On Balance Feedback and Charge Changes

" community not only misunderstood a lot of the consequences "

No... Why would say we misunderstood? We knew exactly what was going on.

No need for the subtle passive aggressiveness
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Icemasta wrote:
The problem with the constant nerfs, especially in regard to charges, is that it's aimed at the top end builds but affecting every other build on the way.

While you are attempting to bring the top end-build in line with everyone else, the way you're going about the nerfs and bringing everyone down a few steps.

Here is a shitty paint drawing that I did quickly, where area represents the build diversity:

You had quite a few broken builds before, but you probably had the best diversity of skills that could clear T15 and a few bosses. With the constant nerfs, you're basically pigeonholing everyone, not just at the top end, but in the mid-end as well, and it's leaving so many builds that just don't scale well or at all in the end-game, because you keep removing mechanics.

Yes, frenzy charge was an issue to top end builds that could afford them on top of everything else, but now every mid-tier build that used frenzy charges and still managed to get to t12-t15 gets fucked.

tl;dr; your nerfs to top end is having massive collateral damage on lower end builds, in your goal to increase build diversity, you're decreasing it.

And that's totally fine. Not every build is supposed to clear top tier content. And even good build should invest some currency to clear top tier content. There shouldn't be budget top tier builds. It just makes game boring.
Guys, you are doing a great job, all of you.

I have totally faith in you and your decisions.

Thank you for beeing so close to your community and giving us insights of your development processes.

Sorry that we sometimes throwing so much overreacting bs at you.
MacMoertel wrote:
Guys, you are doing a great job, all of you.

I have totally faith in you and your decisions.

Thank you for beeing so close to your community and giving us insights of your development processes.

Sorry that we sometimes throwing so much overreacting bs at you.

No they're not.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I like the main idea about how the new chill and shock work. But it will still be really ineffective VS Bosses due to huge amount of life of them. On the other side, you can get full potential of these ailments on weak mobs, but it is still useless. You don't need a dmg buff or chill against thrash and harmless mobs anyways.

Just stop trying to use linear scalling for everything. Although I agree with the AoE, burn and poison scalling changes done before, there is no problem to use a different kind of scale for thing that doesn't have a increase multiply (like shock and chill) . You should try an exponential scale in this case. So you still can have more effect as you deal more dmg on one single hit, but it would be better against powerfull foe, like bosses, and still not overpower like always 50% with Vaal lightning trap or Vinktar, as it is until 2.6.

Frenzy and Power charges changes are fine IMO.
Last edited by DEvil27 on Jul 28, 2017, 9:57:42 AM
I guess people can go play D3 instead of PoE since you're turning into the obedient sheep in the herd, like all other games out there...
Path of exile was all about the crazy stuff and fun...
Not a pidgeonhole - for what was a pretty awesome game ... at least for a while.
Slippery slope GGG... you might enjoy a 3.0 launch that will resemble D3 launch, a deserted game very soon...
Sad changes overall.

I am so sad to say, I agree 100%. I am so sad about the direction this game is going.

I am mostly disappointed by the new poison/bleed/ignite changes, and the chill/shock changes and the charge changes, and the decision to kill so many fun nice builds. (wormblast, hoi-chain reaction, coc-builds, mines and traps and saboteur...

It's just the damage calculations are so dull and boring now, no combination or fun things. pick green if want poison damage, done... pick red support gem for bleed dmg, done ... no fun, im so sad :(

Last edited by Prismatic4 on Jul 28, 2017, 9:57:47 AM
The power and frenzy charge change needs to be pulled and worked on for a different patch. It breaks too many uniques and abilities like power siphon are just laughable, as if it wasn't already. If you want to do changes to the charge system i'm sure many of us are all for it, but not like this.
these changes are fine idiots... i expect there will be more nerfs

this game became too fucking easy
I'm fine with most of the stuff you do, but i don't like the changes to charges.

"Nerf total crit chance available. It was getting too close to cap, too easily."

You say this, after you buffed scion ascendancy to +1,5 base crit(may have been changed again in beta?)

In reality, how many builds did actually reach crit cap or even 85%+, and how many of those was with assassin? I'm fine with you nerfing assassin to a +2 base crit on max charge instead of +0,5 per charge, but isn't this alone enough? What you effectively did was nerfing mostly non assassin crit builds, while assassins will still be waaaaaay better for actual crits.

Could it also be an idea to have max crit chance at perhaps 85% instead if the goal was to globally lower crits?

About frenzy charges i would rather see it be 2% more dmg than 0 and 4% between caster and attacks. 4% is still quite a lot for attack builds, and it will still be almost mandatory for all attack builds, so you changed nothing for attack builds, but really hurt some frenzy based caster builds.

You also gave every non-crit spell casters that didnt take frenzy charges a huge buff. Now everyone of those will use pcoc in anything that suits them for free more damage. If possible to get 2 power charges for 4 points, people will likely take that just for 8% more dmg as well, because in some cases it will be stronger than anything else, on non-crit builds. Is this how you want it?
You just wasted 3 seconds reading this.
Last edited by Tian_Yihao on Jul 28, 2017, 9:57:08 AM
My biggest complaint is that this is the kind of change that should have been in the beta from the beginning. If not at the very beginning, at least earlier than 1 week from the expansions release.

Charges as a system has stayed stable since the frenzy charge change. It has multiple systems built on top of it and we only get 1 week to stew on it? Is this going to be another AoE-mechanics change that takes multiple patches to normalize?

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