[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

I want in. ign Sarceus.
Hi, i would like to join u'r guild ( read the charter)
ING : NikaArc

I've read the charter and I would like to join the guild!
IGN: KingJongSnow

Hit me up with a message if you want to know anything.

Kind regards,
after reading the charter and understanding the purpose & culture of the guild, I would like to sign up and join the guild for upcoming Legion.

Synthesis is my first league (only played beta, and a little bit standard with friends years ago).

I enjoyed learning the mechanics, and had to make other build to tackle challenge.

If additional screening is required, you could message me here, or setup a time for discord is needed. I am in PST (West Coast)

IGN: SeikenDensetsuZ

Also made 3 other character to have a feel on
Winter Orb / LL-RF Mana Guardian / non-Jugg Molten Strike w/ Flicker (to see if i get a seizure/headache)

Flashback: tried out summoners, zombiemancer + Golemancer (failed golem while mess around LL with small budget)
IGN: NorthMoreCoffee
Hi, I would like to join the guild and I read the guild charter
ign: PepeGachiBassBillyReady
tnx in advance fren
When life turns its back on you grab its ass :D
Hi Divinity,

I have read the guild charted and would like to join and play with you all in legion league. I've played off and on since beta all those years ago and think i'd be a good fit.


IGN: Tip_Me_With_Alt_Orbs
I would like to join.

IGN - RandyBoBandy__

So ready for the new League!
Last edited by NLe on May 30, 2019, 12:41:39 PM

not sure if my inv didnt get sent or it didn't work b/c i forgot to leave my old clan.

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