鬼殺し wrote:

Of all the Fox News tools, that guy is the worst. Hilarious
Turtledove wrote:
I would have been fine with Bernie back in 2016. I think that he's too old though for 2020?

Bernie needs to release his tax records and explain why he's such a pal of the Kremlin oligarchy.
Turtledove wrote:
I would have been fine with Bernie back in 2016. I think that he's too old though for 2020?

Bernie needs to release his tax records and explain why he's such a pal of the Kremlin oligarchy.

Which politician do you think is honest, and not in someone's pockets, and actually has real ideals, and a vision?

"The Kremlin" is perhaps the most effective group at influencing geopolitics with the least amount of resources, and effort.

The USA enforces their power through "Foreign aid", and "Regime change", but nobody honestly likes the USA. The Kremlin takes advantage of this, and gets effectively the same results, and with far less resources invested, and without engaging in expensive foreign wars just to "make an example" against those who don't "toe the line".

The Kremlin doesn't tell other countries how they're supposed to handle internal social or economic policies. The Kremlin doesn't preach false idealistic narratives like "Spreading freedom and Democracy". All they're seeking are alliances for the purposes of trade, commerce, and in some cases, mutual defense. They really like it when you buy their military hardware. And the only thing "wrong" from the perspective of an American, is that they're at odds with the USA's interests in the region/s.

For a country that's got lower GDP than Texas, they sure command an awful lot of influence. One might even ask how is it possible they do so much with so little? The truth is somewhere in the middle. They're not the threat that the US media hypes them up to be, however, they're far more efficient than the USA is when it comes to influencing geopolitics.

I think it's safe to say that "The Kremlin" has won in Syria. After the USA dumped billions into that theater. Their man, Assad, is still in power, and isn't going anywhere.

The USA shits all over Maduro, so what does "The Kremlin" do? They make an ally out of him, and get Maduro to sell them some oil reserves.....

One might even argue that the USA is playing the stupid side.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 20, 2019, 8:10:45 PM
Turtledove wrote:
I would have been fine with Bernie back in 2016. I think that he's too old though for 2020?

Bernie needs to release his tax records and explain why he's such a pal of the Kremlin oligarchy.

Bernie's gonna win the primary and there's nothing you can do about it.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The real reason for the Syrian war, was that Russia, Iran, Syria wanted to construct a pipeline to run through those respective countries, into Europe.

The US, Saudis, and Israelis had similar plans of their own. The USA made an offer to Assad, and he turned them down. Then comes the "Civil War" which was entirely supported, backed, and engineered by the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

All the Russians were trying to do was make a deal in their own best interests. Assad is not a bad guy. He's extremely moderate for an Islamic country. Religious minorities weren't persecuted, until the US/Saudi backed terrorists entered the country. The chemical weapons attacks by Assad were fake, and designed to spark outrage, and get the US public behind an invasion, but people didn't take the bait. It would have been an extremely unpopular war. Fox News was beating the war drums for intensifying our presence in Syria for YEARS.

Anyone curious how Turkey managed to get on the USA's shit list? They ended up turning a deal from the USA, Israel, and Saudis, because the Russians, Iranians, and Syrians offered them a bigger cut from their pipeline. A cut that the other side wasn't willing to match.

Suddenly, strange happenings in Turkey with a coup attempt against Erdogan.

Ever since then, Ergodan has been on the USA's shit list, lots of attacks on him and his government by American media, and pundits.

This also combined with the USA backing militant Kurdish terrorists in Syria, and the Kurds and the Turks have an extremely adversarial relationship, and Turkey doesn't like having Kurds that close to their borders.

"Syria" got extremely complicated, and the situation there is now unpredictable. It's essentially a proxy war between several major powers, with some choosing to take direct action, others are using puppets primarily. And in the case of Turkey, they're sitting in close observance of the situation on the sidelines.

I think it's funny how they try to set up ISIS as enemy #1. Oh, they're throwing gay people off rooftops, and murdering Christians! Almost like it's intentionally designed to flame both the American left and the right to demand action be taken to "Crush ISIS", meanwhile the real goal/purpose is something entirely different. That's called a bait and switch tactic.

Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 20, 2019, 8:36:41 PM
The biggest difference between Communism and Democracy is the method that's used to control people.

One believes it's easier to threaten/beat/intimidate/kill people who disagree with you, and the other believes it's easier to brainwash the masses with lies and propaganda. You can convince someone to demand their own downfall, while making them believe it's helping them.

Communists have their own propaganda, but it's so juvenile, nobody with a triple digit IQ is going to seriously believe it. Smarter people might parrot it with ulterior motives, but truly believe it? No. It's more like they know you know it's bullshit, but that's the game, and you're expected to play along, or else. Case and point, North Korea. And now, the new American Left. AKA "New Green Deal". The "New Green Deal" got immediately, and abruptly laughed off the stage. The goal was never to actually deliver on all, or any of that, but to convince gullible morons that was actually possible, and feasible to execute.

That's only going to work as long as the economic situation in the USA remains good. Once Joe six pack can't afford a six pack along with his cable bill, Joe six pack is going to be looking to blame somebody, and isn't gonna be placated by bullshit media narratives any longer.

The USA is most definitely going into the shitter. The writing is on the wall. It's not a matter of if, but when, and when is going to be in a few decades, tops.

The methods are already shifting from "brainwashing and placation" to "threats", "character assassinations", etc. Essentially, bullying. The most positive thing to happen with Trump, is that distrust of the media is at an all time high, and I don't think they're ever going to recover from this. And another positive development is that there might just be enough people in the USA who will tell them to go suck their cocks when it comes to threats of character assassination, or bullying. Remember the scene in Braveheart? All those men mooned the british troops? I can see Americans rallying to do the same thing to the government and media. There are enough defiant plebs. And they're going to have to kill us all.

Increased militarization of the police, combined with increasingly aggressive gun control measures pretty much hint to me that the "powers that be" are aware that this ship is on its last leg, and the only way they'll retain any power whatsoever is by brute force alone. That's kinda difficult when the plebs can shoot back. They can't have that. If I don't have a firearm, I still got pants and 2 hairy ass cheeks. And a jumbo frank they can suck on.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 20, 2019, 8:59:23 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
I would have been fine with Bernie back in 2016. I think that he's too old though for 2020?

Bernie needs to release his tax records and explain why he's such a pal of the Kremlin oligarchy.

Bernie's gonna win the primary and there's nothing you can do about it.

You are such a silly person. Why would you say such an irrelevant thing?

Here's the deal. It seems that you earlier were gullible and told an untruth. Gullible because you believe nonsense just because it matches whatever silly hope is floating around in your head. Like your silly assertions about the hoax bar graph. You also falsely claimed that the website that provided that information is offline and so you cannot name what that website is. Why can you not name a website just because it is offline? Why are you reading news from a website that is offline for days at a time?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Feb 20, 2019, 10:08:44 PM
Turtledove wrote:

You are such a silly person. Why would you say such an irrelevant thing?

Here's the deal. You are gullible and a liar. Gullible because you believe nonsense just because it matches whatever silly hope is floating around in your head. Like your silly assertions about the hoax bar graph. You are a liar because you have falsely claimed that the website that provided that information is offline and so you cannot name what that website is. Why can you not name a website just because it is offline? Why are you reading news from a website that is offline for days at a time?

The site is up again btw.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

You are such a silly person. Why would you say such an irrelevant thing?

Here's the deal. You are gullible and a liar. Gullible because you believe nonsense just because it matches whatever silly hope is floating around in your head. Like your silly assertions about the hoax bar graph. You are a liar because you have falsely claimed that the website that provided that information is offline and so you cannot name what that website is. Why can you not name a website just because it is offline? Why are you reading news from a website that is offline for days at a time?

The site is up again btw.

I guess that is as close as you can come to admitting that you had posted a bar graph with bogus information in it?

I do admit that the post you copied of mine involved some trolling. But here's a serious few sentences. Believing false information is a real danger. It is human nature to want to justify ones already held beliefs. That is why it is important to read real news sites to get the bulk of your news. Contrary what Donald Trump would have you believe the main media outlets in the USA and in Germany as well, I'm sure, follow good practices taught in journalism classes in the universities. The purpose of these practices is to insure accurate reporting is provided as much as is possible.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
kolyaboo wrote:
Jussie ain't going to jail. Probably host the Oscars next year. Or get a job at CNN.

This ought to make the fur fly in here (or the scales).

Felony criminal charges against Jussie Smollett approved, Chicago police say

He should go to jail if guilty, IMHO. I'll bet you $100 that he does not host the Oscars or get a job at CNN next year.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Feb 20, 2019, 11:32:05 PM

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