JNF wrote:

That's funny, I've conversed with people from numerous places around the world with socialized healthcare and I've heard mostly negative things ranging from 'can't get help for anything other than the common cold' to 'my operation xyz won't be covered at all...'

And you think that healthcare is free?...

Social healthcare is ok for median issue's and trauma's.

The real problem is is that you can't pay medical staff enough to atract new people, that's why in my country for example hospitals are having serious problems with nurses and doctor's.

They all go into private sectors because the pay is higher and the pressure lower.

I know two nurses myself and when you hear story's about one person being responsible for a hall with 14 people in it all in recovery you know there's trouble.
Nursing is becomming commonplace emigrant labor, which is troubling in itself because then you have a language barier between the patients(usually seniors with restricted english knowledge) and staff.
And since they usually can't write the language all of the paper work is being neglected or shuffled off to head-staff which causes more overhead burden.

It's a fascinating but painfull topic.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Meanwhile, a musical interlude from President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump:

Donald Trump Singing Shake It Off by Taylor Swift

=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Raycheetah wrote:
Meanwhile, a musical interlude from President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump:

Donald Trump Singing Shake It Off by Taylor Swift


That is hilarious and brilliant. As much as I hate that music, even I can appreciate it.
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
Boem wrote:
JNF wrote:

That's funny, I've conversed with people from numerous places around the world with socialized healthcare and I've heard mostly negative things ranging from 'can't get help for anything other than the common cold' to 'my operation xyz won't be covered at all...'

And you think that healthcare is free?...

Social healthcare is ok for median issue's and trauma's.

The real problem is is that you can't pay medical staff enough to atract new people, that's why in my country for example hospitals are having serious problems with nurses and doctor's.

They all go into private sectors because the pay is higher and the pressure lower.

I know two nurses myself and when you hear story's about one person being responsible for a hall with 14 people in it all in recovery you know there's trouble.
Nursing is becomming commonplace emigrant labor, which is troubling in itself because then you have a language barier between the patients(usually seniors with restricted english knowledge) and staff.
And since they usually can't write the language all of the paper work is being neglected or shuffled off to head-staff which causes more overhead burden.

It's a fascinating but painfull topic.



I don't know which country you are from but Canada also suffer from it a bit, due to its close proximity with the US. It's not rare to see a medicine graduate move to the US to work there after getting their diploma. Which suck immensely because not only are we losing a doctor or specialist but are also wasting all the money spent on the education (which remember, is mostly free).

That said, the overcrowding is due to multiple factors.

of those:

- Lack of employees, especially in more rural areas.

- Abuse of the system from people that go in for the slightest issue (which sometimes isn't even an issue)

- Obsolete techniques and technologies

The first is very hard to fix and in some cases, impossible. If you raise the pay, you rise the cost. The partial solution Canada came with is to allow super nurses and pharmacists to prescribe for the more common issues such as flu.

Personally, I think that those that truly abuse the system should end up paying after a number of visits. If you keep having to visit the hospital because you make overdoses or get alcohol poisoning, you should end up with the bill. This might discourage a few to do dumb shit if they have to fork a few thousands. Most likely they won't and they'll end up paying but at least, it's gonna be money for #3

Which is improvement of old techniques and technologies. An example of this is my dad having to go to a follow-up call to get news on his operation. The meeting lasted about 5 minutes and could have easily been done on the phone or with skype (I say skype out of convenience). This kind of stuff takes pointless time out of the day for both the doctor and for the patient.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
faerwin wrote:

Do you have a source showing your claim about medical discoveries being evenly distributed? Biomedical research publications certainly don't agree with this at all.

This doesn't show for joint efforts though.

When you consider populations, you can see that (among highly developed countries) that it's about even.

Did you read the article you posted? It's from 2011 and shows that the US is publishing more than the next 7 countries combined. Hardly evenly distributed. Even among those other countries the distribution is far from even.
faerwin wrote:

Do you have a source showing your claim about medical discoveries being evenly distributed? Biomedical research publications certainly don't agree with this at all.

This doesn't show for joint efforts though.

When you consider populations, you can see that (among highly developed countries) that it's about even.

Did you read the article you posted? It's from 2011 and shows that the US is publishing more than the next 7 countries combined. Hardly evenly distributed. Even among those other countries the distribution is far from even.

Compare it to the population and you'll see that it's pretty much the same
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
When is the attempted coup against Trump being investigated? Everyone knows I'm a never Trump republican but this is whole problem with huge state. Big gov. If they can go after a president you are nothing by comparison. About 99% of it needs to be eliminated. Big gov and freedom dont coexist.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
When is the attempted coup against Trump being investigated? Everyone knows I'm a never Trump republican but this is whole problem with huge state. Big gov. If they can go after a president you are nothing by comparison. About 99% of it needs to be eliminated. Big gov and freedom dont coexist.

What 'Coup'? Investigating the Russian involvement in the election is totally legal. Trump is still the commander in chief.

Go back to rambling about Obamacare.
Boem wrote:
Yes clearly i am a sociopath that doesn't give a shit about people.

Give what I said some context here. You said it that it was acceptable to punch someone, as long as you tell them ahead of time. I said 'that' was sociopathic.

Btw i don't have to be courteous to people who cannot give others the same treatment. I choose to be if i desire so.

He missrepresented me 6 pages ago intentionally and now he did the same to pneuma, don't expect to be treated with decency when you don't give other's the same baseline value.

Two wrongs, don't make a right. It doesn't make you any less of a dick, if you decide to do the same thing. It doesn't make a big difference that you gave a note, to give yourself a morally ambiguous way out of the conversation.

I mean, I had my fair share of flipping out if I think someone is being dishonest, but I'm not gonna pretend that my behavior was justified. I get angry and say stupid shit.

And if someone calls me out on it. I'll be like, yeah, that wasn't really the right thing to do back there. I might be totally right, but acting like a douche isn't what I should be doing.

Feel free to imply i would physically harm others or whatever. Others are capable of judging me and your hypothesis how they want.

It'd be better if you clarified what you meant in your example about punching someone. You were being evasive on the topic, and I was trying to pin down your reasoning.

I don't have to sit iddle when i see somebody posting in bad-faith and has done so multiple times already.

edit: for reference, post 2.
Never altered, and taking pieces and bits of other people in various orders to act in bad faith, not only towards me.

Yeah, but that behavior, where you have to get back at anyone who wrongs you is what exacerbates and poisons any discussion. How is everyone suppose to know exactly what you consider bad-faith.

Something rather benign or said offhandedly could offend you, and you get into a litany of toxic conversations because you can't control yourself. There is a healthy way to deal with it, and then there is throwing a tantrum.
Last edited by RPGlitch on Mar 28, 2019, 2:42:56 AM
deathflower wrote:
Go back to rambling about Obamacare.

Not really much to talk about there, except that its dead.

Also, Jussie Smollett apparently walked free, after breaking the law.

I'm honestly interested if an federal investigation is going to happen for how hilariously bad it was handled.

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