Xavderion wrote:
Well, tRUmp has assembled the Bolton warmonger party of peace to engage in a fake war drawing attention away from his crimes. Pulling out all the stops now.

Reminder that you probably have terminal stage TDS if you believe that Assad gassed babies just so Trump has an excuse to distract from whatever. Oh and the UK and France are also in it because uh reasons.

From Secretary of Defense Mattis, Russian retaliation will likely include a massive misinformation campaign, so triple check your sources and doubt everything (@Reporter). Say what you will about Trump, but Mattis is a god damn American legend.

Also, isn’t it weird how the neocommunists are supposed to be investigating Russian interference, and all the while WWIII is looming around the corner, they’re instead trying to find out who Trump slept with? Yup, weird.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Hopefully he gets impeached but for sure the right will sit at home in 2012 totally demoralized. No wall. Big Daca amnesty in the pipe. Big spending 1 trillion a year deficit as far as eye can see.

And nothing says "America first" like attacking a country without Congressional approval, or UN for that matter, and risk of severe escalation with Russia to punish a leader for maybe using chemical weapons in a jihadist-occupied town using their "evidence"
Git R Dun!
Gotta strike fast & furious, before someone can verify if the supposed chemical attack actually happened or who did it. Now the shit is done, don't waste time to conduct a proper investigation.

The beauty of a debt driven economy and unaccountable governments, which keep borrowing money from their own people's future.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Aim_Deep wrote:
Hopefully he gets impeached but for sure the right will sit at home in 2012 totally demoralized. No wall. Big Daca amnesty in the pipe. Big spending 1 trillion a year deficit as far as eye can see.

And nothing says "America first" like attacking a country without Congressional approval, or UN for that matter, and risk of severe escalation with Russia to punish a leader for maybe using chemical weapons in a jihadist-occupied town using their "evidence"

The President can use the military for up to 30 days (or may be 60) in a location without congressional approval. They just call it an operation, not war. After the 30 (or 60) day limit us up they have to get approval or leave, or break the law, like Obama did.
Just tell me how and where to sign up for my tax dollars going directly to KSA and Israel. Cut out the middle man in DC since these guys are who is really running the show and they get most of our money anyway either as free or cut rate weapons, multi billion dollar aid packages, etc.
Khoranth wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Hopefully he gets impeached but for sure the right will sit at home in 2012 totally demoralized. No wall. Big Daca amnesty in the pipe. Big spending 1 trillion a year deficit as far as eye can see.

And nothing says "America first" like attacking a country without Congressional approval, or UN for that matter, and risk of severe escalation with Russia to punish a leader for maybe using chemical weapons in a jihadist-occupied town using their "evidence"

The President can use the military for up to 30 days (or may be 60) in a location without congressional approval. They just call it an operation, not war. After the 30 (or 60) day limit us up they have to get approval or leave, or break the law, like Obama did.

Can you stop? It's only bad when Trump does it.
anything is everything
Last edited by Manocean on Apr 14, 2018, 5:25:57 PM
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
GEOTUS be tweetstorming.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
CanHasPants wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Well, tRUmp has assembled the Bolton warmonger party of peace to engage in a fake war drawing attention away from his crimes. Pulling out all the stops now.

Reminder that you probably have terminal stage TDS if you believe that Assad gassed babies just so Trump has an excuse to distract from whatever. Oh and the UK and France are also in it because uh reasons.

From Secretary of Defense Mattis, Russian retaliation will likely include a massive misinformation campaign, so triple check your sources and doubt everything (@Reporter). Say what you will about Trump, but Mattis is a god damn American legend.

Also, isn’t it weird how the neocommunists are supposed to be investigating Russian interference, and all the while WWIII is looming around the corner, they’re instead trying to find out who Trump slept with? Yup, weird.

I didn't say I was biting a conspiracy theory anywhere. He, in typical form, ASSUMED I was. Trump's reasoning for the attack is disingenuous. He doesn't care about the citizens there, or he'd offer them a way out and/or address the actual problem of the Putin supported Assad. He rushed though an attempted diversionary tactic after assuring Putin/Assad cleared their crap out. All show, no substance. Just like tRUmp himself.
Xavderion wrote:
GEOTUS be tweetstorming.

He's scared and should be.

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