" The parallels to Trump/Obama/Hillary/Regan/Oprah... You could insert just about anyone into the loose framework established. Reader A (DNC, GOP, Socialist, Independent, Capitalist - pick any one) Politician B (DNC, GOP, Socialist, Independent, Capitalist - pick any one) New Source C (DNC, GOP, Socialist, Independent, Capitalist - pick any one) Reader A "News Source C tells me Politician B is saying things I don't like, and don't fit what my friends and I agree on, therefore Politician B must be a fascist." That's what the article/book by Jason Stanley was about. The problem for American leftists is that the media has been caught lying and doing about faces on stances so often, that they are now making the politicians look honest by comparison. Trump didn't get elected to office because he did everything right. He got elected because the DNC did almost everything wrong for over a decade. They are still at it - ignoring what the American people want, and trying to push their own beliefs as the American way. The louder the MSM shouts, the more entrenched Trump's supporters become. If the MSM stuck to the truth, the American voters would move to a less controversial candidate - simply because most people like to avoid confrontations. So long as the MSM keeps telling American voters that they are bad people for wanting to see America change from its previous losing agenda, the American voters won't think twice about the confrontation. The American MSM might as well be spitting on their viewer's wife/gf and excusing the behavior by saying it is their right to do so because the viewer holds beliefs the MSM doesn't. It is a losing strategy, and the DNC and MSM keep doubling down on it. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Sep 23, 2018, 5:35:02 PM
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How is the DNC's latest strategy paying off? Here's a real life anecdote from Twitter:
(not sure what the forum's policy is on directly linking a non-celebrity's account directly, or I would just link to it)
"At the nail salon today. Things were hopping all the pedicure chairs were full, all the seats at the nail bars, and ladies were waiting. I'd say there were about 35 of us in there, including the nail techs. The friends, I'd say ladies in their mid 40s (forgive me if I'm wrong no offense gals) both agreed that this was a political hit job. They'd never seen anything like it. Suddenly a client 2 seats down piped up too. Early 20s. Uh oh, I thought. She said "I'm disgusted at the whole thing. It's totally political. And even if something did happen, they are just using that Dr. Ford" The ladies at the nail bar all nodded and agreed... "Since when are you guilty just from an accusation!" proclaimed a "soccer Mom" from the row of Pedi-Chairs. "Exactly!" said an older woman next to her, nodding.And then all hell broke loose...something I'd never seen before in a nail salon. The entire salon, clients & techs all started talking at once, with each other, over each other & all about the same thing. Even our cute Vietnamese nail techs agreed, it's a hit job & they're disgusted and tired of it. I was stunned but giggling. I looked at my tech, 20 something Vietnamese-American "Jackie" studying for her nursing degree at ASU. What do you think, Jackie? She frowned, pulled down her "mask" and said, "She's a liar", pulled her mask back up and continued with my nails. The entire salon burst out laughing. Then someone's grandma from the Pedi-Chairs spoke up and said "Why don't they see this in DC? Why is the GOP so scared?" The conversation exploded again. This went on, back and forth the entire time I was there getting my nails done--60 minutes at least. New clients would walk in, and join right in the conversation. NOT ONE WOMAN THOUGHT HE IS GUILTY. NONE. And they were all pissed off! A Senior Citizen in a tennis outfit who had been mostly quiet but nodding along, spoke up when the conversation lulled. "I actually was attacked and raped by someone I knew, when I was 16". You could have heard a pin drop. Everything stopped. My stomach fell. A few gasped. Someone said "I'm so sorry, we didn't mean..." She cut her off with a wave. "No, no...not at all. I agree with you." She told how she clearly remembers everything "unfortunately" to this day, "over 5 decades later". I've never seen people hug a stranger in a nail salon until today. But we all did. She said "Yes, women should be heard. But they must be truthful, and there's nothing worse than ruining someone's life with a lie." So, there's a snapshot. These conversations are being had everywhere, but they're not what you might think. I was surprised at the consistency of opinion, but they were up on the facts. @ChuckGrassley We're with you. Oh, and my nails look fabulous, thanks for asking!" "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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A second woman just came out and said Brett showed her his dick during a drinking game in college.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" Of course there is. I would guess they have at least 3 more waiting in the wings, being coached on their stories and having their online presence scrubbed. The people running this fiasco don't care what harm happens or has happened to real women. They aren't concerned that their lies are going to harm real rape cases by affecting jurors' perceptions. The left is counting on the public sentiment against criticizing a victim. That public sentiment is natural and usually a good thing. The left didn't care one bit about the public sentiment against Juanita Broderick, or the accusations against Keith Ellerson. The MSM wasn't concerned about the 19 Yazidi women who were so horribly victimized that they preferred burning themselves alive rather than continue the abuse they endured every day. The left learned that despite all the inconsistencies and blatant falsehoods, they were able to derail Roy Moore, and they will continue to use this tactic so long as the American people buy into it. This new accuser is more of the same as the first one - so far not credible in the least. "New York Times had the Ramirez story too, it seems. Unlike the New Yorker though, they didn’t publish because they couldn’t find anyone “with firsthand knowledge.” Farrow went ahead anyway. " "The best friend of Ramirez tells Ronan Farrow of Ramirez: “this is a woman I was best friends with. We shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it; I never heard of it happening.” "Two male students who were allegedly at the party, the wife of another male student, and three other Yale classmates all tell Ronan Farrow that there is no way Kavanaugh assaulted Ramirez. " For those that really have been victimized, this is a mockery of the pain they suffered and a middle finger to a fair judicial system. If the left continues to use this, the judicial reform that follows would likely be making it illegal to name the accused in public until the trial was underway or complete. That would end up preventing a lot of serial abusers from being prosecuted properly. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" Not the American people, but the cowardly republicans/conservatives who have no balls to ignore this obvious extortion tactics and continue with the nomination process. All these claims are BS lies that should be obvious to a child, but are not obvious to politicians? Republicans control everything yet they are still being gamed and obstructed by Democrats. The title "cuckservatives" is 100% earned. Leftists are playing by the book - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, that is. The unrelenting onaslaught on Trump presidency since day one, shows perfectly how leftist get the job done. By kicking you when you are down and [Removed by Support], if necessary. There is no low that the left won't sink to, they will do everything necessary to win! Because for them winning is all that matters. You can't win against an unscrupulous enemy, by having "higher standards", like you can't win a rigged game. Right-wingers need to learn these lessons in political warfare fast and apply them back. The bult-in moral codex of the (christian) right is an inherent disadvantage in such political games, but the stakes at this point are too high to not adapt. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by Kieran_GGG#0000 on Sep 24, 2018, 5:01:31 PM
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I am baffled by how many here have already decided the accusations are made-up stories before there has been a proper investigation conducted.
And I am also baffled by how some people dare to say that republicans don't play just as dirty as democrats. Republicans litterally stole a supreme court judge seat by stalling the processes, and are now trying to rush their own procedures because they are worried democrats could do the same. Proper procedures should be applied before the vote in order to make sure that the judge chosen is going to be a good supreme judge, rather than the first right-wing judge they had the time to get through. And in the same manner, democrats shouldn't apply the republican's tactic to steal the position. If they do, shame on them too. Right now, the divide between left and right is catastrophic, and an effort has to be made to close the gap. But let's be honest here. It's impossible to close the gap with Trump. Maybe the next president? |
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" LOL the FBI doesnt investigate 30+ year old accusations of sexual harassment, that are he said/she said, with literally no evidence. Contrary to what you extremist leftists think, the FBI is not a branch of the Democrat party, meant to be used for partisan nonsense. And the Republicans didn't steal a supreme court judge LOL they let the voters decide, and the voters chose a conservative supreme court judge. Maybe next time we have a presidential election, you leftists should not steal the democratic primary from the guy guaranteed to beat Trump (Sanders) and hand the primary to a literal criminal (Clinton). Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Sep 25, 2018, 8:08:07 AM
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" It's just Murkowski, Collins and Flake. The first two have to uphold the image of strong independent women. The third is the most rabid Never Trumper (RIP McCain). GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" This drunkard woman suddenly remembered during a therapist session that someone, maybe Kavanaugh, touched hew bewbs 40 years ago... and no one that was present can corroborate this BS. The Dems came out with this story at the last moment. Obvious convenient tactic is obvious. No, we should not belive a word women say, because too many men had their lives or careers destroyed by false accusations. Did you file a police report at the time? No? then its BS. Republicans should ignore these lies, confirm Kavanaugh and then go after these women to the fullest extent of the law. Make an example out of them. Even if these accusations were true, they are still totally idiotic. Raise your hand if you never touched any girls without permission when you were 16 yo, drunk, at a party... ffs -_- " The gap is a self inflicted wound. Liberals like to cut themselves, because pain is the only thing that still makes them feel human. Or in other words: the leftist cries out in pain as he strikes you When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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