Harbinger Content Integration

Bad decisions! :(
....and you wonder why the majority of your player base has no respect for you.

Garbinga was a useless league and was dead after a week, the majority of players left and your own stats clearly show this.

Instead of the constant spamming "buy our useless MTX sales" how about you give some decent QOL changes, starting with not screwing standard over each league. Not everyone likes the monotony of startign over and over and over and over and over again. Some players actually have lives and a job and a gf!!!!
A map mod like "Area contains 1-2 Harbingers" and/or sextant mod instead of adding the map device may be acceptable integration of this league.

But what's the fair cost of the mod? Does anybody really want to pay more than 1c to leveled Zana to access a map with 1-2 harbingers?
"We prefer to leave up to the community to work out mechanics such as these" -GGG Support

"Muted 48 hours for spamming chat." -Nicholas_GGG (Dev)

This forum is useless for bug reporting if you're not a popular streamer or if it's not about MTX.
K4r4k4s4 wrote:
Dreamwarden wrote:
the Shards that SHOULD be integrated into the core game don't exist: whetstone shards, scrap shards, bauble shards, prism shards, and chisel shards. When you sell a quality item of the appropriate type, it gives you shards equal to the items Quality %.

The current system of gathering items that add up to 20% (or 40% for some things for some reason) is very inconvenient. Doing this will simplify the process and improve player QoL.

This is great idea but devs will never do this.

I'd agree with upping some of their drop-rates (bauble drop chances are just silly, imo), but please no more shards. Shards as an idea are just stupid. They overlap with div cards too. So someone just make a div card for each of those things (a large amount of them, mind).
gubaguy wrote:
Horizon orbs helped SSF fill atlas and made mapping fun, so we removed them.

Harbinger orbs allowd players to get to endgame faster and have more fun, so we removed them.

Players liked the new harbinger uniques and found new endgame builds with them and had fun with them, so we removed them.

Players who were unable to farm up currency to get GG items like kaoms or headhunter enjoyed ancients, so we removed them.

Players were too stupid to figure out that engineers orbs were OP, so we removed them.

Players were too stupid to use Bindings as alchs and for leveling, so we are removing them.

Streamers have figured out how to make even more GG items using annulments as eternals so they can continue to run mirror servies to hoard massive quantities of currencies for their RMT sales so they never have to work a day in their life, so becuase of streamer pressure we are keeping them in, and making sure to point out very publicly how they are in fact just eternals, but only for streamers, who RMT, and we know it, but do nothign about it, becuase they pay us lots of money to make 'custom uniques', and not bribe us to continue their illegal practices.

+1 to those points.
razider wrote:
Probably nobody gonna read this because of all those "HYPEEEEEE" amm.... people.

But if any GGG's man in charge is reading this, please consider or creating The Gull div card. Even if it would be some stupid a6 zone.

Best wishes with all regards. <3

Div cards are made by supporters, not devs. So you'd have to convince someone who's bought a T1 supporter pack to make his div card for The Gull. I'm actually optimistic someone will do that anyway before too long.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 2, 2017, 4:26:13 AM
Clannard wrote:
....and you wonder why the majority of your player base has no respect for you.

Garbinga was a useless league and was dead after a week, the majority of players left and your own stats clearly show this.

Instead of the constant spamming "buy our useless MTX sales" how about you give some decent QOL changes, starting with not screwing standard over each league. Not everyone likes the monotony of startign over and over and over and over and over again. Some players actually have lives and a job and a gf!!!!

Err...if you don't want to keep starting over, just play Standard. Your gear is still there and you can just re-allocate all your passives in like 1 min.
Qarl wrote:
The Orb of Binding and the Engineer's Orb did not resonate with players, and do not fill great enough need to be added to the core game at this stage.

so not true, those are great for leveling and a lot less random compared to vorici or using jewellers and fusings. WHICH YOU ALWAYS HAVE TOO FEW OF DURING LEVELING.

edit: after putting a bit of thought into into it, keeping annulment while removing orb of binding is completely retarded, since annulment is not used by 98% of the community while orb of binding is not used by the ppl who can afford to gamble with annulment (the other 2%), making this game creep again a bit closer to something were everything is controlled by the elite, market-, information- and meta-wise...
Last edited by Teriderol on Nov 2, 2017, 11:15:14 AM
The way you deal with this league is ok but I would consider putting The Unshattered Will Shield into the core game. Removing it will make some channeling builds very bad compared to others. I mean with this shield I could do like t10-12 with blight but after its gone some skills will be really bad compared to others.

provided players a lot of flexibility - will not be added to the core game
too great - will not be added to the core game

GGG logic:
fun detected... we eliminate it

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