[3.25]💥Lahkesis Queen of Chaos"Essence Drain/Bane"[LowLife] 💥💥

There are 2 directions this build can go as 3.8 is around the corner, from the current materials I see up to this patch. However balancing between defense and offense can be quite challenging. If we do less dmg and want to go tank, it's possible. If we want more dmg and less tank it's possible too but just not ideal. With that said, the crippling nerfs on ES means life-based build is more straightforward, but at also means we'll use fewer auras and so that cuts into dmg and probably defense.

1. AURAS: Malevolence (most important), Despair + Blasphemy (very important), Zealotry (pretty great offensive boost to have), Flesh and Stone - Sand Stance (very great defensive boost with blind and taking less dmg from ranged monsters, but currently does not fit low-life version), Clarity (might be ditched or having low level but mana regen can become a real problem), Discipline (a must for ES variants), and Temporal Chain + Blasphemy (too good to pass up).

I figure with life-based version of course Discipline can be replaced easily with Sand Stance, and that'd be so great alongside powerful curse effects we have right now with investment on skill tree and ascendancy. That is to assume that the ascendancy remains unchanged when 3.8 comes.

2. GENERAL OFFENSE: With the high-end bow it's a godsent. The damage is very high, but then again, I am very certain either ED, Contagion, Bane or all of these 3 will received some butchery in 3.8. Bane got 10% less dmg coming into 3.7 and is very unpopular option to choose, as it's very ascendancy-specific, which is occultist/trickster. And even so, Trickster is known for ED + Contagion/Soulrend much more rather than Bane, so if anything, ED/Cont combo will receive some judgment.


a. Build choice: If we go life-based, then Acro + Phase Acro + Vaal Grace + Quartz flask + Stibnite flask makes for a very amazing combo, reaching the cap of 75% chance to dodge attacks and spells very easily. High chance to dodge also alleviates porcupine problems, removing the need for Enduring Cry to generate endurance charge, or abyssal cry to play around these monsters.

b. Total Life: Reaching 6.5k life at lv 90s should not be a huge problem if we stack flat life on all gear. This life pool (without MoM effect) is usually healthy enough for endgame contents, but does in no way guarantee survival in all situations. At least 7k life would be safer.

c. Ascendancy and Pantheon: Unless we go to the Vile Bastion ascendancy node (which doesn't fit), we will lose Stun immunity from not using Presence of Chayula amulet. This in return makes Brine King pantheon a must, to avoid being stunlocked to death. Not using Soul of Lunaris pantheon (as of the current major god in CI/Low-life variants) also means we become much more vulnerable to chained projectiles and miss out on some chance to dodge projectiles.

d. Flasks: Aside from the Quartz and Stibnite flask, we could reliably use Forbidden Taste, which is cheap and is the most reliable life flask there is. Life is instantly healed even from 1 life, and since we have Withering Presence at least, minor chaos resistance investment into skill tree (Atrophy cluster) will mean we take very little chaos dmg from Forbidden Taste itself. Other suffixes stay the same, covering bleed, curses and chill/freeze. We don't need ignite removal anymore, because no more ES, so it's also a good makeup. I can imagine the flask setup to be: Forbidden Taste, Basalt Flask of Staunching, Quartz flask of adrenaline, Stibnite flask of heat and Sulphur flask of Warding.

e. Gear: No more ES also means we aren't stuck with uniques such as Presence of Chayula, Shavronne's wrapping. That opens up for the abuse of more rare items and capping resistances will become much easier. I do suggest the following:

- A rare Elder base chest with prefix "x% physical dmg from hits taken as cold/fire/lightning dmg" for extra physical mitigation, "y% inc maximum life" and at least +100 flat life. z% chance to dodge spell hits can be obtained from crafting bench as well.

- A rare Elder quiver with flat life, probably some resistances, and chance to gain frenzy charge on kill (to replace the current Poacher's Mark with Warlord's Mark) to generate 3 frenzy and 3 endurance charges when mapping or doing bosses that have add phases (which pretty much all bosses do).

- A rare pair of Elder gloves that are purely invested in damage (as listed in the first page, New Idea for Crafted Gloves in 3.7) to balance out a bit of dmg loss, and could be done nicely. Resistances can be easily capped from other gear pieces, so that eases up pressure on gloves, making it a powerhouse for the build.

- A rare regular base helmet with "nearby enemies have -9% to chaos resistance". Stacking flat life, resistance, physical dmg taken as fire damage will work out great.

- Mark of the Shaper ring + a rare Elder ring stays. Flat life, resistances and suffix "chance to evade attacks" will be great to stack with Acro + Phase Acro.

- A rare pair of Elder boots with flat life, movement speed, resistances, chance to dodge spell hit suffix is a good start. Unaffected by Shocked ground prefix is also a pretty decent niche, but not necessary.

- A rare Elder amulet with offensive stats like non-ailment chaos dmg over time multiplier, life and resistances.

These are what I would personally aim for in 3.8 with a bigger budget of course, and theoretically the build should still be fine, offense-wise and defense-wise.

A filthy casual
Last edited by Hologram_o on Aug 18, 2019, 2:03:10 PM
In order to craft your new gloves can I use sorcerer gloves instead of fingerless silk gloves?
Sebanoe01 wrote:
In order to craft your new gloves can I use sorcerer gloves instead of fingerless silk gloves?

sure u can but high tier item level base elder
Art Director Graphic Designer,reading,watching anime,gamer
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Well from the looks of things with the introduction of Blight league in 3.8, I am rather certain that Occultist ascendancy and overall utilities/defenses she provides will be there to stay in 3.8. Damage of Essence Drain, its interaction with Contagion, Contagion itself (and Bane if it's so unlucky, but I doubt it), however, are a different story - the buff to minions means summoners will have a field day, and similar to Mine builds. Melee will probably undergo some balance with busted skills a little bit, but mechanics of melee attacks like animation cancelling, melee splash are there to say.

Even though patch notes for 3.8 are not out, I believe ED/Contagion will receive a pretty big hit, considering that it was the second most overused skill combo in 3.7. We'll see if it's usable or not in 3.8, but I think it probably will be fine - gotta check for dmg loss later on, but I predict about 25% dmg loss. Contagion probably will have reduced radius and that means we probably no longer see monsters die 2 or 3 screens away.
A filthy casual
Last edited by Hologram_o on Aug 20, 2019, 11:22:28 PM
my mistake
Last edited by Sebanoe01 on Aug 26, 2019, 8:47:34 AM
Hi, How can I improve my build, I feel like mobs don't die fast enough. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/xbox/view-profile/Sebanoe01/characters thanks
Sebanoe01 wrote:
Hi, How can I improve my build, I feel like mobs don't die fast enough. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/xbox/view-profile/Sebanoe01/characters thanks

hello mate can u pls quality ur gems xD

and follow this tree
Art Director Graphic Designer,reading,watching anime,gamer
Queen of chaos https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1963181/
My Profile https://www.facebook.com/MuhammadAhmedAbdo
My Behance https://www.behance.net/MuhammedAhmedAbdo
Thanks MATE
Been away to long I guess but how the heck can i see his skill tree?


Edit : See it in the above post
Last edited by mmaddox on Sep 2, 2019, 6:28:27 PM
3.8 Balance Manifesto is out (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2627116). To summarize, changes are:

1. Occultist ascendancy for the build remains unchanged aside from Vile Bastion (which we don't take anyway).

2. As I predicted earlier, they butcher Contagion a little bit, giving it less AoE. This skill no longer grants increased radius upon leveling up. Meaning this skill will not have radius +4 at level 20 or 21. However, this can be somewhat resolved with giving this gem max quality or higher than 20% quality for 10% increased area of effect, and speccing into increased AoE nodes on tree (Hex Master cluster for example), or spare a gem lot for increased AoE support/Intensify support to make Contagion work. Contagion's mechanics remain the same (as it should because if it no longer supports ED might as well just remove ED from the game). This will however hurt the ED/Contagion version of the build, the Bane/ED versions will do just fine.

3. No mentioning of Essence Drain being one of the most powerful skills in 3.7 that need adjustment. My guess is that not many people will run ED/Cont combo again in 3.8 as Contagion has been nerfed pretty decently hard and ED usually needs Contagion or else clear speed doesn't exist. (ED/Bane clears more slowly). This nerf alone already affects the clear speed of ED/Cont combo, however, I still think ED will receive around 25% dmg loss when Patch Notes 3.8 come out (in about 1 day). But if there isn't any nerf, then it's a good thing as well!

4. From the Manifesto itself, ""Clarity has also been changed to grant higher values of mana regeneration at higher gem levels. A variety of new passive tree clusters have been added, including one that improves mana and Arcane Surge, one that gives curse bonuses and a way to recover mana after hitting or killing cursed enemies, and one that grants Spell Damage based on your maximum mana, up to a limit."

- This is a great bonus for utility, at least we're still safe from having to use mana flasks because our mana regen will be better in 3.8.

- Curse bonus is also very great for this build guide (I guess what they mean is the increase in curse effects), we always need more of that, so that's some great news for our occultist, yay!

- More spell dmg from Arcane Surge and based on maximum mana, so this is pretty good too, I think it probably will make up for the potential dmg loss of Essence Drain once patch notes are out.

Other than that, nothing else very significant has been mentioned.
A filthy casual
Last edited by Hologram_o on Sep 2, 2019, 9:16:46 PM

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