[3.2] The Snowblind Cospri CoC Assassin - Projectile based CoC

Any updates on this build?

Any thoughts using the new threshold jewel "The long winter" with glacial gascade?
Hi, can u add a little lvlging tree? i mean to 30/60 etc :D
Hello mate can someone give me a hand?


i die a lot in high tier bosses like Rigwald / Trio (Vaal temple) i dont know what im doing wrong and why i have so little sustain :C

(note my skill gems are not high level because today i reset to 20% quality but i have the issue since i have lvl 20 skillgems)
How is Onslaught being proc'd here? I'm not sure how this is working.
JjashiK wrote:
How is Onslaught being proc'd here? I'm not sure how this is working.

It is linked with Herald of Ice, when herald is activated after killing a monster, You have a chance to gain onslaught ( % accordingly to the level of onslaught gem)
Supa fun build , already lvl 86 on hc abyss !

But im lack damage to bosses ... someone test glacial cascade ?

Thank for build
Thank you for the build! IMO it is has the fastest clear speed and awesome single target dps, fun to play and pretty safe thanks to hypothermia and frostbite aura.

Just died from 1 hit Merciless Izaro, had 7% phys red (~14 with granite flask) and 5100 hp. I will certainly run this build once again as soon as i get the currency for the gear :D
Last edited by aefoa on Dec 19, 2017, 5:35:11 PM
Mynio wrote:
JjashiK wrote:
How is Onslaught being proc'd here? I'm not sure how this is working.

It is linked with Herald of Ice, when herald is activated after killing a monster, You have a chance to gain onslaught ( % accordingly to the level of onslaught gem)

So an enemy that's shattered would have to kill another enemy to proc onslaught?
Why not use Ice Bite Support as a way to get frenzy charges and good dps on gems instead of Hypothermia?

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