BUILD the WALL...!
Sr. Jr. & Eric
Ersatzdrummel wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

Do people with a short attention span usually persist in their efforts to achieve a stated goal? Do they usually achieve much, let alone become a world leader?

You can't possibly believe that the fact that Trump is president and has money now makes him a great person or his flaws disappear,

That isn't what I said. I asked if people with a short attention span persist in their efforts? It is a rhetorical question, they do not. Many of Trump's successes have come because he will not give up on an idea. Whether that idea is a good idea or bad idea, he usually sticks with it. That is not the habit of someone with a short attention span.

Ersatzdrummel wrote:
because "people with this or that flaw usually dont achieve much". That believe is ridiculous!

It isn't. Many employers look for persistence. It is a habit of successful people. People who give up easily rarely achieve great things.

DalaiLama wrote:

Does Trump have more time to lounge around, attend parties and go after beautiful women now that he is president than he did before? Does he have less scrutiny from the press in his private life now?

Ersatzdrummel wrote:
He certainly seemed to think so. Mar-a-lago, anyone?

You do realize that Mar-a-Lago was donated by Marjorie Merriweather Post in 1973 to the National Park Service in the hope that it could serve as a winter White House?

Ersatzdrummel wrote:

As to the press: are you kidding me? You are not trying to make me feel bad about the eventful life Trump had? He is a grown man. If he lacks in impulse control, he should have decided to not pose as a presidential candidate.

But you are either straying from the point or I did not get it: how does Trump having a less leisurely term than he would prefer make him a more capable president?

DalaiLama wrote:

Did Trump gain a lot of wealth when he became president, or did he lose about 600-700 million dollars in net worth?

Not sure. Again, I seem to be missing your point. [/quote]

He has lost a considerable sum of money. The point is that he did not get into the presidency to become rich or make money off of it.

Ersatzdrummel wrote:
Earlier you indicated that him gathering money proved that he has a sufficiently long attention span to become a good president. How does him losing money now strengthens your point?

He has been thinking about the presidency for a very long time. He has enough political and social savvy to realize that going into politics (whether he ran as a democrat or as a republican) would cost him a lot of popularity and a lot of money. He decided to do it anyway, after many years of considering it.

Whether you can understand it or not, there are times when someone who has succeeded and lived a very rich life decides that it is now time for them to give back something to the school/city/nation/organization/people that helped them succeed.

[/quote] Trump is the moronic six-grader who by accident became president,

Quite an accident. All the "experts" said he couldn't win [/quote]

Ersatzdrummel wrote:
when he posed as a presidential candidate to stroke his ego and unwittingly hit a nerve with his hateful slurs and his endless fearmongering.

Unwittingly like Obama unwittingly used Hope and Change? Obama won his presidency by appealing to what the American people wanted. Trump did the same thing, except that Trump did a better job of it. Human emotion often gets in the way of logic, and in Trump's case, people who were supposed to be professional analysts and pollsters hated him so much that they ignored the facts in front of their faces. The AI knew though.

If anyone wants to take the time and go back through 20 years of US news stories, they will see the public ire at all the things Trump hit on. If they go back through the criticism of the polls, they can find where the polls were seriously manipulating the demographics of who they polled to make the numbers come out right.

So long as the leftists continue to deny reality, they will continue to lose voters. Americans like having jobs. They like being able to keep more of their paychecks. They like that ISIS isn't a major concern anymore. They like that North Korea is moving towards denuclearization. They like that Trump is calling the bluff on foreign nations tariffs by countering with our own. They like that Trump is calling out news media for lying to them.

For the democrats to have a chance to win, they need to find a candidate that people like, and not just one that hates Trump.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Never go full baizuo.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Sep 21, 2018, 8:46:08 AM
Schmodderhengst wrote:

"“Fascism” is a word that gets tossed around pretty loosely these days"

"One consequence is that no one really knows what the term means anymore."

By choosing to define fascism in nebulous terms, Stanley could make it seem like whatever he wants to. People who like to drink tea could be defined as fascism using his vague unsubstantiated methods.

Here we have the intderviewer - Sean Illing stating to Jason Stanley "Your specialty is propaganda and rhetoric, and in the book you describe fascism as a collection of tropes and narratives."

The tea drinking Englishman - there's a trope - does that make them all fascist? Stanley's attestation to Fascism's techniques could be said of just about any political group. None of it is unique to fascism.

"Part of what fascist politics does is get people to disassociate from reality”

Uh Oh, does that mean watching a science fiction movie, reading a book or playing a game are now fascist?

Jason Stanley states: "Well, the Ku Klux Klan deeply affected Adolf Hitler. He explicitly praised the 1924 Immigration Act, which severely limited the number of immigrants allowed to enter the US, as a useful model."

Yet, Stanley makes NO MENTION of America's largest influence on Hitler - the American Eugenics movement, which was part and parcel of the leftist agenda and naturally had the blessings of the scientific community - even the US Supreme Court was on board with this vile way of thinking.

If Jason Stanley was an honest writer, he would have delved into this aspect of American racism and see where the roots began and where they continued. He didn't because he might find his own face staring back at him through the mirror. As a master of disinformation and turning lies into a new reality, Jason Stanley qualifies under his own terms as a fascist.

Of course, that might only be 16% or 37% fascism, since it is a "sliding scale"

Sean Illing: "So fascism isn’t a discrete category — it’s a spectrum? Or a sliding scale?

Jason Stanley: "Right"

Mel Brooks knew all about philosophers like Jason Stanley

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Sep 23, 2018, 4:44:46 AM
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:

Everything is far left from you. It´s a good article, probably a good book and the parallels to Trump must be obvious for most of the people meanwhile.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Sep 23, 2018, 10:46:17 AM
Really activates your almonds

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Schmodderhengst wrote:
morbo wrote:

Everything is far left from you. It´s a good article, probably a good book and the parallels to Trump must be obvious for most of the people meanwhile.

Corporate globalist media has been spewing only garbage against Trump since day one. From "pissing prostitutes" to "Russian collusion", there is nothing but smearing & bullshit coming from corporate MSM. The only time they've said anything positive was when he bombed Syria, lol!

Even entertaining the idea that Trump is some kind of "fascist" is already a loosing position to take. When you start explaining why Trump is not a fascist you've already conceded the narrative to the enemy. Leftists mastered political warfare really well (100+ years of experience) and right-wingers should learn more from leftist tactics and apply them back.

I could list you reasons ("parallels") why Obama regime was Fascist, Islamo-terrorist or Communist. But that would be pointless. It's pointless debating, because no one on the left is sincere and wants to have a fair look at things. And since the ignorant masses don't even know what Fascism is, this is just a nice scary word to use to herd the sheeple into a frenzy.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness

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