鬼殺し wrote:
And you think anything you say is going to make a lick of difference with him? That you're going to find that one magical statement or bit of evidence that makes him or anyone else who can still support Trump now suddenly turn around and rediscover what it was to be on the side of rational thinking and respectful of the truth beyond nitpicking and pointless minutiae?

Honestly. Do you?

No, but he can at least hopefully correct himself about circumstantial evidence because I know he does not like looking like an idiot and while he stays on this path he will continue looking like an uninformed individual that has no clue what he is talking about.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
鬼殺し wrote:
Yeah, wake me up when that happens.

Why do you want to sleep forever :D
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
鬼殺し wrote:
One of the big issues as I see it is that anyone apt and possessed of the realistic means to take Trump out of play either wouldn't benefit from it or is benefiting from his continual existence as the 45th President of the United States.

I was watching a series of interviews with Mossad agents, past and present, and one thing that stood out was that for all their caginess and verbal side-stepping, they all agreed on one thing: you don't take out world leaders. It's a form of MAD: we won't touch yours and you won't touch ours. So any number of individuals below that position, especially those actively involved in the intelligence scene, were fair game, but world leaders are curiously sacrosanct.

And even now any private citizen with sufficient firepower and *crazy* enough to attempt to do it the old Oswald way remains firmly a Trump supporter because he at least won't take their guns away and is perfectly fine with their crazy vote. Or at least their lack of sane counter-vote.

Only If there is enough profit involved. Even the Chinese know Trump would be gone in a couple of years. It is a Waste of energy. The next leader is gonna turn around and ask them for their trade and businesses.

Sound like a crazy idea but people need to win and profit from it. If you are anti-Trump, I would say it is Vital Trump don't win the next election. Simply because the next president can issue "Previous order is hereby rescinded." to throw Trump's executive order into the trash can. Just mimic What he did to Obama. Easy, simple and minimum hassle.
鬼殺し wrote:
While it's pretty much a given each successive leader is going to make it a big point to attack/scrap the previous president's work (assuming a polar shift in party, which seems almost inevitable these days), it seems less important to actually do it and more significant that one merely make a big song and dance about trying to do it.

Scrapping a former leader's initiative just because it was theirs regardless of the merit of the initiative is good politics, bad policy. And it's the politics that wins votes, NOT the ensuing policy. At worst, those just lose votes next time.

Trump is an excellent example of why the system is broken -- not that he'd come charging in, cavalier and iconoclastic, ready to 'drain the swamp' and get rid of those corrupt politicians...but that he could get in on a bunch of promises he could never keep, that struck anyone with half a brain as utterly unrealistic, but were so appealing to an uneducated base that they all voted for it while the rest of the populace foolishly remains stagnant and adamant that no one could be stupid enough to vote for that.

So essentially you have a system based not around ensuring the most capable or benevolent or even competent leader is in place, but instead favours the one who can tell the best lies and make the best promises.

If you apply this to almost any other situation, it seems like fucking madness.

I would politely disagree. I would undeniably go after the opposing opponent core base and hurt them in a way that reduce the benefits accrued to them and redirect those resources to my own supporters. A good leader needed to both feared and respected. To vote for my opponent is the intention to sacrifice and obstruct my intention and efforts. There should be Opportunity cost to sacrifice mine, they need give up something of equal value and to demonstrate there is none, encourage and endorse such behaviors. Being lenient and merciful is woefully destructive to awareness and realization of real cost involved in picking candidates.
The fake news media used little Alan for their globalist propaganda for months and I'm not allowed to post him here? Interesting.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

Psychopath -- 25 Amendment this chump (video)

Psychopath -- 25 Amendment this chump (video)

Bad bot.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
there never was any Russian meddling in the election, save some silly Facebook/Instagram ads. It was all a giant fucking lie.

Saying that Russia hasn't tried to affect a non-controversial presidential election in USA is naive. Saying that Russia didn't try to tip the scale towards Trump is blatantly stupid. Whether Trump and Russia were cooperating is one thing, but denying Russia's meddling completely should outright revoke your voting rights.
鬼殺し wrote:
I was watching a series of interviews with Mossad agents, past and present, and one thing that stood out was that for all their caginess and verbal side-stepping, they all agreed on one thing: you don't take out world leaders. It's a form of MAD: we won't touch yours and you won't touch ours. So any number of individuals below that position, especially those actively involved in the intelligence scene, were fair game, but world leaders are curiously sacrosanct.

It's not that curious though? Not only is killing the head of nation a pretty direct declaration of war, behind the scenes it shows the other participants of the intelligence game just how far you're ready to go. Being labeled a direct threat to any and all countries' leaders, in one smooth motion you become the #1 enemy of most countries' intelligence agencies, ostracizing you from the game.

No one's stupid enough to do that.
Last edited by Anonymous1749704 on Feb 16, 2019, 9:05:37 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
there never was any Russian meddling in the election, save some silly Facebook/Instagram ads. It was all a giant fucking lie.

Saying that Russia hasn't tried to affect a non-controversial presidential election in USA is naive. Saying that Russia didn't try to tip the scale towards Trump is blatantly stupid. Whether Trump and Russia were cooperating is one thing, but denying Russia's meddling completely should outright revoke your voting rights.

Why not call it Americans meddling? Thousands of Americans are involved yet only 12 Russians are indicted. Interference and meddling for whoever pay them. It is Hypocritical to Criticize Russian Election Meddling when they do it all over the world?

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