Khoranth wrote:
I go by quality of people. People in the USA are mostly obsessed with material possessions, greedy and exist in exclusive social bubbles. We have a political party entirely based around being obsessed with other people's money & possessions.
We have extremely high suicide rates, high rates of people strung out on hard drugs, high rates of people killing eachother, most people dont wanna have barely any children (or none) because they're afraid they will have less material wealth if they have children.
Clearly having plentiful money, food, healthcare is NOT making people happy. Most in the USA are obsessed with having more.
Maybe some foreign European descent countries aren't as bad as the USA, I dont know
It's easy to be cynical but if you try to actually quantify happiness it turns out Europe and the anglo countries are still at the top. There are outliers like Guatemala where people are happy despite being poor, but that's not the rule. Poverty is the number one cause of unhappiness.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Posted byXavderion#3432on Nov 14, 2018, 12:58:10 PM
Well some group created that definition of happiness. If the USA is "happier" than all African countries, then why do US citizens kill themselves, kill eachother, avoid having children, overdose on drugs ect ect at such high rates?
I would question their happiness criteria .
According to their definition, driving your culture to extinction equals happiness
Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Nov 14, 2018, 1:12:00 PM
Posted byKhoranth#3239on Nov 14, 2018, 1:09:46 PM
Khoranth wrote:
Well some group created that definition of happiness. If the USA is "happier" than all African countries, then why do US citizens kill themselves, kill eachother, avoid having children, overdose on drugs ect ect at such high rates?
I would question their happiness criteria .
According to their definition, driving your culture to extinction equals happiness
You could argue that American culture is hyper competitive and the losers suffer sometimes deadly consequences. That doesn't mean that overall the population is unhappy.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Posted byXavderion#3432on Nov 14, 2018, 1:16:33 PM
Well if your so competitive that you drive your culture to extinction, then your country is inferior. It doesn't matter where you rate on some goofballs happiness index.
And I said they're superior. I'm sure people on heroin are happy while they're all doped up, that doesn't equal superiority.
Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Nov 14, 2018, 1:20:41 PM
Posted byKhoranth#3239on Nov 14, 2018, 1:19:22 PM
faerwin wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
Most countries in Africa are fantastic, sure there are a few exceptions, but just cause they aren't structured the same as white people countries doesn't make them worse. WOW
I would consider most countries in Africa to be superior to Europe descent countries, for the most part
I didn't know that malnutrition, lack of access to clean water, lack of proper education, lack of job security (and I mean it as "you can die on the job"), lack of health systems were seen as fantastic.
The population itself is often fantastic, that I'd agree with.
lol Yeah I think ill stay in the US
I dont see any any key!
Posted byk1rage#5701on Nov 14, 2018, 1:31:47 PM
Khoranth wrote:
Well if your so competitive that you drive your culture to extinction, then your country is inferior. It doesn't matter where you rate on some goofballs happiness index.
And I said they're superior. I'm sure people on heroin are happy while they're all doped up, that doesn't equal superiority.
What makes them superior? Apparently happiness isn't the scale so what else?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Posted byXavderion#3432on Nov 14, 2018, 1:43:47 PM
I dont see any any key! Last edited by k1rage#5701 on Nov 14, 2018, 2:16:03 PM
Posted byk1rage#5701on Nov 14, 2018, 1:46:20 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
Well if your so competitive that you drive your culture to extinction, then your country is inferior. It doesn't matter where you rate on some goofballs happiness index.
And I said they're superior. I'm sure people on heroin are happy while they're all doped up, that doesn't equal superiority.
What makes them superior? Apparently happiness isn't the scale so what else?
I don't accept the premise of that happiness scale to begin with.
Well the main thing that makes them superior is that they aren't wiping themselves out with suicide, drug overdose, murder, low birth rates ect
I would definitely rate "survival" as a key factor in superioity.
Posted byKhoranth#3239on Nov 14, 2018, 1:51:23 PM
Khoranth wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
Well if your so competitive that you drive your culture to extinction, then your country is inferior. It doesn't matter where you rate on some goofballs happiness index.
And I said they're superior. I'm sure people on heroin are happy while they're all doped up, that doesn't equal superiority.
What makes them superior? Apparently happiness isn't the scale so what else?
I don't accept the premise of that happiness scale to begin with.
Well the main thing that makes them superior is that they aren't wiping themselves out with suicide, drug overdose, murder, low birth rates ect
I would definitely rate "survival" as a key factor in superioity.
if survival rates are what we are going by Africa would be the lowest in the world....
aids, famine, war, lack of water and sanitation
people die younger there than any other continent
I dont see any any key!
Posted byk1rage#5701on Nov 14, 2018, 2:15:10 PM
Having been there I can honestly say it is NOT better on most levels than other places I have been to. You literally cannot go outside without a side-arm.
Posted bykolyaboo#7295on Nov 14, 2018, 2:24:40 PM