[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

See no reason to play with champion, if you can get same dmg with slayer and you don't have to stack impales, when you also get overleech (which is a huge survi bonus) + bleed immune + stun immune + more Aoe with slayer. What's more don't have to procc adrenaline.
zeldicx wrote:
Thanks for this build bro!! This build will be my leaguestarter :)
As I'm not playing melee builds since 32103012 years ago, could we have some tips in the guide for leveling? It's better to level with dual-weild instead of 2h?

Thanks for your work!

Hello! About to be AFK the rest of the day, but it's definitely worth reading through the old FAQ section.


Here are some examples of new trees, although they might not be the final ones - just good guidelines - save your respec points while leveling in case you have to change later :)

3.7 preliminary tree pathing:

2H Axe Leveling/Progression:
Lvl 100 Disfavour Tree/setup:
Lvl 100 Axe Tree:
Level 97: www.poeurl.com/co0W
Level 91: www.poeurl.com/co0S
Level 87: www.poeurl.com/co0Q
Level 83: www.poeurl.com/co0A
Level 77: www.poeurl.com/co0v
Level 69: www.poeurl.com/co0q
Level 61: www.poeurl.com/co0m

However do read them for basic cheap gear and good tactics to use:

I'm just gonna cust and paste them here:


Can you put a leveling guide up?
CyberMike13 wrote:

1. If you can, could you put a leveling guide because leveling a strong build without a direct path can be annoying?

1. There are 9 trees up in the "Trees + Ascendancy + Bandit Choice etc..." section, including 44pt, 51pt, 62pt, 77pt, 86pt, 96pt, 106pt, 116pt, and even a 123pt one. Read the "budget build recommendations" part where it shows you what to use while leveling

What about early leveling?
Travesty9090 wrote:

In addition to the move speed and haste aura suggestions you've already gotten which are both good, roll a Quicksilver with added movespeed.

As far as uniques, you're in luck. There are very cheap options to twink out the leveling experience on this build.

Throw Reaper's Pursuit in there at 33 too. It's also 1c or less and can actually fairly easily carry through to Terminus Est

Pick up The Blood Reaper for your next level, then grab Terminus Est for when you hit 51(it's a sword, that's fine, just wait on axe nodes on the tree). That'll carry you very nicely until the budget endgame options in this guide.

Also, grab a pair of Shavronne's Pace boots. They'll give you 35% move speed most of the time and the int is a nice bonus.

All of those uniques should cost you less than 1c each and will vastly smooth out your leveling experience.

Also a general tip if you're new to cyclone, click in short distances. The animation lock of long cyclone's can suck, it feels much smoother and more maneuverable if you're going short distances.

What Should I use for a 4L, 5L, and 6L?
Ahfack wrote:
nefadbr wrote:
I'm a bit confused, what gems should we use in 3.1 with 4L, 5L and 6L?

4L will be the same no matter what: Cyclone - Brutality - Maim - Melee Phys

5L: In order of most damage: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

6L: Depending on your last choice: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

How you sustain mana? Mana leech gem?
ruth1ess wrote:
What about the mana leech to sustain? Gloves?

Right now im using a mana leech gem to sustain

.4% on tree .4% on gloves

This is all you need

What about Witchfire Brew Flask? What about Vaal Pact?
VAAL PACT IS OPTIONAL. I'm playing this at endgame, and not using it. However, use your best judgement. If you'd like to use Vaal Pact, just regret away the 3 leech nodes shown in the picture and pick VP. Do what feels best for you and your playstyle.

No more Witchfire Brew flask. We can either use another defensive flask of your choosing or a Sulphur Flask.

What gems should I quality first?
Rocky0rocky wrote:
Opinion of Belt of the deveiver in 3.1?

Edit: Also wondering about the order of Quality gems for cyclone. thanks in advance

Belt of deceiver is fine for leveling, however retch/a good rustic with res/life would be better for us in the long run.

For your 5L qualitying gems i'd go in this order:

Cyclone you should quality first (aoe)

brutality, maim 2nd (10% phys)

melee phys (10% melee)

then chance to bleed (10% bleed)

What Golem should I use if I want one?
ThisisFreak wrote:
why no golem?

Can use lightning golem if you want

Would Atziri's Promise Flask be beneficial at all?
GrimDeathX wrote:
Loves the build, been playing it in Harbinger League past few days and it is just absolutely amazing. But quick question on flasks, would Atziri's Promise Flask be beneficial at all?

No. Because of brutality we're unable to do any chaos damage

What is a cheap way to get intelligence for enfeeble/blasphemy?
GiveDiretide wrote:
Ahfack, what should you suggest:
1) 54 intelligence with Daresso's Salute (+0 intelligence from items or jewels) and run with
-level 1 Blasphemy Support
-level 5 Concentrated Effect Support
-level 12 Punishment + high level Vulnerability curse
2) 109 intelligence with Carnage Heart and run with (no intelligence on other items/jewels)
-level 19 Blasphemy Support
-level 19 Concentrated Effect Support
-level 20 Punishment + high level Vulnerability curse
-level 9 Enfeeble + high level Vulnerability curse (for tankiness)
3) invest into intelligence worth it? (105 needed)

See what works best for you. Punishment is really just the icing on the cake for damage. As a stop-gap for intelligence (if you feel like using enfeeble/high level blasphemy) I highly recommend using brute force solution as a temporary solution. This way you can just swap jewel out if you want to use it, and you'll be able to. Best of all, it's cheap!

If you place the jewel by Golem's Blood on the tree, it will give you 96 int.

What Gear Should I upgrade first?
Killhard wrote:
Hey need a bit of help here to look ath my gear whats best next upgrade insanity gloves , retched belt ,devoto helm , ?

i use rare helm for life and otherwise my es is to low resist .

6.5 k life now if upgrade to kaom's same problem low resist .

maybe retched belt i dunno so any decent tips welcome


What to run if I don't have +1 Curse?
Kickowsky wrote:
Hey, if i do not own amulet with 1 additional curse i shouldnt use vulnerability and punishment+blasphemy? Could you please explain it to me, im new to this game and i dont realy understand how those curses works. Do they work if they are casted as auras or i should switch one of them for blood rage? Thanks for answering

Just drop punishment. Blaspemy/vuln is great for more damage. Use enfeeble in vuln's place if you want more tankiness

Is it worth running the warlord's reach jewel?
Is it worth running the warlords reach jewel (ie 1 extra melee range)

Early on before you get good 4mod jewels, sure

Should we still use Maim support gem with new vulnerability?
Molydeus wrote:
Thanks for the guide, it looks great!

I have one question I was hoping someone could answer. The new Vulnerability gem grants maim on hit (20%, https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vulnerability). Do we still need to use the maim gem once we get vuln set up? I think that's new, though I am not sure.

Thanks again!

Great question! Yes, very much so. Innately, all Maim is is:

Maim is a debuff that applies 30% reduced movement speed on the affected target for 4 seconds.

However, the Maim Gem does the following:

Supported Attacks have 30% chance to Maim on Hit
Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal (15-30)% more Physical Damage

And Vulnerability does the following:

Cursed enemies take (30-39)% increased Physical Damage
Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to Bleed when Hit by Attacks
Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to be Maimed for 4 seconds when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies take 30% increased Physical Damage from Damage over time
+(0-10) to radius

So essentially, we're getting 50% chance to maim on hit, which just reduced the enemy's movement speed by 30%, then our support gem and curse are doing the rest of the legwork.

How does Retch damage help us? I thought we can't deal chaos damage
GrimDeathX wrote:
Thx for getting back to me Ahfack, but now my follow-up question is on how does the "200% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage" from The Retch, Rustic Sash benefit the build?

Retch damage is treated as reflected damage, so our brutality gem doesn't negate the chaos damage it deals. Retch damage cannot be scaled in any way other than what we leech. Because we're slayer, we never stop leeching, therefore, we never stop dealing damage to our enemy.

What skill should I use until level 28?

what skill should I use until I get to level 28 for cyclone?

Anything like cleave, static strike, molten strike would work

What should I run If I can't go dual curse? Do we go blood magic?
what should i do if i cannot afford a extra curse amulet, should i go blood magic?

No we don't run bm. Could use doedri ring. If single curse can run vuln/grace/blood rage or enfeeble/haste/blood rage

Isn't Crimson Dance less damge? Is it necessary?
Adrokath wrote:
mind explaining why taking Crimson dance doesn't it lower our bleed damage?

Crimson dance is more damage on bosses. This build was designed to do all content like bosses etc. We do enough damage on maps/clearing trash where the bleed isn't a big deal. Bleed helps on bosses a lot, especially when you have to do things like leap away from shaper slam. While you're leaping away you're still doing damage to him.

Watch this gif:

When I leap away, shaper is not close to 20% cull range, but while I'm leaping away the bleed is still putting in work. By the time I get back to him, he's in cull range.

Does Damage on Full Life work with Blood Rage?
Korize wrote:
Execuda wrote:
Can someone explain to me cause i might be stupid, so can we use blood rage gem? I thought since it degens our health that means damage on full life and Daresso don't work? Also would appreciate tips on what to change in my character, since i suck at the game haven't tried nor shaper nor guardians yet. Oh and Happy Holidays everyone! :)

wondering the same thing actually.. I've looked through a lot of pages and havent found a answer yet.

It works since 2.6, even though it doesn't display full life - very strange, but it does work! Will add to FAQ

🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Last edited by Ahfack on Jun 6, 2019, 5:05:35 PM
Petitpapa wrote:
"( i speak bad english friend, sry <3 )"

Hello Ahfack , first of all good job,you were precise rly good job

I have one question, why take Axe and not sword ?

It's not better to play sword, in critical with impale for have max damage ?

the bleeding does not give much and you have 127/123 too

u can play sword if u want :) axe is not must have.
i play Axe because i love axes even if sword (starforge) deal more damage
its not a big diffrence btw
ing: Sehemyr
Hello Ahfack,

First of all, thanks a lot for your help and your commitment to help everyone to play melee build.
I have a question for you, Isn't interesting to take "Impact" from the slayer ascendancy? It looks interesting to have the extra AoE radius.

Thx for the update. You already talked about it, but I am 100% going with Impact instead of Brutal Fervor. It would maybe be a harder decision if I was playing HC, but this league is going to be SC for me. And Impact is just too juicy for Cyclone to not take imo. Gotta see that half screen big Cyclone after all.

Got a question for you: Any thoughts about using "Flesh and Stone" instead of the Blasphemy? And then use another support instead of Maim? I mean, Maim mainly comes into play against bosses so when we switch to Blood Stance for a boss we get the Maim on top, well kind of at least. And while mapping in Sand Stance we get 11% less damage taken from far away enemies and have nearby enemies perma blinded, which should be as defensive as Enfeeble. That was at least in my planned build until I saw you not planning to use "Flesh and Stone". Also makes curse gloves useable without +1 curse.

And a second thing: Maybe you have overlooked it, but as they changed Bane of Legends from giving Onslaught to giving us the benefits of Onslaught, we need a new source for Onslaught for that sweet speed on top. So far I have been thinking a few Murderous Eye jewels with Onslaught on kill and/or Silver Flask, maybe instead of the second Quicksilver or Sulphur flask you have in the PoB.
Just wanted to mention it, because basically having double Onslaught is kind of a big thing for Cyclone.

EDIT: Oups, forgot that we get 10% chance to get Onslaught on kill from "Slaughter". Might be enough to make it feel good, if not just going to get one jewel with another 8%. Definitely no Flask needed.
Last edited by Mecielle on Jun 6, 2019, 5:34:44 PM
in pob you have gear standart league, it's not good for the start league, u need updated this i think ^^
Petitpapa wrote:
in pob you have gear standart league, it's not good for the start league, u need updated this i think ^^

Everything is OK :)
gear from the standard is just a demonstration of the possibilities of this build. In the league you can easily pull out similar equipment
Only beslt is legacy but all ppl always use The Retch on leagues :)
its BiS ! :)
ing: Sehemyr
I don't get it. Slayers got a huge critical buff. And we are going to give it all up for resolute technique?
Blajo , the tree have only 162% life % , it's possible to increase ?

in path of building the build have 6600 life with "( perfect gear )" ..." so we can have 5000-5500 max in started league , it's not huge


Do you think I could swap Cyclone and Infused channeling for Consencrated Path + Extra Physical Damage and still be a good?

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