Monster Density in Maps

feels good.

Also feels strange. Because it is a huge change mainly. Thinking about good maps becoming too good, especially a certain T12 one.
Smear wrote:
seanxjohnson wrote:
GGG's ability to listen to the community is unmatched. I have never seen another game creator so dedicated to their player base.

Don't get too excited yet cowboy. GGG never gives away anything in this game worthwhile.

My guess is that they take away something fundamental and screw it up even worse until the backlash occurs.

I disagree and your negativity is not welcome.
Pack size with every mod, considering I only run maps with pack size this'll save some hella amounts of alteration orbs early and scourers later. Fundamentally only avoiding reflect now. Sounds to me like more crafting will occur.

Just don't forget to tweak Beyond with the density changes. I mean, I'm not sure if they're needed, just making sure they won't forget to take Beyond into consideration ;)

*whispers*: don't tell them that .. we don't want them to ruin the fun.

But I mean seriously imagine wall to wall monsters and flicker strike with beyond .. ENDLESS FUN!
Bex_GGG wrote:
Secondly, we have rebalanced the map mods so that every rollable mod now grants a pack size bonus.

Nice. I mean, we'll see how it plays out and all, but this has been one of my longest-standing complaints. Hard map with tons of extra damage and whatnot? No pack size and thus less experience and fewer drops. Easy map that happened to roll some pack size mods? More experience and drops for no additional difficulty.

I've always thought the same thing. It was made even worse when they added things like "reduced block chance" and other pack size mods that barely have any effect on most builds.
The Torture Chamber density will be awesome lol
Snorkle_uk wrote:
VladeZmaj wrote:
A good idea would be to make the maps with bad layouts have good rewarding div cards or some kind of uniques binded to them. So that would make the pain of running them lesser and would make them more popular in the community for instance the Doctor drop makes Spider Forest the most played map and its layout isn't one of the prime maps that would be run if it weren't for the card.

yeah thats true.

spider forest also highlights another problem I think and that is while there are a load of unique items in this game that are so good people will use them in fairly expensive endgame builds, the drop rates are so ridiculously high that after a week they all cost about 1 chaos, if youre lucky it costs 4 chaos... ok running breach on 1 map is 6 chaos, if u hit a gg unique drop that is an endgame bis unique for an expensive build and u cant even sell it for the price of running 1 zana mod that will last 5 minutes thats pretty fucked.

Weve gone from having dozens upon dozens of uniques worth anywhere from 20 chaos (rainboestrides) to 4 exalts (rats nest) to 40 exalts (mjolner) to 80 exalts (shavs) now to what? Headhunter, its basically the only thing worth actually playing for in a trade game. So people run spider forst because its one of the only maps that has a loot system worthy of a trade arpg thanks to ggg fucking up the drop rates of uniques so much, the incentive of finding loot in this loot game actually exists still as long as you chain that map.

I don't think it is a problem with the unique drop rates, more a problem with GGG killing all the builds that use them. Try to count all the builds that used to work with them, and see what happened to the builds or mechanics the build relied on.
Life will be technically better Soon TM
a aha still no toughts about melee viability?

lets wait another long

My primary concern is new acts = they sucks
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

All monsters 50% more THICC.

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