GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" Who decided that a leader couldn't be a little bit bombastic? Extremely sensitive people? They're the problem, not people like Trump. Trump is a rarity in American politics, and that's part of the reason people like him. Ironically, people like him for the same reasons that others hate him. The people who hate Trump demonstrably can't understand why people like him. They're that out of touch with reality. The Trump supporters on the other hand, know exactly why Trump makes some people mad, and they love him even more for it. Trump's election, in a way, was a referendum on sensitivity. Millions of people said "We not only don't care if you're mad, we will bottle up your tears and drink it!". Bring on the salt, 2020. Yes, politics in the USA has gotten this toxic. Primatology 101 - Whoever throws the most feces wins. Why is this good? Because it brings out people's real, genuine views and opinions, and makes politics slightly more honest. Rather than a layer of nuances. The left hasn't actually shifted farther to the left, because that's been their positions for a long time, but now, they're being more honest with their insane agendas. The same agendas that the right has accused them of having, and were called CT nutters for saying, have now been proven to be correct. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Nov 13, 2018, 6:56:51 PM
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" You are right on as to why many people like Trump. I think that you're missing the mark somewhat though on why people dislike Trump. I don't like Trump because: 1. He lies almost constantly. One cannot trust anything that he says. 2. Trump is a Misogynist and a racist. 3. He does not even try to be President for everyone. He only caters to his base. 4. He seems to only be concerned with himself. When decision making he doesn't seem to be in the least bit concerned with what is best for the country. He is only concerned with what would be best for him. For example, in policy and foreign relations this usually means that he is more concerned with what will play well with his base rather than what would be best for the country. Hence his most important advisers are people like Hannity. 5. He is very dishonest with no moral base. It is known that he violates the emoluments clause of the constitution. It appears likely that he colluded with a foreign power to illegally impact the 2016 election. At the very least it is known that the Trump's campaign expressed excitement with the offer from Russia. 6. Trump's administration has had a huge number of scandals. His appointees wasting tax payer money, needlessly separating children from parents, etc. The swamp is not being drained, it's being fostered. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Well if being a "rarity" and "bombastic" means being an Ass, then enjoy your President Trump. Because he's definitely an ass, and I don't think very many people would deny that. I was reading some media articles comparing him to Hitler(I'm sure you've seen them) and he does very much remind me of Hitler in many ways. Many articles say that he's nothing like Hitler and some say he is...My reasoning is that he can basically say anything bad or do anything bad, and the hardcore right wing Republicans will back him up no matter what and try and present arguments as to why he said what he said, or why he's doing what he's doing. Hitler's followers were brainwashed the same way. That's why his opponents say that he is a very dangerous and scary man, because people realize this. Sometimes I think that "many "that absolutely love President Trump are closet racists and bullies themselves, which is why he appeals to them so much. And no I didn't say "all" I said, "many" Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Nov 13, 2018, 8:26:13 PM
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" My parents were racist. They didn't consider themselves racist though. They didn't hate blacks. They just thought that blacks were not as intelligent but perhaps more athletic than whites. They did not meet any black people until they were grown. I suspect that most racist are like my parents. I, of course, loved my parents. They didn't try to make me racist but did try to impress on me that I should never date a black woman. My parents voted Democrat their whole lives with only two exceptions. They voted for George Wallace. My father had passed away by the time that Obama ran. My mother did not vote for Obama. She said that if he won the election then he would only help blacks. They were good people but, I wouldn't want someone like them to be a police officer or in an elected office, especially not President of the United States. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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"I've got a fewquestions prior to a full response. 1. Do you believe intelligence in humans is to some degree genetic, and if so to what degree? 2. Same as Question 1, but for athleticism. 3. Do you believe that "white privilege" is real? When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" No no no no no no. Don't open this can of worms. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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Is the average IQ of a black person lower than that of a white person? Yes, but NOT because of skin pigment. It's simply a case of having a lot of underdeveloped countries with a majority of black people living in them that cause the disparity.
They have the same potential as whites when it comes to IQ. It all come down to education and nutrition (malnutrition can cause the brain to not fully develop). I'm willing to bet that blacks in the US that live in the middle class class, are not immigrants (or immigrated at a young age, which allowed them to get education) have an average IQ extremely close to equivalent whites. Does genetic play a role in IQ, yes, but not on the sample size of an entire ethnic. Genetics do play a role in muscles disposition. That much is scientifically proven and in that regard, blacks are advantaged. White privilege is absolutely real. Just look at police reactions when dealing with white vs black Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun |
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So i see the Canadians are using disabled people as human bridges to walk over freezing water.
I wonder if the extremist leftists will blame this on Trump too? |
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" What kid of racist, hateful garbage is this? There are lots of African immigrants at my Church, and they are all highly educated and successful. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? Maybe you should take the time to get to know an African immigrant before writing hateful trash like this. They have good schools in Africa, maybe do some reasearch? Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Nov 14, 2018, 6:52:44 AM
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