Why Bear Trap is Broken
My molten shell required serious investment. High block and a good amount of armor. You can't just throw molten on to do that. I use molten because its a core part of my build.
Considering how good bear trap is in pvp I don't really consider high dex to be enough of an investment. Please explain the investment that goes into making bear trap have more damage than a melee players main attack weapon. I also have seen plenty of casters using bear trap very effectively Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Mar 27, 2013, 4:42:00 PM
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It doesn't do more dmg than my main attack.
Also it's the core of your build, it should require a large investment. If people want to make bear trap their main investment then they are also investing a large number of gem sockets on multiple Bear Traps plus supports. How many ES gloves / boots have you seen with GGRR sockets? Or an ES chest with GGGRR? I'm curious what your idea of very effectively is, because I haven't seen a caster use it effectively against me. Just because they can throw it doesn't mean it's effective. A lot of people use Molten Shell also so I guess that's considered "effective" according to your definition. IGN: Aux
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Like I said, Molten requires serious investment (in the passive tree also) to be effective not to mention it only works well against certain other classes/builds (not all of them).
So far from these threads it appears that all you need to make bear trap do crazy damage is get the support gems and an item with the right colors. I think to get the damage that high you should have to invest in the skill tree. From the duel we had I don't think I am mistaken on the damage that bear trap was doing. Without bear trap you were not killing me, then all of the sudden you start using bear trap and my health gets very low. How is that? Standard Forever
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Do I need to answer that question for you?
Because you have high block chance? What else would you have me do? I guess go into melee range and attack into your 75% block chance and Molten Shell in which you've "heavyily invested." You are sounding a lot like BringYourFriends now. My main strat of using Glacial Hammer doesn't work against all builds either, just like your Molten Shell, so I have to turn to other alternatives. Luckily for the melee, there is one in Bear Trap that gets around cheese like extremely high block chance / armor and Prism Guardian's invulnerability to melee. IGN: Aux Last edited by Aux#2409 on Mar 27, 2013, 7:12:55 PM
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I never once said that you should not have used bear trap on me. In game or in the forums. People are going to take advantage of good skills and I don't blame them for it at all.
I made my thread and I respond in other threads to try to figure out if bear trap is imbalanced/OP. I am still waiting for someone to convince me that its not. What I orginally asked you is why is it that your bear trap hurts more than your main attack? I did get hit by your main attack and it didn't hurt like your bear trap. So apparently bear trap cannot be blocked and does similar if not more damage than a high lvl melees main attaack AND it requires no passives on the skill tree? Standard Forever
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I'm not sure why I'm explaining skill mechanics to a level 80+ player who participates in what can be viewed as a significant amount of PvP, unless these questions are all strictly rhetorical.
Bear Trap has a very long cooldown--8 seconds, and a cap of 3 traps at a time, per gem of course. My main ability has a purposefully omitted cooldown, and hits about 4 times per second. Is it just me or does one find it blindingly obvious which one should do more damage--armor and resistances permitting--whether specc'd into or not? I'm not going to teach you how armor works either, as it is out of the scope of this topic. Which leads to my next point that you seem to harp on continuosly: what type of nodes does one take to increase the damage of Bear Trap? Do some research and report back to us. I already know the answer. When you tell us the answer I think you'll find why Bear Trap's damage is "high" compared to most other abilities. IGN: Aux
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I am not trying to act like a know it all. I've said before in my thread that I want someone to convince me that bear trap is fine. That could possibly happen.
Ive done a decent amount of pvp with one character on merciless. That doesn't make me an expert at anything. Why don't you just answer my questions so we can finish the subject and move on. So are you agreeing that bear trap does just as much if not more damage than a melee characters main attack? When did I ask a question about armor? I am not aware of any nodes that increase the damage of bear trap. Thats my point, if there are nodes that people are taking to do it then please tell me. From my knowledge there are none which is one of my reasons for thinking the skill is imbalanced. I just don't think it makes much sense for a trap to do as much damage as a main attack when you don't even have to invest into the passive skill tree. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Mar 27, 2013, 8:06:37 PM
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I've done more than anyone can expect to show why it's balanced.
You are still entitled to whatever opinion you may have. IGN: Aux
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Thats for your time. If anyone reading this believes I am wrong and that its balanced feel free to contact me and help me understant why its balanced.
If bear trap remains like it is now then I will probably incorporate it into my templar at some point. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Mar 27, 2013, 8:24:47 PM
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You won't get many people to argue with you. The majority of the complaints come from those who are extremely inexperienced with PvP and get mowed down by those taking advantage of it, whether they use it or not.
People will get brutalized by my Glacial Hammer for 3 rounds, then I decide to throw a Bear Trap and they rage out and instantly leave the game. This kind of ignorance can not be logically explained through biased opinions. You won't see people complaining about getting mopped up by Glacial Hammer. You won't see people complaining that Heavy Strike does too much damage when it can match the damage of a Bear Trap with no cooldown. All you will find is complaints about Temporal Chains (which can also be 100% dealt with), Bear Trap, chill, and anything else that causes loss or impairment of their movement ability. IGN: Aux Last edited by Aux#2409 on Mar 27, 2013, 8:40:58 PM