Energy Shield and Life

luckyshin wrote:

In Hardcore, you have three options:
  • Reliably defend yourself.
  • Skip the content.
  • Die.

I agree. And HC is a standard to balance around.
You can't 'kind of' survive. You have to survive reliably. High ES humbers are necessary.
mza33 wrote:
guys, the whole game is getting rebalanced. ggg could take the blizzard approach and buff everything ci/life/monsters and soon we would all have 4,8 million es/hp. sounds nice, right?
wait for the beta first and then wait for the release.

i bet 90%+ of you crybaby fucks are playing softcore anyway. so shut the fuck up and let the devs handle it. this game will get more popular with 3.0 no doubt about it.

currently ppl are afk'ing the hardest bosses in the game without flasks. if u agree with that please deinstall now, thanks

People are just overreacting on any bigger changes.
Although I see some unwanted things (such as legacy items) I think that´s just the beginning of changes.
We will see how it´s going while the new Pantheon system is active.
luckyshin wrote:

Running T15 maps with double Beyond of the Call/Circle, with full sextant mods, was really fun, and I honestly can't imagine any hardcore ES build doing this safely any more, with less ES AND without Vaal Pact. I still RIP'd this league to >10,000 damage one-shots, by the way, and so have MANY others on the ladder.

Your not supposed to be strolling through top level content safely in PoE, thats the entire point of this exercise and the entire point of the game. It isn't some sunday stroll carebear hold your hand to grandma's house game (like D3 and most other games).

It's designed to have real danger, real risk of death. You realise what you want is the problem, not the solution right?
Your problem GGG is that you are just nerfing stuff. Why not boost things and nerf only the biggest outliers? Yes, this leads to power creep and inflation, but it is much easier to add even harder stuff & people won't whine.
Phaesrole wrote:
jersch_ wrote:
these adjustments really seem like too much.
i dont get why ES is always beeing compared to LIFE while it should be compared to AR/EV since thats the slot it takes.
it obviously is the best defense of those, but that seems to be because there are no diminishing returns whatsoever on ES while there are on AR/EV.
introducing diminishing returns for ES seems to make more sense to bring it more in line with AR/EV. better yet though i would like to see some adjustments to AR/EV that make them more appealing.
in general ES seems just so much better because mob damage just doesnt feel balanced at all,
they either do no damage or just one-shot you.
vaal pact feels like the worse offender here since it mitigates practicaly every small hit, which in turn gives the game the need to have those huge hits to not have vaal pact be a god mode.


this is a really good point. HC players constantly RIP to one-shots because it's the only real threat. this is why I agree, ES should not have been nerfed, Life deserved the buff, and Vaal Pact should be adjusted.

GGG - If you're not going to balance monster damage scaling or introduce a damage cap for hits, and now you won't allow players to have large ES pools... give us SOME way, some defence or special ability to survive ridiculous fatal one-shots. If you know Life builds will only ever get 10,000 HP with blood magic and kaoms and max life on every piece of gear, why the hell should any monster be able to hit you for more than 10,000 ? Are we supposed to be calculating every potential monster spawn's damage with every single different map mod in a spreadsheet before every map to avoid one-shots? I didn't realize I was playing Path of Excel, if I had I'd still have all my HC characters.

You've basically just made the one-shotting problem way worse for ES builds. Even if you survive a near-fatal hit, you sure as hell can't leech back to full very quickly without Vaal Pact. Breaches and Beyond will become far more fatal than they already are. Life-based leech builds with their untouched Vaal Pact will be the new HC meta.

Fix one-shot mechanics, dial down your nerfs, rework Vaal Pact for ES.
Asmosis wrote:
luckyshin wrote:

Running T15 maps with double Beyond of the Call/Circle, with full sextant mods, was really fun, and I honestly can't imagine any hardcore ES build doing this safely any more, with less ES AND without Vaal Pact. I still RIP'd this league to >10,000 damage one-shots, by the way, and so have MANY others on the ladder.

Your not supposed to be strolling through top level content safely in PoE, thats the entire point of this exercise and the entire point of the game. It isn't some sunday stroll carebear hold your hand to grandma's house game (like D3 and most other games).

It's designed to have real danger, real risk of death. You realise what you want is the problem, not the solution right?

It's never a stroll in HC, you are constantly positioning yourself against strongboxes, nemesis(potentially volatile) rares, breaches, dodging beyond monster spells, kiting some tormented spirit rogue exile, dodging bearer packs and heralds... it's not a mindless fucking candy walk like you mention, especially not in T15 double beyond like I described. depending on map mods, you often pay for any positioning mistake by nearly dying, but usually defeat any challenge... until you don't, and 90% of the time it's to some stupid unavoidable one-shot.

When you've grinded your ass off to get somewhere, you should be able to use what you've earned with your time and effort. In hardcore league, it takes a lot of preparation, farming, and trading to get to the point of being able to run such end game content safely.

The TLDR of everything I'm saying is: I think Vaal Pact should be reworked for ES, not removed. Reducing ES just exacerbates the one-shot issue. Fix both, and I'm happy to have a more mechanically difficult game - where months of effort doesn't end in a fucking one-shot.
Ha-ha-ha What is the point of such a games? Actualy become a HERO right? Not Well-dressed, end-game char shaking like a mouse front of blue pack of goats
That was 3 years ago. Gellig Mortezzah 9.5k lifebased build afk uber atziri:

Try do that with 9.5k ES char.. 😉
Last edited by enerwu on May 19, 2017, 5:43:39 AM
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