[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
Hey, indeed the question is if that -45% totemlife is really new or have been to the beta before. If its a new nerf it really looks like they killed just another build.
Well apparently the -45% damage only came up in the last wave of the beta...
" well if that's the case, I've started this build in the last wave and it feels good. Maybe there's some hope? |
Wellp, sheit.
Thats not even funny |
" Question is, is that -45% NOW life on Beta? Any information about that? |
Holy crap... There goes all my preparation for the Harbinger League. Can't believe this :(
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
same here... pretty sad...
" Where did you take that information from? |
Is it possible this change was in place and thus the totems were taking less damage from the rf degen as in milky's video?
" This means, RF totems deal 44% less damage in 3.0, although they are more tankier. Well done, GGG, what a mother of all nerfs... - TroubiCZ