[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Yeah now I'm un-sure which to get. Does the 8% aoe per mine mine it adds up for each mine when you detonate them all? Gotta get a feel for how quick mines arm as well I guess..they seem to arm quickly as is.
djokosrb wrote:
Chimerka wrote:
Is Demolitions Specialist needed? Well i dont feel any downside not having 100% increased arming speed - is it rally needed? 20% to place 1 more mine - well its not that good and 8% increase of area effect per mine, well on boss you dont need it and when im clearing trash i place 3 mines, boom and move to another pack - so its like 24% benefit of increase area of effect.

So what about going with Bomb Specialist -> Explosives Expert (inc. aoe / dmg all the time + ele pen) -> Pyromaniac -> Born in the Shadows?

I think about the same.

Well I just compared my standart sabo vs league one, i must say its way slower - place mines, immediately detonate and you can really feel delay. Base arming speed is 0.5s, with passive its 0.25 which feels like instant. Im still not 100% sure if i will take Demolitions Specialist or not, cause sometimes is situation when you need for your mines to explode immediately, but it feels like ages without DS :D

**EDIT** I quit game, then logged again and now without DS mines feels detonating instantly, so maybe there is some struggle with 0.5 calculation :/ So im sticking to plan not using DS
Last edited by Chimerka on Mar 3, 2018, 5:55:01 PM
Any thoughts on 'dream fragment + normal boots + Born in the shadows (blind)' vs 'kaoms roots + normal ring + explosives expert'?

I'm really inclined to the former, since we already have a lot of damage...
nogenem wrote:
Any thoughts on 'dream fragment + normal boots + Born in the shadows (blind)' vs 'kaoms roots + normal ring + explosives expert'?

I'm really inclined to the former, since we already have a lot of damage...

Im going with Dream fragment + normal boots and this asc:
Bomb Specialist -> Explosives Expert -> Pyromaniac -> Born in the Shadows

I will see how many times i will roll temp. chains map mod - pretty annoying, so maybe i will change to kaoms + DS without Born in the Shadows
Yeah now I'm un-sure which to get. Does the 8% aoe per mine mine it adds up for each mine when you detonate them all? Gotta get a feel for how quick mines arm as well I guess..they seem to arm quickly as is.

I think you get 8% bonus for each mine laying on the ground, so during mapping you will place 3 or 4 at a time - so 24-32% bonus, on the boss that bonus doesnt matter, Explosive Expert got 20% bonus all the time + dmg + pen
Last edited by Chimerka on Mar 3, 2018, 6:49:33 PM
Chimerka wrote:
Yeah now I'm un-sure which to get. Does the 8% aoe per mine mine it adds up for each mine when you detonate them all? Gotta get a feel for how quick mines arm as well I guess..they seem to arm quickly as is.

I think you get 8% bonus for each mine laying on the ground, so during mapping you will place 3 or 4 at a time - so 24-32% bonus, on the boss that bonus doesnt matter, Explosive Expert got 20% bonus all the time + dmg + pen

DS is really worth it IMO. your mines are _way_ faster, also the AoE is so huge you start clearing 1,5 screens in 1 sec
Nikkaj wrote:
Chimerka wrote:
Yeah now I'm un-sure which to get. Does the 8% aoe per mine mine it adds up for each mine when you detonate them all? Gotta get a feel for how quick mines arm as well I guess..they seem to arm quickly as is.

I think you get 8% bonus for each mine laying on the ground, so during mapping you will place 3 or 4 at a time - so 24-32% bonus, on the boss that bonus doesnt matter, Explosive Expert got 20% bonus all the time + dmg + pen

DS is really worth it IMO. your mines are _way_ faster, also the AoE is so huge you start clearing 1,5 screens in 1 sec

_way_ faster - from 0.5 arming speed to 0.25 - arming speed only affects after how much time i can detonate mines, i really dont feel that huge difference between 0.5 vs 0.25.

AoE is so huge - well its exactly 24% with 3 mines placed at time - you dont need aoe at boss, and during mapping i rly not much often place more than 3 mines at a time.

So its 24% aoe increase vs 20% + 20% aoe dmg and 10% ele pen with Explosive Expert
Last edited by Chimerka on Mar 3, 2018, 7:35:23 PM
With the newly added extra AoE from Asendancy change, is Carcass Jack still the best chest for this build?
Anyone mind checking my gear and telling me what I could improve on?
Find myself dieing really easy on maps now, my damage how ever seems fine.
Lunarsz wrote:
Anyone mind checking my gear and telling me what I could improve on?
Find myself dieing really easy on maps now, my damage how ever seems fine.

get a shield with high life roll, a belt with better life roll (aim for at least 100 life total), way better boots with high life + MS, replace unset ring with high life ring

also you are transitioning into crit without a respec, you should get cruel preperation in witch area for additional 15% max life + res. for flasks you want anti-freeze and at least 1 instant life recov. flask. you are not a tank, so ou should move a lot -> high AS + MS to get around beefy mobs while placing mines.

IMO we should go for crit nodes last, i aim for jewels first to get more AS, damage, life.

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