Energy Shield and Life

Lunartuna wrote:
My girlfriend plays a 9k ES whispering ice build, so now she will have 5500 es? lmfao what? April fools is over bro's!

So you're saying she will have about as much ES as other people have life in Life builds?

Thats just downright slavery.
Lynerus wrote:
verminoth wrote:
When you say things like 15k es as a standard for "well-geared" characters, I can only think that you don't pay attention to most of your playerbase who have never reached that level.

The fact you think 25k es is today's standard for well geared characters is also wrong.

What kind of a person do you have doing the statistical analysis of your playerbase here or is this made up numbers like I think it is?

If most of your playerbase doesn't reach these high levels of ES, you don't nerf ES to "balance" the game because for most people they don't even reach that power level.

Stop basing your balance decisions on the 1% of people who have 40 challenges and have killed Uber themselves.

If they are basing it on the 1% then most people have high es

Also if the other 99% never reach 25k who cares if they nerf it? it will only hurt the people who can reach it thus doing what they are wanting to do in the first place

I think you are missing the point Lynerus. They are mainly nerfing the 1%. Mid and low tier ES rolls are getting buffed. That means that you can faster obtain a respectable ES pool and go CI earlier.

The nerf of vaal pact is a different thing and should not be considered at the same time as the ES pool getting lowered.

Back to my point.

The potential of CI/ES has simply been lowered, since it is atm around 300% as high as any life based build. Fair enough if CI chars should have a higher ES pool, but 300% potential compared to life is simply just too much.

When you can go from a perfected life build at lvl, lets say 90, with around 7k life swap to CI and put on cheap ES items and gain more than 40% increased effective HP smth is wrong. Switching from a lifebuild with loads of exalts of investement to a CI version with close to nothing (besides regrets from respeccing :P ) invested and simply just have a better build for less really clearify that something is wrong.

The vaal pact change is what might kill CI, not the ES nerf. The nerf puts CI in a place where they will still have higher HP than life builds, but not absurdly so.

But I do hope they do smth to replace vaal pact for CI so recharge is not the only way to maintain the ES pool :S
Legit the worst thing I have ever seen.
I think I'm missing something here...

-25k ES, yes, this is a thing, but their armor value is insanely low (effective HP). Also, reaching that level costs a disgusting amount of currency and trading. Spending the same on a current HP build yields the same "make all content trivial" result.

-Only 9k hp??...there're 15k+hp builds all over youtube...what am I missing here?

-Not that I ever play standard, but this seems like a post screaming "EVERYONE SPAM ELRON AND TIER 1 ES ROLLS TO RESELL ON STANDARD!"

No one should be surprised about ES (finally) being gimped considering how long it's been the "Go-To" for end-game content...but this seems like a bit overkill?

I'm really confused at the 9k HP part though. That's actually insanely low if you're comparing it to 25k ES builds.
Mobile games have better trading...
Wow. It amazes me how developers can't learn from history and figure out that it's better to buff something that's weak instead of over-nerfing and pissing everyone off.

Year after year, game after game... same nonsense.

Buff = good/happy customer
Nerf = bad/drop mic

/shakes head
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Exile009 wrote:
RestlnPeace wrote:
dephness wrote:
all the people who find this bad, play ONLY ES because its so rediculas op. Get good at the game kiddos.

no more 25k es facetanking all content thinking you're good.

show me that 25 es face tank build stop lie you dont even play this game

Here's one of the earliest ones for ya -

And there've been several more in more recent times. It's certainly not the norm (which was around 8-12k ES), but it is feasible. Now the norm should be 6-10k ES. For life, the norm was 4-6k and now should be 5-7k thanks to the life rolls change. So they're much closer now, while ES retains its edge as compensation for all the downsides it has (stun, freeze and now Vaal Pact).

Also remember that this is for a Beta, so the final values will be different from those on here.

you dont even read this thread too and this thread misleading it says " 30 k es face tanking atziri and when i watched video all i see 14 k es facetanking"
his video has 14k es guess what ? :thinking: because you cant deal damage with 25k es so you cant leech so build isnt working , getting ever single es nodes and every single high es armor doesnt prove anything.You need some specific items to build around ES most ES builds didnt use es boots they use skyforth and deaths door ... etc and it gives 90 ish es. Same for gloves its hard to get 250+ ish es because most people using Essence gloves or 100 es unique gloves.Than shield 1 of op meta build "howa" didnt use shields , and 600 es isnt average. Even all these things true , you clear map in 10 - 15 min with these builds so they are useless and this changes effect all ES builds.
Last edited by RestlnPeace on May 17, 2017, 9:44:15 PM
verminoth wrote:
When you say things like 15k es as a standard for "well-geared" characters, I can only think that you don't pay attention to most of your playerbase who have never reached that level.

The fact you think 25k es is today's standard for well geared characters is also wrong.

What kind of a person do you have doing the statistical analysis of your playerbase here or is this made up numbers like I think it is?

If most of your playerbase doesn't reach these high levels of ES, you don't nerf ES to "balance" the game because for most people they don't even reach that power level.

Stop basing your balance decisions on the 1% of people who have 40 challenges and have killed Uber themselves.

100% agreed. To reach 25k+ ES you will exclusively have to gear towards ES (and spec your entire tree into ES) and your damage will suffer greatly. I know this because I've reached ES of that magnitude. Most of my WELL geared (end-game) builds have about 8-12k ES. Most people will never reach these numbers for ES.

I theory craft and test builds every single day. I'm sorry, GGG, but you are pulling your statistics out of a magician's hat. I'm questioning the validity of their data as it seems to be way off, as the post above pointed out they are basing changes on a VERY SMALL subset and are exaggerating it.

Nullifying the effect of Vaal-pact for ES based builds will break most of those builds end-game as they require leech to survive. ES Regen/recharge was never a viable mechanic end-game for most players.

I really hope that they re-think their balancing strategies because hitting us with a nerf-train every single patch is ridiculous. Balance the game content and buff life based builds.

Twitch Stream:
Last edited by unchainedlive on May 17, 2017, 9:43:18 PM
so basically ES goes to being what it was meant to be, you can take a hit but then need to evade damage for a few seconds, before you can take a full hit again.

But to help with that they making the leech component become a super high regen option. So your 15k ES with a few ascendency options and a piece or two of gear can darn right out be instant once your regen starts.

So Es is now an insane life regen option. Instead of a I use 1mil damage to instant leech my 25k ES pool per hit.

I like it i just hope they really work to tweak either mob damage which is going to be easier to deal with anyways, if we can now chill, ignite, and shock them all the time.

Problem is they had to keep ramping up monster damage to 40k+ just to make ES feel somewhat not fully OP, if they pull ES down a bit they can back off some of that stupid 1 shotting damage crap, and make fights more about skill than, who can instant leech 8k life / ES the fastest.
i have a better idea with Ghost Reaver and Zealot's Oath

Ghost Reaver
change to convert half leech to ES
(50% HP leech 50% ES leech)

Zealot's Oath
change to convert half reg to ES
(50% HP leech 50% ES leech)

and both Zealot's Oath & Ghost Reaver have another 50% convert on 2-3 point connect after

I agree with the energy shield changes. but nerfing energy shield is not the problem , we need life changes as well. this time i made a huge investment in life with my character which is a ranger and reached 5500 life at level 91 with the potential to go up to 6000 at max level. that was possible only with a max rolled belly of the beast, which i feel forced to use, and if i want to play with friends in 3/4 man party i still get one shoted by bosses/volatiles/random stuff.

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