Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

sagiterios wrote:
i like the idea of moving the leaguestone slots onto the map device, so that you could determine the effects for a specific map when it opens, but is only able to effect maps. would also make it so that leaguestones only dropped in maps, were generally rarer but with higher chance for being magic

This^ or make the stones interact on the atlas like sextants so we can at least use them in standard.

I know I'm in a very small minority but, I also would not mind a client based realm for SSF players.
Hopefully Breach will be a Zana option as well, best league imo.
Will our stockpiled stones remain, or will they just disappear?
Fuck, The Standard players, Right?
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"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Will our stockpiled stones remain, or will they just disappear?

They will remain but be useless.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Still waiting for the one shot mechanics manifesto
Nephalim wrote:
Will our stockpiled stones remain, or will they just disappear?

They will remain but be useless.

That would be ridiculous. I hope they have the decency to clear them for us.
Thank you for removing leaguestones. Got bored of them very quickly. Legacy was my least favorite league so far.
What is the point of removing the Leaguestones ?
Just add them Like Blue stones like in the game as white and make Blues same as is.
and make it map spesific.

insted of us giving 5c-1ex for zana mods this is much more fun.
As a Casual i don't wan't Legacy to removed. [ remove the Keys ofcorse ]
I am 100% fine with Legacy stones not dropping and just focusing on the new story rather than looking back. Keep the legacy stones for the month or shorter leagues and that's it.

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