Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1


Could you also remove the burning ground double dipping my cpu? <3
The right man at the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
now please, make shock viable)))
Someone asked this on the reddit post, but how is Herald of Ash going to work under the new system? Since HoA ignites don't have a "base" damage besides the overkill damage, which is tied to the damage the monster receives, will this function as a kind of indirect, one-step-removed double-dipping (attack base damage is multiplied by fire modifiers to form the base damage for HoA, then HoA is modified by fire modifiers for its ignite)?
builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1663570/
New DOT Keystone: Modifiers that apply to hit now apply to the DOT from hit instead.

It makes all generic node such as Fire Dmg, Ele. Dmg have double effect (not double dip) to DOT. In exchange, you deal almost no direct hit damage. But you should still be able to deal damage in order to proc EE.
Tyoll wrote:
MortalKombat3 wrote:

IDK why it took so long for you to realize that. You introduced double-dip in 1.03 patch, and now fix it in 3.0. You shouldnt intoduce that unfair mechanics into PoE at all, in 1-st place.
Still, i'm glad that you decided to fix it, at last.

To be fair back in 1.03 we didn't have anywhere near the amount potential for scaling damage as we do now.

Yes, but it isnt an excuse for implementing inherently imbalanced mechanics, that will create many problems in future. I knew that new double-dip mechanics will be imbalanced even in 1.03 patch, i knew it will cause builds stacking double-dip modifiers, too powerful, while for ordinary builds, those DoTs will be too weak. Even then, double-dip wasnt so powerful just because DoTs didnt stacked. IDK how GGG could ever release stacking poison without fixing double-dip first.

krab90 wrote:
What about minions modifiers? If im making Low Life minion instability explode prolif? Minion Damage will apply twice?

I believe this will be core gme mechanics, so it will apply not just to players, but to minions, monsters, etc.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Regarding HP v.s. ES balance, how about change the effect of Armour to a generic less modifier "Less Damage Taken"? In this way the system doesn't have to change the numbers of the current life system. Instead, you increase the "quality" of HP to compete with ES. Say now 5k HP = 8k ES after the generic damage mitigation. HP has smaller numbers, but it has life potions. ES has higher HP pool, but has little damage mitigation. Eventually HP and ES build have comparable EHP pool.
Titoisagod wrote:
im curious what this means for builds that havent really been abusing double dipping, but do rely on poison/bleed as an extra source of dps.

as an example, i use a resolute technique 2h slayer build, and the dps achievable without crits is substantial but still rather low on the endgame damage spectrum, unless i use a voidheart, which significantly boosts my dmg and allows the character to do endgame content reliably. is there any concern or thought going into non abusive builds such as mine who simply need another source of dmg to achieve reasonable dps?

if im understanding the changes correctly, bleed/poison/ignite wont be all that useful unless you heavily invest into the passives that scale them. if so, then it seems like almost all RT melee builds are basically dead, as they rely almost exclusively on the dps boost from voidheart to be reasonable endgame characters.

tbh i think youre fooked cos everything that increases your hits wont effect your poison.

what you could do to partially compensate is (if you dont need big hits for stun) to move your +phys dmg nodes into atack speed nodes and just stack up more poison dots.
Finally this huge nonsese is fixed, WAY TO GO Mr. Balance!
It would be nice if you could remove the "Supported skills cannot inflict bleeding" property on the Bloodlust support gem.
Hello. First of all thanks for me being able to waste so many hours in Wraeclast. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted. This is gonna be a rather long question but i hope you can answer it. What do you think, in addition to these changes that probalby still make DoT builds a little superior to other builds, boost the other ailments to some sort of DoT? I thought of something like this:
When the enemy is shocked, it takes x% of the lightning Damage applied while it is shocked as lightning damage after each 2 seconds of shock.
Also make bosses not freeze/chill immune anymore and add resistance to those ailments for each new stage of that type of damage, counting for both the chill and the freeze to not make it abuseable. Then also give cold damage a DoT effect to make it, with the resistances somewhat working out like "Cold Snap" of Invoker from Dota.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvyv2ULUVZo - the blue spell stuns the enemy on cast and then has an internal cooldown for the next stun, which is triggered by any damage, noticebale by the red hero stutterly moving and the blue circle over it's head.)
Also, when the enemy is chilled/frozen it takes x% of cold damage when the freeze ends.
With the diminishing returns mechanic mentioned above i think this would make a lot of builds more viable in the end game. A character that focuses on cold damage will probably need his main ailment in boss fights to tone things down, as he has not invested in so much damage that he can just trivialize the fight with things the boss is not immune to.
TLDR: Are there plans for buffing other sorts of damage in a damage over time style?

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