a partisan fabrication. (We all knew that anyway)

There's another impeachment coming :)
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
How can you obstruct nothing?

Like if no ones around does tree make sound falling in forest?

Anyway - nice try Trump has plenty of "issues" all y'all are doing is giving him ammo on "deep state" headed into 2020 becausemost ppl cant think past the basics. No collusion and elites are still out to get you and "me"
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 30, 2019, 9:13:26 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
And now we have confirmation that Barr is a criminal and his 4 page letter was a partisan fabrication. (We all knew that anyway)

There's another impeachment coming :)

lmao the delusion
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Aim_Deep wrote:
How can you obstruct nothing?

Like if no ones around does tree make sound falling in forest?

Anyway - nice try Trump has plenty of "issues" all y'all are doing is giving him ammo on "deep state" headed into 2020 becausemost ppl cant think past the basics. No collusion and elites are still out to get you and "me"

That's why Democrats won't do shit regarding impeachment or anything. They know that without the underlying crime (collusion), everything falls apart. Trump simply defended himself from a now confirmed political witch hunt. Some say Dems were playing 4D chess and started the hoax to make Trump do stupid shit. Maybe true, but it won't get them anywhere.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on May 1, 2019, 6:20:00 AM
Turtledove wrote:

Mueller categorically did NOT explicitly state that no crime was committed. He stated that no crime of conspiracy was committed. Regarding Obstruction he stated that if there was insufficient evidence to bring charges for Obstruction he would say so, just like he did for conspiracy. But, he could not state that for obstruction. He further stated that it would be unfair to state there was enough evidence to bring charges without bringing charges because one could not then be cleared in court. He implied it would be up to Congress and/or wait until after Trump was no longer President to resolve the matter further.

The bottom line being, more evidence of Obstruction of Justice is not needed. It is up to congress to act (or not) and/or the justice system wait until Trump is no longer President to bring charges (or not).

Mueller didn't think the President committed a crime but Mueller probably think Trump is corrupted.

The criminal offense of corruption need to be clearly defined and passage into the law. It is up to the congress to do so. Unfortunately, your congress does not always fulfill that role.

That pretty damning as a person, not to people in power. If they can get away with corruption they are in need of a praise. The kind of different mentality where you see exploitation as Opportunities.
Last edited by deathflower on May 1, 2019, 8:58:01 AM

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