[3.25]💥Lahkesis Queen of Chaos"Essence Drain/Bane"[LowLife] 💥💥

thanks guys
Hey could you guys check out my character.... BaneingYourExistence. Other than corrupting 20/20 gems what else if anything could I do to get more damage? Im like 1.6mil off the pob damage on ED.... is that all from 21/20 gems?

Also I am only at 7k ES not sure how to raise it much more since the rares I have are pretty decent ES rating. Just curious what else I can do to get better.
A couple things:

1. Get a higher ES roll on your Shav's. 124% inc ES is too low. Aim for at least 140%.

2. You already do more dmg than me (ED lv 20/20% quality), so for that aspect you don't have to worry about it anymore.

3. Your stygian vise should give you ~+50 ES and another +25 to max ES (crafting bench) with strength, no need the 20% inc chaos dmg on there.

4. The hubris circlet (upgrade version) should have both +~60 to max ES and 100% inc ES. It'll make a massive difference once you do.

5. You go for a lot more dmg nodes on tree than me. The Corruption cluster, Method to the Madness and a jewel slot (3 points) can be respecced into more ES nodes (Soul Thief notable). You also need to get to Skittering Runes as soon as possible (now), to get more curse effects and safety. I don't need any minion nodes, so that saves me a lot of passives for me to spec into ES nodes (and only using 3 jewels, no watcher's eye), so I am able to raise to 9k ES total. Essence Surge cluster is great buff for our defense, as more recharge rate is always better to have to counter the reduced ES recharge rate from Wicked Ward and Soul Strike quiver. Compared to 3.6, if you can reach 9K ES in 3.7 that's basically around 10.5k ES total. That's my take on how to increase your defense.
A filthy casual
Wondering which version is the "more preferred" bane of contagion esspecially considering legion mechanics?
It's kinda hard to say, we have limited option. I have all 3 gems: Contagion, Bane and ED and it works great for Legions. You want to unfreeze as many statues as possible to reap as much profit as possible. Thus ED + Contagion is superb-tier clearing. but if you run Bane it's not so much, because Bane applies curses and deal with normal packs and cannot really one shot legions plus clearing range is limited.
A filthy casual
Hologram_o wrote:
A couple things:

1. Get a higher ES roll on your Shav's. 124% inc ES is too low. Aim for at least 140%.

2. You already do more dmg than me (ED lv 20/20% quality), so for that aspect you don't have to worry about it anymore.

3. Your stygian vise should give you ~+50 ES and another +25 to max ES (crafting bench) with strength, no need the 20% inc chaos dmg on there.

4. The hubris circlet (upgrade version) should have both +~60 to max ES and 100% inc ES. It'll make a massive difference once you do.

5. You go for a lot more dmg nodes on tree than me. The Corruption cluster, Method to the Madness and a jewel slot (3 points) can be respecced into more ES nodes (Soul Thief notable). You also need to get to Skittering Runes as soon as possible (now), to get more curse effects and safety. I don't need any minion nodes, so that saves me a lot of passives for me to spec into ES nodes (and only using 3 jewels, no watcher's eye), so I am able to raise to 9k ES total. Essence Surge cluster is great buff for our defense, as more recharge rate is always better to have to counter the reduced ES recharge rate from Wicked Ward and Soul Strike quiver. Compared to 3.6, if you can reach 9K ES in 3.7 that's basically around 10.5k ES total. That's my take on how to increase your defense.

Guess I should have added im running the Low Life Bane/Ed combo. But thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into all of them
cjbender wrote:

Guess I should have added im running the Low Life Bane/Ed combo. But thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into all of them

I can already tell that's the version you're running. You have Shavs, so that can only be low life, either ED/Bane or ED/Cont :D. I run ED/Bane as well, but also have Contagion.
A filthy casual
I did a slightly modified version of the tree, I've got around 1 million DPS on ED (mostly due to the crafted bow, don't mind the mana regen on it, I was really struggling with mana sustain and didn't want to waste passives on it as I'm already starved for passives, and the cast speed + arcane surge isn't very useful to me personally).

I've got around 8k ES at the moment and should have somewhere around 8500 when my tree is done. Even with all this ES I still feel somewhat squishy sometimes in higher content. I'm using Flesh and Stone as a defensive aura, the sand stance part works surprisingly well for casters even though it's mostly intended for melee builds.

PoB link to my planned final tree/current gear: https://pastebin.com/6ts1PDb8

What this reply said is a pretty fair assessment of the builds defense after the occultist changes:

Hologram_o wrote:
I think the real thing to be concerned about is the build's safety, as damage, with enough investment, becomes something good enough to do all contents pretty easily. There are 2 systematic nerfs: Max ES amount and Wicked Ward nerf. It's good that Withering Presence is a solid replacement to take on chaos dmg and give more damage, but our ES' recharge rate is affected quite a bit with its new effect (50% less recharge rate) and our Soul Strike quiver gives another decently big hit for ES recharge. ED is our only reliable way to keep ES at full, and our max ES amount is very hard to achieve with 10k. That's why I aim for nodes on tree that give ES recharge rate to offset the reduction. The build is still great, but the effects on its safety means you will need very good dmg to kill off certain things before they touch you or do anything much to you.
Last edited by nadiayorc on Jul 7, 2019, 8:26:36 AM
Yep, I actually thought of using sand stance before, and it provides another source of slow AND blind physical attackers, which is great. However, following the current aura setup I can't find it fit anywhere. I either have to sack Malevolence or Zealotry, and either of those is a HUGE dmg loss.
A filthy casual
I'm trying to create a helmet with the "Nearby Enemies have -9%" mod. I'm using 2 types of Aberrant and Dense fossils. But it's hard to come with the energy shield. Is it with these fossils that I can get? Or can I add some other?

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