Why Bear Trap is Broken
From my experiences in PvP I have messed around with alout of builds and faced quite a few people in 1v1 and 3v3. I have seen more and more builds use bear trap even if it made no sense whatsoever, even if it didn't compliment their build in any way shape or form. So the question is why? Why use Bear Trap? Because of several factors.
1- Bear Trap just stand alone, the stats are very high. At best the trap should do decent damage but not at the levels we are seeing. The trap should be more of a immobilize than a knockout spell along with the control you get with it. 2- Another horrible problem with ALL traps, "bear trap included" is that they are INVISIBLE. The traps literally cannot be seen by their opponents. Traps should atleast be visible so they can be countered by other players in a realistic fashion. With totems it can be debated that it is more of a balanced third party source of damage because you can see it, target it, and make a strategy accordingly. With traps you have a invisible source of damage in which you cannot target with spells or attacks. the only way to negate it is either by walking over it yourself, summon a totem on top of it. Or make a summon and hopefully he walks over it in your stead. In short you get too many pros with traps in general with no drawbacks at all. It lowers the skillcap of the game, and generally takes out the fun of a competitive based pvp setting. If you are to change it, atleast make it to where the ability will lock you in place for a entended amount of time, but the damage needs to be scaled WAY down. The fact that people are solely relying on this ability alone to attempt to win matches at high level is pathetic. Last edited by BringYourFriends#3692 on Mar 16, 2013, 8:09:39 AM
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btw you dont explain why bear trap is broken
for example why dualwield is broken 1) dualwielders have more aspd than everyone 2) dualwielders have more damage than everyone 3) dualwielders even have block i can say like that about anything Last edited by kiersz#4644 on Feb 24, 2013, 3:16:52 PM
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You failed to grasp the point entirely. And yeah I did explain how it's broken in detail. Perhaps you don't know how to read?
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1. Stand alone it does nothing, you have to support it with the appropriate supports if you expect it do some damage. I have a witch with 1.3k hp and 90% of the bear traps I run into do almost nothing and lock me for less than 1/2 of a second
2. Asking for traps to be visible is stupid, the point is that traps are hidden, you have to force/trick your opponent to run into them, position them at key points etc. How does this lower the skillcap of the game and take out the fun ? Just because you can't deal with traps does not mean the concept is broken. I see 90% of the mines my opponents put down, and I dispatch them if they get in my way ( cold snap, another trap to the same position etc ). Not even talking about skills like Arc auto target and destroy traps ... |
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-Yes they do alot of damage due to their high damage effectiveness, but unlike other skills they have very few ways to scale.
-You can try to memorize where they placed it, if they place it out of your sight then try not to go for obvious locations. -You can use skills like ground slam, cold snap, arc, other traps (your own bears/ fires), totems, summons, etc. If you don't have one of these handy (pref arc) then you're just an unprepared noob -Get a granite of iron skin then laugh as you walk through 5 traps in a row or something (you have to be smart and use these wisely as obviously the flask charges won't be up everytime you need) -You can leap slam, whirling blades, flicker while trapped -Bear traps cost alot of mana base, and a ton more with actual supports so kudos to trappers cause they actually to go out of the norm build/gear options to utilize bear traps fully Also you're stupid, nuff said. Removing them actually makes the game less skill based cause whats to stop flicker strikers to get on ranged squishies? The main ways to counter traps in general ARE skill based (aka keeping an arch, ground slam, snap, your own traps handy to trigger/break theirs or memory), removing it and its counters means removing a multifaceted element of pvp. PS this game should be balanced around PvE > PvP, bear traps are pretty good in PvE (as pretty much any skill with a decent build to back it up) but making any changes to bear traps (which in pvp, the issue is the damage not the actual utility) cause some noobs in PvP have to go out of their way (thats what countering requires, going out of your way) to deal with them; is ill advised cause there are few enough trap builds in PvE already. /start But basically I agree with you, we should totally dumb down the complexity of the game and make it more suitable for 5 year olds /end sarcasm Last edited by slant90#2099 on Mar 30, 2013, 2:39:09 AM
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The skill should be more about the control rather than the massive damage without even being forking over the trait skills for the ability itself.
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I agree, viper strike/bear trap are the skills that are too powerfull without any investment in their damage. They just add more and more dps/control on top of already good builds. The most stupid build with it that I tried out was 58 block chance / 50% evasion / high life + life regen build with viper strike/bear traps and Geofry with flickers on switch weapon.
Bear trap is already good for control, and that damage is pretty strange. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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" Well my opinion on viper strike I believe it is balanced because there is technically two ways around it. 1- High chaos resist 2- Chaos Inoculation With Bear trap, it is unblockable damage, The way the mechanic is in this game when it comes to scaling only makes bear trap worse, long story short with physical damage from any physical attack either is highly mitigated through armor, or almost none at all. And the problem with bear trap is that it's base damage scales so high that any class can have success with the ability, even if no talent points invested into bear trap, thus making the ability completely and utterly broken. Most people are in denial that this is broken ability and trying to make sure that this thread, or any thread related to bear trap won't get heard by simply saying learn to play, or some comment pertaining to said persons overall knowledge of the game, without even seeing them play. Which is laughable. Fix: Lower the damage on bear trap, and increase the immobilize, that way your making bear trap not a finisher, but a trusted crowd control FOR a finisher. The purpose of this ability should be about containment, not about damage. Plain and simple. Anyone who disagrees with this is simply in denial, and more than likely abusing said skill. I prefer not to cheese the system. And as of right now it's easy mac. BringYourFriends |
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I might not have a problem with bear trap if it wasn't for people using more than one to bypass the cooldown. Thats completely retarded.
Standard Forever
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Nice to see you brushed up your first post, the earlier editions sounded stupid but yeah I think GGG might be able to make certain skills in PvP have different damage effectiveness so it doesn't affect PvE and yes at max levels, g flasks doesn't migitate nearly as much damage (esp for characters with very little armour nodes/on equips) and it does offer alot of cheap, easy to get (gem) damage( cept for near max lvl trap because leveling a gem to full is considered to be quite an investment) it BUT at the same time I think bear trap is in a good place and doesn't need MAJOR changes (especially to the vision aspect) but a few damage tweaks wouldn't be bad
-all this is for open pvp ( in low level pvp I think bear traps are perfectly balanced) Last edited by slant90#2099 on Mar 18, 2013, 10:13:12 PM
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