Changes to the Labyrinth

I wish we only got one ascendancy point per lab run so we would have to do it 8 total times, so the lab whiners would leave or have anurisms.
Sounds nice!
Last edited by FanatickDk on May 16, 2017, 9:39:17 AM
Nizreb915 wrote:
I wish we only got one ascendancy point per lab run so we would have to do it 8 total times, so the lab whiners would leave or have anurisms.

Worst idea ever!
pls just remove everything but boss fight, lab is sooooooo boring, waiting for traps makes me sleep and waiting is something that should never happen in an arpg....everything else is great! (lab is not)
Labyrinth nerfed. One of the last ramparts just falled :'( RIP laby
Hf :)
It should be 12 trials total.
- 6 trials to unlock plaza and the first 3 labs.
- 6 trials to unlock uber lab.

Lessoning the number of rooms before each boss fight should be applied to the first 3 labs, not just the first. If this means removing enchanting from all but uber lab, so be it. Enchanting has always been very-end-game, there was never a good reason for it exist in the first 3 labs (once uber lab was added).

Other than that, I'm fine with labyrinth as is.

Long live traps!

There is a very easy way to "fix" the lab, perhaps so easy many people have suggested it already.

Create checkpoints each time the player defeats one Izaro phase, they'll have 2 in total this way. When the player dies he'll have the option to resurrect from a checkpoint or to start it all from the beginning. If he chooses to use his last checkpoint he will lose the ability to open the treasure chests after Izaro and the ability to use the enchantment device BUT he'll still be able to earn his ascendancy points.

This will not affect lab farmers in any way, it'll only perhaps make lab running services less appealing.Another possibility is to remove the checkpoints in the uber lab, thus the lab running services wont disappear completely and in effect almost nobody will be impacted negatively by the whole thing.

On the other hand it'll finally make the whole process less tedious and boring in multiple ways.

1. More people will attempt to pass the lab earlier than they did before because of the checkpoint buffer. They'll actually have some fun fighting the trash mobs instead of bypassing them to get it all over with quickly on an overleveled character.

2. Bad connection/system folks will be saved some time for sure, especially when the game crashes after you enter the last Izaro room.

3. More runs will be attempted in a less optimized gear because the punishment for failing wont be as severe.

Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
fesru wrote:
I would hate it if they made enchants tradeable without being put on an item. It would make running uber lab less rewarding. The Only non pointless lab would become pointless.

Oh yay poor people could get the best helm enchant.

Just make it so ascendancy points are not locked behind lab, and preferably remove the tedious, boring trials.

I respect your opinion, but how does it become pointless? The enchants would still need to be obtained in the first place, and I do KINDA understand your thoughts on the becoming less rewarding since x item with x enchant would be very valuable compared to the enchant being sealed and sold and applied to x item.
Last edited by MavensFeet on May 16, 2017, 10:17:16 AM
Changes for nothing... same trials and same problems. Give us ascendancy points for global game progression, and make lab optional.

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