[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

Sorry to ask, but like the others:

it's good? What now?
Last edited by Darkkaos on Jun 20, 2019, 4:17:27 PM
Why use Devoto over Starkonja? I lose 300 hp when I switch from Devoto to Starkonja is this worth it?
Lakthor wrote:
Why use Devoto over Starkonja? I lose 300 hp when I switch from Devoto to Starkonja is this worth it?

Movespeed over life.

I really recommend Starkonja while on a low budget, super cheap and tanky.
What do you guys think of all the 6L chests out there these days with %life and %mana mods, with hopefully %life implicit as well? Most are under 1ex. Good stop gap? Im still using a Tabula and cant afford a 6L weapon of any kind. I have 2ex and about 110c to my name.
Touches175 wrote:
so ive managed to pog a bunch this league and gear myself up like mad, however it seems like somethings off, my damage just feels overall low, anyone notice anything missing?

Weak joke, really. If you're going to come into the thread to flex you might want to thank the OP in which the guide you followed, then RMT'd to complete.
Last edited by thekryptkeeper1200 on Jun 20, 2019, 4:51:41 PM
its not that its low per say, its that its low for the gear that it is. im having a really hard time finding a working tree with it.

im seeing people with far worse gear literally light up bosses and my kills are slowly but surely, haha
Touches175 wrote:
so ive managed to pog a bunch this league and gear myself up like mad, however it seems like somethings off, my damage just feels overall low, anyone notice anything missing?

Bad flex bruh!
"You think logoutcore makes you better....." - ShaeG
Last edited by Taiberius on Jun 20, 2019, 4:47:52 PM
Is any1 doing the soul tether doryani timeles jewel thing? how does it feel? I checked quite a few people from the thread, but all of them had either retch or stygian belts.
I'm having no problems with speed clearing but I'm getting pretty jelly of the PoBs with triple my DPS who are spec'd in swords.

Currently sitting at 6k health, 1.5k ES using Glorious Vanity - Doryani. Looking forward to a final version of the build that uses Daresso's/Devoto's/Soul Tether that I can upgrade to in swords. Even Starforge sword builds look to be 1.5-2x my DPS.

Still dying to legion rares now and again, especially the archers that chunk you for 5k per hit. Thinking of just dropping ECOMS so I can fit in CWDT-Steelskin. I'd rather keep spinning when I'm the midst of dangerous stuff and can't always get 3 charges for the 12% more damage and damage reduction. Love popping Vaal Haste since it gives me spell dodge with my WE in addition to the speed so I don't want to drop that.

Edit: took off ECOMS and put in CWDT-MS and it's really helping me so far. Need to try some really rippy maps to see if I can still get chunked to death.
Last edited by DiabloImmoral on Jun 20, 2019, 6:26:22 PM
Edit: nvm.
Last edited by Clerith on Jun 20, 2019, 5:29:12 PM

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