From the William Barr confirmation yesterday:

Klobuchar: "A president persuading a person to commit perjury would be obstruction. Is that right?"

Barr: "Yes."

Klobuchar: "You also said that a president — or any person — convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction. Is that right?"

Barr: "Yes."

With those answers in mind, read this article posted tonight:

鬼殺し wrote:
There wasn't enough coverage about his ties with organized crime. He made it about racism, fights with the "fake news" etc. There was also WAY too much about Hillary's emails. The MSM weren't informing the public that Trump is a money laundering mobster.

Yes. MSM were played by him and Putin. That's more accurate.

Actually something else I read recently really rang true as well. It's not the media we should blame; consider the state and federal agencies who KNEW how shady Trump was for decades and just let it go, allowing him to play them until his multiple failures somehow looked like successes and he could just freewheel from one swindle to the next. We were too busy pointing and laughing at Martha Stewart...

I agree. The days of him buying his way out of problems (using laundered Russian Rubles) are over.
Turtledove wrote:
About the Trump Moscow project:

"The special counsel’s office learned about Trump’s directive for Cohen to lie to Congress through internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents."


Trump is guilty of conspiring to commit perjury.

And worse. sometimes the coverup is the worst of the crimes. Not this time. And all of his oldest kids are in on it.
鬼殺し wrote:
There wasn't enough coverage about his ties with organized crime. He made it about racism, fights with the "fake news" etc. There was also WAY too much about Hillary's emails. The MSM weren't informing the public that Trump is a money laundering mobster.

Yes. MSM were played by him and Putin. That's more accurate.

Actually something else I read recently really rang true as well. It's not the media we should blame; consider the state and federal agencies who KNEW how shady Trump was for decades and just let it go, allowing him to play them until his multiple failures somehow looked like successes and he could just freewheel from one swindle to the next. We were too busy pointing and laughing at Martha Stewart...

I agree. The days of him buying his way out of problems (using laundered Russian Rubles) are over.

Is money laundering for another country a criminal offense for the US?
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
Allen Weisselberg and David Pecker have both been cooperating for months. Each of these men have YEARS of Trump related receipts.
[Removed by Support because someone's feeling's were hurt]

I remember the debates, too. I remember Hillary talking about Trump. "He said women shouldn't get equal pay unless they do as good a job as men." Such heresy. There was something else like "he said he doesn't like ugly women. Every woman knows what that feels like." Lol so empowering. If you really believed in female empowerment, you'd say something like "He said he doesn't like ugly women. I guess every woman wears a mirror on her face." Cheesy, yes, but it's better than the makeup saleswoman tactic. The 'you'd be so much better if you cover up that x with this here' tactic. Instill fear with a made up problem, then present yourself as the savior/solution. Sad to assume that it always works and says quite a lot about a person purposely attempting to exploit a weakness.
Last edited by ReinEuthanasia on Jan 18, 2019, 3:19:44 AM
faerwin wrote:

Is money laundering for another country a criminal offense for the US?
鬼殺し wrote:
Jeeze, that was even weaker than butteremails. And somehow still needed to be censored. LOL.

Those altered quotes :D
But Her Emails!
But Her Emails!

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