[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Lunarsz wrote:
Anyone mind checking my gear and telling me what I could improve on?
Find myself dieing really easy on maps now, my damage how ever seems fine.

First of all i would say - farm blood aquaduct for lvl 68+
Dont expect from Sabo miner to be tanky class, just play smart, never rush into packs of monster, always keep detonated mine before you and enemy

using this as a start setup. Have 18k h/o tooltip with lvl 18 GC hatred and fire golem and non-shaped stat stick

Threshold jewels are expencive as fuck this league...
Nikkaj wrote:
Lunarsz wrote:
Anyone mind checking my gear and telling me what I could improve on?
Find myself dieing really easy on maps now, my damage how ever seems fine.

get a shield with high life roll, a belt with better life roll (aim for at least 100 life total), way better boots with high life + MS, replace unset ring with high life ring

also you are transitioning into crit without a respec, you should get cruel preperation in witch area for additional 15% max life + res. for flasks you want anti-freeze and at least 1 instant life recov. flask. you are not a tank, so ou should move a lot -> high AS + MS to get around beefy mobs while placing mines.

IMO we should go for crit nodes last, i aim for jewels first to get more AS, damage, life.

Ya fixed my setup a bit think im good? just need to used to playing a none tank build this season.
Ended up starting this league as a Pizza Heirophant to farm some stuff.

I'll eventually make a Saboteur as a my second character and boss killer.

Good to see, GC didn't get a nerf :)
Lunarsz wrote:
Anyone mind checking my gear and telling me what I could improve on?
Find myself dieing really easy on maps now, my damage how ever seems fine.

Your CWDT isn't linked, so your IC and Enfeeble aren't going off. You're missing mana from nodes behind MOM and your tree is generally super inefficient right now.

CWDT-Enfeeble helps. I took the blind node for my 4th ascendancy and between Enfeeble, Fortify, and nearby blinded (and 10% reduced dmg from blinded enemies), I feel good about my "layers" of defense.
Started this league with that build, leveled my saboteur up to lvl 87 and got some problems, like my character so squishy (4.2k hp) and sometimes i got lack of dps even with essence worm and clear mind jewel (17k dps in h/o without power charges).

What's problem with my gear and what should i change?
Last edited by Drumma on Mar 5, 2018, 2:45:38 AM
"As you are now, I once was.
As I am now, so shall you be.
So be prepare to follow me..."
Last edited by Kawaii1 on Mar 5, 2018, 9:46:18 AM
Chimerka wrote:
djokosrb wrote:
Chimerka wrote:
Is Demolitions Specialist needed? Well i dont feel any downside not having 100% increased arming speed - is it rally needed? 20% to place 1 more mine - well its not that good and 8% increase of area effect per mine, well on boss you dont need it and when im clearing trash i place 3 mines, boom and move to another pack - so its like 24% benefit of increase area of effect.

So what about going with Bomb Specialist -> Explosives Expert (inc. aoe / dmg all the time + ele pen) -> Pyromaniac -> Born in the Shadows?

I think about the same.

Well I just compared my standart sabo vs league one, i must say its way slower - place mines, immediately detonate and you can really feel delay. Base arming speed is 0.5s, with passive its 0.25 which feels like instant. Im still not 100% sure if i will take Demolitions Specialist or not, cause sometimes is situation when you need for your mines to explode immediately, but it feels like ages without DS :D

**EDIT** I quit game, then logged again and now without DS mines feels detonating instantly, so maybe there is some struggle with 0.5 calculation :/ So im sticking to plan not using DS

The wiki is very unclear on Mines, As far as I can see there is:
1) Minelaying, with a base of 500ms, which is affected by Mine Laying Speed
2) Mine Arming, with an unknown base, and affected by Demolitions Specialist
3) Mine Detonation, with an unknown base, but set to 0 by Volatile Mines

Against one-shottable trash, a slow detonate will give a very minor delay.

Against bosses and red Beasts, that require multiple shots:
- we have 10-11 mines, and cast them 3 at a time with minefield
- therefore, as long as they are armed and then insta-detonated before we can lay the 4th minefield, there is only a very minor delay before mines start going off
- my experiments seem to indicate that mines detonate before I can lay the 4th minefield

Therefore Demolitions Specialist loses one of it main attractions.

My choice would now be:
Bomb Specialist -> Pyromaniac (that 20% regen is really useful) -> Explosives Expert -> Born in the Shadows

I can also really recommend Lavianga's Spirit. It costs next to nothing and solves all your mana problems. It retails for 2 chaos in Bestiary (lots of people Beastcrafting Unique Flasks) and 20 in Standard.

Dear Maligaro,
I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru
My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney
And I am sending my Heart to you
--- Love, Malachai
Last edited by Flapdrol on Mar 5, 2018, 4:23:30 AM
Do you balance resists on this build or is it usually a waste of time?
Epimethea wrote:
Do you balance resists on this build or is it usually a waste of time?

You always want capped resist. The last thing you want is a stray lightning spark 1 shotting you in modded maps. That goes for all builds. If you're going to use Wise Oak flask, then you want your cold resist (overcapped) to be the highest so that you get cold penetration during Wise Oak's effect.

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