Spelling mistakes and typos

There's something weird about a passive that I found today. The passive that grants +30 to int in the ranger/shadow cross-over is named "Thieves craft" when it should be "Thieves' Craft" (just like Zealot's Oath is named Zealot's, not Zealots Oath). Otherwise it sounds like Thieves are crafting. Kind of strange. I'm not sure if it is meant to be plural possessive or singular possessive as it is unclear what the meaning is supposed to be.
"Out of every unique I found so far (20+) all of them are fucking junk to a point that even the vendor tells me to shove em up my ass." - DarkKane

"All hack'n'slash games are based on the carrot on the stick 'method', and in PoE's case the stick is so long I can't even see the carrot." - Odoakar
Last edited by Evlesoa#2575 on Nov 23, 2013, 2:59:08 AM
In the quest Victario's Secrets, the statues all say something like "The Emperor Honours <name>" but one of them doesn't match the others. Two of them say that the Emperor honours them, the first one (from the sarn slums I think) says The *Empire* honours them. I should have screenshotted before turning it in.
Edit: Oh, he's been renamed...

I think the way Helena pronounced his name does fit Fidelitas, though.

Also, now the typos are on Helena's dialogue options and subtitles.

Last edited by rosedrake#1248 on Dec 3, 2013, 8:22:21 AM
Is it just me or does this not make sense...

Item Name:
Ondar's Clasp
Wrapped Mitts
Item Type:
Item Quote:
"A Single Lightning Strike Fells A Man.
A Single Knife Stroke Fells An Empire."
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Dec 5, 2013, 5:12:17 PM
Vipermagi wrote:

Well as long as I know it's just me :D! Makes me some what more "Special" Than everyone else.
Fixing all the things!

Thanks everyone for your reports. Having correct spelling and grammar is very important to me.

And yes, thank you Vipermagi for all your helpful comments!
Code warrior
In the area switch screen "tips" show up.

One says: "Support gems need to be placed... to affect other gem"

Should be "other gems." <- e.g. more gems than 1 gem.


another in the:
"To use a scroll or potion" tip
You're missing a comma or 2 in there.

e.g.: to use a scroll or potion, right click it, then
Last edited by bbrtki#7586 on Dec 9, 2013, 5:58:43 AM
The unique Prismatic Eclipse has the following flavour text:

"A raging Solaris seared and contorted the orb's surface.
A despairing Lunaris filled the scars with her tears.
Yet Viridi remained, trapped within, forever more."
- Azmerian Creation Myth

Not sure about this at all as I'm not familiar with Latin, but shouldn't "Viridi" be "Viridis" instead so it's in the same form as Solaris and Lunaris? Assuming it actually is referring to this.

Last edited by Ezhiel#3677 on Dec 10, 2013, 5:55:20 AM
The values of the "Attacks per seconds" and "Attack time" tags from Whirling Blades are swapped.

The character panel tells me I do 0.54 Attacks per second and the tooltip you can look at next to the mana display says "Attack time: 1.85 sec"

(Sorry, I don't know how to upload pictures)
Last edited by Eryell#4508 on Dec 12, 2013, 6:09:45 AM

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