[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
" Thanks! Would you still recommend Berserker over any of the other classes if Soul Mantle was not available? Or does one of the other ascendancies/classes pull ahead without the Mantle/Kiku/Flagg combo? Last edited by superkegs#3705 on Aug 6, 2017, 8:45:50 PM
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Thanks for updating your guide, Milkyslice. The 3.0 update was huge, it helps a lot.
I started your build for Legacy as Berserker in SSF. Very viable and strong. I think I'm going to continue to play it on Standard SSF instead of the new league as I have unfinished business :) I have a few questions for you, or anybody reading: 1. Siosa used to sell leveled gems based on what difficulty you were in, correct? Now that there's no difficulties, what's the best way to obtain (buy) leveled gems (vendors)? I need at last two of the newly-revised burning support gems. 2. By dropping Minion and Totem Elemental Resist.. gem, do we need to make up for the lost totem resists? Am I overlooking something? 3. Kikazarus: I never found this ring/rings in SSF. I did however get a Self-Flagellation and Soul Mantle. I just use 2 rare rings, curse removal on quicksilver and stibnite flasks (for when the going gets rough). It works pretty well as long as your purge curses when a lot of dmg is incoming. Synergizes well with Stibnite. I didn't see 'using self-flag + Soulmantle without Kikazarus' in your guide. Are you against it? I want to try MoM for fun and was also considering dropping AB (sacrificing map clearing convenience for t15-16 strength). 4. Do you still get the cluster in front of AB if you drop AB? 5. I currently have *50% mana regen and 90 mana on gear. In your estimation, is that enough to make zerker MoM better than blood magic at end game? I'm hesitant to rebuild tree until I understand more of the changes. Thanks. IGN: JooksOne Timezone: PST(USA) Last edited by Jooksone#6183 on Aug 6, 2017, 11:02:27 PM
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" why spell damage is usless if RF is "spell"? and does "add xx damages to spells" dont work on RF totems too? i think its basic question, but hope to get answer) Last edited by enfatic#6267 on Aug 7, 2017, 12:05:28 AM
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Please help, second curse from "Spire of Stone" jewel don't apply on mob's, any ideas ?
P.S. Try by hand/blasphemy/curse when hit Thx! IGN: Rinold Last edited by deltaone#6746 on Aug 7, 2017, 12:40:40 AM
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so many questions :O
@delta you mean self-flagellation and it doesnt increase the amount of curses you can use. It increases the amount of curses enemys can place ON you. @enfatic Well RF is a spell, but only in thr sense that its a spell that buffs you (more spelldmg if you use other spells on top while selfcasting it). the dot is a secondary effect that does not benefit from spelldmg. Thats the case for any DoT, except it explicitly says that spelldmg works (like scorching ray). DoT dont benefit from added dmg to spells, thst property needs a spell that HITS a target, DoTs dont do that. @jook 1. only the act 1-5 vendors sell leveled gems afaik in 3.0. so better buy and lvl the gems early ;) 2. the skilltree covers all the resists. Totems have 40% base elemental resist, we get more on the tree. Until you pick up ironwood (which has the remaining totem resist) use a purity. 3. if you remove the curses, self-flagellation does nothing. Its a exclusive benefit for kikazarus. 4. yes i still pick up at least the totemlife node. 14% totemdmg for 1 point is good also. 5.i don't know yet, have only reached t6-7 maps atm. Clarity + rallying cry + warcry manarecovery helps a lot to substain mana atm. @superkegs berserker is the way to go :p Other classes can work good as well, but berserker is solid in every way. Great damage, substain and movement. @enterich prices go crazy atm. The API and poe. trade are messed up atm. everything is jumping up and down, items are on sale which are sold a hour ago and so on. On top there are many people flipping the shit out of items. I noticed that with the jewellers touch prophecy which sold at 30c, but ppl were pricedumping it to 18c. Those 18c things were never aviable, everything listed slightly above instantly sold. Both together create a messy enviroment atm. Normally the soulmantle and kikazaru went down to 1c each at ~day 3 in legacy and the 2w races. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Aug 7, 2017, 2:00:10 AM
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thx, how easiest/chapest way to get one additional curse ON enemy ;) ? thx! IGN: Rinold
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Why dont you use a Spire of Stone ? regards, Linus |
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Hey, im trying this build but im totally confuse to start using RF totem. This guide didnt show low level farm, i've trying RF but it hurt my self. please show what gear should we use in low level and what gems to start? Im stuck in the middle of the game, leveling is hard without totem. But idk to summon RF totem with low level gear and gems.
Thanks for the guide, i need help |
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" Dude there is a detailed leveling guide in the opening post. You level with cleave, then sunder until you are around level 40. After that you will use the righteous fire TOTEMS. not selfcast righteous fire. |
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" Skilltree, Doedres Damning and Windscream are the cheapest options https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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